Sorta like what I need to do (x3) but I’m not so fortunate to have wide open space to do it in.
Three washes cross my property and all need some serious erosion control. The raised beds and water feature are actually my first efforts to keep my property where it was when I bought it. I did every bit of that with a pickaxe and shovel and a very helpful spousal unit. A few tornadoes and lightning strikes and several thousand cut poison ivy vines later, it’s kinda turning into a yard. The washes have been there since at least 1975 when the house was built, so I don’t reckon I need to hurry too much unless I expose more soil. I get enough leaf fall back there that I don’t get much problem anywhere except the ditches, but they wash clean pretty much every heavy rain. I thought about culverts across the first one and backfill with purchased fill and top, but my first calculation is calling for 50+ yards and then I still have to buy the culverts. I reckon I can redo that water feature and terrace area a lotta times before it gets anywhere near the cost of a private storm drain. That’s been there for 6 years, and I see no signs of needing to replace anything for a while.