COVID-19 Stuff

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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
This whole virus situation is amazing.

Is Covid 19 a weapon or something that was designed in Wuhan and escaped due to negligence?

We will probable never know for certain.
I find it extremely unusual the Chinese government reported at one time the lab it originated in Wuhan.

Early on they didn't encourage masks so they could be saved for Dr.'s.

Life means nothing to the Red Chinese.
Think about this China is the worlds largest exporter.
Who was messing with their playhouse?
Why did the mom and pop stores wind up being unessential while the big box stores that receive most of their goods from China stay essential?
Why is one of our major political parties pushing the pandemic and destruction of our economy so hard?
Why are they supporting rioting and looting?
Has this moved pass coincidence?

What is happening now? Chinese consulate in Houston ordered to close by US. ... index.html

Japan is divesting from China. ... t-of-china
Definitely a Biological Weapon. Chicom's were getting their butt handed to them by POTUS and they decided to ramp up a little payback. That next world war is seemingly just around the corner.


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
"Mask facts from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:

Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.N95 masks protect health care workers, but are not recommended for source control transmission.
Surgical masks are better than cloth but not very efficient at preventing emissions from infected patients.
Cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as personal protective equipment (PPE).
Known patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 wore masks and coughed into a Petrie dish. “Both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.”
Medical masks offered no protection at all from influenza.
The wide use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not supported by current evidence and carries uncertainties and critical risks.
If you are sick, stay home!
Mask Facts - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
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Jul 10, 2017
The employer can't prove that the medical professional didn't catch it in the facility either. Especially since they have had multiple close contacts with covid in the facility.

Your contact tracing will look this.

Patient 1: 10 contacts per day, 4 treatments were in your face. Over a two week period, that's 140 possible close contacts with covid.

Patient 2: 5 contacts per day, 70 contacts in a 12 week period.

And so on. It would be pretty ridiculous to think that the employee picked it up from a gas pump.

So besides the obvious that the medical professional contracted covid.

You mind expanding on your above statement quoted above for us mear mortals?.

Excluding the obvious. How is that individual employee suffering because their employer is taking care of them?
They are not, I was just stating the obvious. No implications or judgement.


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
From a MIKE ROWE blog:

Mike; In a recent post, you said you’ve been to Tennessee and Georgia, giving speeches and filming for your new show. Before that, you were on the road shooting for Dirty Jobs. Is it really so important to film a television show in the midst of pandemic? Is it responsible of you to encourage this kind of behavior when infection rates are spiking? Don’t you watch the news? More and more cases every day – aren’t you concerned?

Darlene Gabon

Hi Darlene
Of course, I’m concerned. I’m just not petrified.
On March 15th, the day after my part of the country was locked down, I posted a link to an interview with Dr. Michael Osterholm. I’m posting it again, because I believe you and everyone else in the country would benefit from listening carefully to what he has to say.
Dr. Osterholm is the Director of Infectious Disease Research and Policy. This is the same epidemiologist who ten years ago, predicted a coronavirus would come from China and turn our country upside down. In his book “Deadliest Enemies,” he described the utterly irresponsible way in which the media would report on the situation, the completely opportunistic and shamelessly political way our leaders would likely react, and the unprecedented chaos and confusion that would arise from all the mixed messages from the medical community. His resume is unexampled,, and his analysis of the situation is the most logical and persuasive of any I’d heard so far. He’s also the only expert I know of who hasn’t walked back his numbers, reconsidered his position, or moved the goalposts with regard to what we must do, what we can do, and what he expects to happen next. I say all of this because Dr. Osterholm also predicted that we could easily see 100 million COVID cases in this country, with a very strong possibility of 480,000 fatalities – even if we successfully “flattened the curve.”
It took me a few weeks to accept this scenario, because 480,000 fatalities is a frightening number, and lot of other experts were saying lots of conflicting things. But eventually, I came to the conclusion that Dr. Osterholm was probably correct, and quickly navigated the four stages of grief that usually precede acceptance – denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. By late April, I had come to accept Dr. Osterholm’s predictions as a matter of fact. Since then, I’ve had three full months to come to terms with the fact that, a) I am probably going to get COVID-19 at some point, b), I am almost certainly going to survive it, and c), I might very well give it to someone else.
I hope that doesn’t sound blasé, or glib, or fatalistic, or selfish. Four-hundred eighty thousand deaths is an obvious tragedy, and I’m deeply sympathetic to all who have been impacted thus far. I’m also very concerned for my parents, and everyone else in a high risk category. But when Dr. Osterholm says that COVID can be slowed, but not stopped, I believe him. When he says a vaccine will not necessarily hasten herd immunity, I believe him. And when he says that “flattening the curve” and eliminating the virus have nothing to do with each other, I believe him.
Thus, for the last three months, I’ve been operating from the assumption that this is a year-round virus that’s eventually going to infect 100 million people and kill roughly 1/2 of one percent of those infected. I’ve gotten used to those numbers in much the same way I’ve gotten used to the fact that 40,000 people will likely die on the highways this year. That’s why I’m not panicked or surprised by tens of thousands of daily COVID cases; I’ve been expecting them. Unfortunately, many others have not. Every day, millions of people watch the same breathless coverage by the same breathless journalists, who seem determined to do all they can to foster uncertainty. And so, millions of people are still paralyzed by fear, because they haven’t been given a chance to digest the truth, (or, what I believe to be the truth.) Fact is, we can accept almost anything if we’re given the facts, and enough time to get our heads around them. But if we don’t have an understanding of what’s really happening, we simply can’t get past denial and bargaining, where so many seem to be stuck, understandably so.
Imagine for a moment you had no idea how many people would die in car accidents this year. Now, imagine that every single accident – over six million a year in the US alone – were reported on the same way that every new COVID case is reported today. Imagine every day you were told in hysterical tones, that another 16,000 accidents had occurred, resulting in another 90 deaths per day. What would that do to your willingness to drive? Six million accidents is a lot of accidents, and 40,000 annual fatalities is a lot of death – especially if you don’t know how high that number could get. But we DO know the dangers of driving, and we’ve accepted those numbers. Consequently, we’re able to make a grown-up decision about whether or not we want to assume the associated risk of operating a motor vehicle.
Again, don’t misunderstand. I’m not ignoring COVID, and I’m not pretending the risks at hand aren’t real. I don’t want to get this disease and give it to someone else, any more than I want to be in a car wreck and hurt someone else. So, I take precautions. I get tested often. If I can’t distance, I wear a mask – especially around higher risk people. I also wear a seatbelt, obey the speed limits, and check my mirrors before changing lanes. I’m aware that we’d all be a lot safer if we kept our cars in the garage. I’m also aware we’d be a lot safer if we all kept ourselves in the house. But that’s not why cars, or people, exist.
Anyway Darlene, that’s a long way of saying that I have accepted Dr. Osterholm’s numbers, and now, after three months of acceptance, I’ve made a decision on how I wish to live my life. Sooner or later, you will too. We all will.
PS. My foundation is selling masks to raise money for our next work-ethic scholarship program. They're going fast...

So darned hard to get good common sense interaction(s) like this one. Mike Rowe is an American treasure.
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
"Mike Rowe is an American treasure. "

He sure is. And he has had a lot of zingers over the years.

"Safety is a factor"
Mike Rowe - 2008

On Andrew Camaratas Youtube channel last week, he set the plastic head of a propane torch on fire on the bench while heating up a hydraulic piston.

When he noticed it he said (while picking it up and headed for the door...), "woah, that is bad, that is an outside thing". (while tossing it)

He has some good common sense one-liners.
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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
From the Washington Sentinel:
At Least 22 States Add ‘Probable’ COVID Cases of Unrelated Deaths to Positive Virus Numbers

A review of how states are reporting cases COVID-19 finds that at least 22 states are reporting “probable” instead of positive cases.
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
From the Washington Sentinel:
At Least 22 States Add ‘Probable’ COVID Cases of Unrelated Deaths to Positive Virus Numbers

A review of how states are reporting cases COVID-19 finds that at least 22 states are reporting “probable” instead of positive cases.
It's working. A lot of people are really scared of those fake numbers.


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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
I never in my life expected I'd see the level of pervasive ignorance sweep across MY/OUR country. 60+ years of dumbing down with the deliberate assistance of the NEA has taken it's toll. In a way its understandable when Media assists in pushing the narrative. Constant ABC; CBS; NBC, ect.

A timely quote:
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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
His problem is he's not been right about much so far AND he has an ego that's taller than he is.
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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
On Andrew Camaratas Youtube channel last week, he set the plastic head of a propane torch on fire on the bench while heating up a hydraulic piston.

When he noticed it he said (while picking it up and headed for the door...), "woah, that is bad, that is an outside thing". (while tossing it)

He has some good common sense one-liners.
I watch some of his stuff too, reminds me of me when i was younger and starting out. Guy has some serious ambition and not afraid to tackle anything. Best was when he opened up his dash to fit a new radio and used his chainsaw to do


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Jul 10, 2017
Mask Facts - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Official sounding name but not a legitimate medical society. Nice try.
Likely just as good as any other group. Since 1943.... that's got to amount to something.
I like the "Non-partisan" bit...

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country.

Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.

Our motto, “omnia pro aegroto” means “all for the patient.”
Mailing Address: AAPS | 1601 N. Tucson Blvd. #9 | Tucson, AZ 85716

Phone: 1-800-635-1196
Fax: 1-520-325-4230 or 1-520-326-3529
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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
The foreseeable future is looking a little grim. What's it gonna take to make people realize how serious all this is? I'm not just talking about the virus itself but the damage done to the economy world wide. Never in my life could I imagine lineups miles long people looking for food and other essential supplies, very upsetting. Building supplies if you can find them here are up a good 40% and this comes at a time when many folks are already hurting financially. And now everyday on the news there are multiple shootings and stabbings. So I ask you all where will this all end and what will the next 5 to ten years bring us? Pretty clear the human race needs to clean up our act before it's too late. All JMHO of course
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L 3301DT
Dec 5, 2018
Maybe this is natures way of "thinning the herd". Although IMO this was intentionally brought to the world by the Chicom's.
" Never in my life could I imagine lineups miles long people looking for food and other essential supplies, very upsetting. "
Kinda reminds me of the story of the Grasshopper and the Ant. Maybe at some point the populous will finally recognize the NECESSITY of PLANNING. Also having AGRICULTURE SUBSIDIES so we CAN feed the masses. AND let's not forget the Trucking industry, without them it really doesn't matter how much food is available.


Active member

Jul 10, 2017
The foreseeable future is looking a little grim. What's it gonna take to make people realize how serious all this is? I'm not just talking about the virus itself but the damage done to the economy world wide. Never in my life could I imagine lineups miles long people looking for food and other essential supplies, very upsetting. Building supplies if you can find them here are up a good 40% and this comes at a time when many folks are already hurting financially. And now everyday on the news there are multiple shootings and stabbings. So I ask you all where will this all end and what will the next 5 to ten years bring us? Pretty clear the human race needs to clean up our act before it's too late. All JMHO of course
If a fellow wanted to "realize how serious this all is". What would he do?

I'm trying, and all I can come up with is to accept the things I can not change...

Worry is interest paid on trouble you don't have.


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
For those people who haven't fully decided that the mask issue is some kind of hoax, there is plenty of evidence out there that a good, properly fitted mask is helpful to protect the wearer as well as people around them. Here is a review article that has a reference list with live links to the full text articles so you can look at the data for yourself. Other refs previously given in the thread.

My annoyance is that after 6 months the US govt recommendations are shaped by the fact that we still do not have enough good masks to go around. What is available in surgical masks is coming from China in many cases. What the heck has been going on that local production has not ramped up?

I did find a source for N95 masks from a company in New Hampshire that seems to have switched from sleep apnea masks to these (Envo). This sounds similar to masks used by some of you for sawing logs or handling chemicals.

The logic for pushing cloth masks is that they are better than nothing, and there are papers showing that they reduce the numbers of cultures formed on petri dish cultures when a wearer breathed or coughed on them. How good a mask is depends on how well it fits, how many layers of fabric, and what fabric. From an epidemiological point of view even a 30% reduction in droplets landing on a surface or being inhaled by someone can result long term in a reduction in the numbers of infected people. Obviously the better the mask we wear the more protection.

The challenges to making a mask that is useful include air leakage around the filter material, and it seems like good old Yankee ingenuity might help here. One disadvantage to the N95 respirator with the valved exhale port is that it will not help reduce spread if the wearer is infected. The epidemiologists are concerned with community spread from presymptomatic or low symptomatic people. My thought is improvise some kind of filter to go over the exhale port? I don't have such a mask, but what do those of you that use them think? Possible? Can't provide too much resistance to exhaling or it won't work right.
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