What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
The LED headlight bulbs are a SIMPLE SWAP! Just twist the locking ring and the bulb comes right out in the socket. Grab the bulb, push in, and turn to remove it. Reverse to install the new LED bulbs.

View attachment 111134
Put some just like those on my little Husqvarna riding mower. (It's orange too, so I think I'm allowed to mention it in here.) They probably will greatly improve visibility as long as the bucket isn't in the way. I find myself normally running with the bucket smack dab in the middle of the headlight beams. All I can see is the back of the bucket when I turn them on. Yeah, I know, too high for a loaded bucket, but I don't remember ever having a loaded bucket after dark. One of the reasons I haven't spent the money for work lights on the LX.
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Aug 7, 2018

Tree trimming today

Edit: forgot to add the dang thing wouldn’t start this morning, can’t believe the battery has only lasted 10 years 😂.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
This is one of the fields up by the road. I normally mow it a couple of times a year. Would usually mow it a bit later but I drive by it every day and the saplings in one section were irritating me.

The front that’s supposed to drop rain on us today and tomorrow isn’t making for an ideal weekend. Thinking it will be worth it plus some if it turns Lee out to sea as predicted. View attachment 111147
However, that means up at 6:00 to beat the rain. Made it to the shed to pick up the bush hog about 6:30. View attachment 111148 View attachment 111149
Much better. This little section of field is the only area on the whole place near a neighbor’s house. Not sure if they were happy with 7am Saturday morning mowing or not. They didn’t say anything about it. 🤷‍♂️ Sorry neighbor! 😬 View attachment 111150
While I had the bush hog on, I drove down a couple of the grassier trails just to clean them up a little. I now know it is fall here because this is blooming. I’ve always heard it called Indian Paintbrush but I’m no botanist. I just know when it shows up in the creek bottoms here: it’s fall. View attachment 111151
That looks an awful lot like a variation of Salvia. We grow the black/blue variation for the hummingbirds and bumblebees. Had I known how invasive it was, I'd never have let the missus put it in the beds with the azaleas. Got a mess to dig up this fall after first frost. Next time it gets cultivated, it's gonna get a plastic border put around it to prevent spreading so quickly. A section from a 5 gallon bucket should do nicely to prevent the rhizomes from spreading.


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L2501HST, LA526 w/ L2248, BB1260, RCR1860, EA Disc Harrow
May 29, 2023
Just south of Clanton. Prattville is closer than Alabaster, but not by much, and still have to back-track a bit to go south. Going for the home inspection tomorrow to see if there's any deal breakers. As long as there's no termites or crazy electrical problems inside the house, I don't see a problem. I'd like for the seller to at least clean the pool up, but I'm not going to let that be the end of the sale. Just gotta find out how hard he wants to play ball. He came 30 off list, but IMO it needed to be a little more. A lot of cleaning could have been done for that asking price, and yet NONE was done. FIRST thing that's gotta happen is cutting the grass. It's VERY thick and tall already, and I don't want it to get away from me. Gonna have to get a finish mower behind the LX ASAP.
We’re just north of Opelika across the Chambers Co line. It seems I’ve driven, ridden or taken the bus between Montgomery and Brent AL on highway 82 that I could drive it blindfolded. The tree that I missed by 3 feet in 1985 still stands,


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B3030, LA403, BH75, York Rake, Plug Aerator, 6' Rear Mower, Forks, Weight Box
Sep 21, 2015
If you curently have regular fluorescent bulbs, you will need to rewire the fixtures to bypass the ballasts for LED's.
Very simple to do though.
o_O...what do you have...48" headlights??????

trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Again didn't take the time to get action shots of the kubota putting in work, it's just way too humid and I had too much to do in order to be done at a decent time. But I got the mess cleaned up there's some evidence of the job, sawdust,leaves and a few stray twigs but nothing that won't dissappear with a few runs of the lawnmower.
"Final product" below looking from the neighbors side . The triple cluster,had to be left "high stumped" as there is a metal property marker sticking straight out of the middle of it and my brother didn't feel like cutting steel with his brand new echo 7310xp, and I wasnt trying to do it with the 590 either


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Aug 7, 2018
Mine only lasted 6 years, 2 months in my L3901DT. I think you got your moneys worth :)
yeah I won’t complain 😂 was able to jump it off and it made it through the day, will pull it and take it with me to work this week, I get a better deal through work and they will deliver it to me 😁
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TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
This probably won't make any sense to anyone reading this, except perhaps the Hams (Amateur Radio operators) among us.

I have wire antennas in trees. If the wires stay up there in one place too long, sometimes the tree will grow around a wire. Normally not a huge problem....until....the wire breaks and now it's the wrong length to be resonant on whatever frequency I intend for it to be on.

I had a wire break recently, part of it fell to the ground, so I knew from measuring that my wire is "stuck" in a tree about 40' up. THere's no way for me to reach it. I tried yanking on it by hand but no go. I'm not 20 anymore so could not seem to break the #12AWG R90 wire by hand.
Also, I have in the past had whole branches come down off the top of the tree and almost clock me, so I always try to wrestle wires with something....lawn tractor, car, truck, and now the BX2380

I was able to get the "near end" tied to the trailer hitch on the tractor and "pop" it out of the treetop by merely driving forward maybe 3'.... Judging from the insulation, I only lost 6" of actual copper. NBD.

I love this tractor.

If you really zoom in, you can see the wire roughly center of the drivers seat, right of center, off kilter to the right. It's tied to the hitch. Goes up 40-41' into the canopy "somewhere"

Did I mention I love this thing? (p.s.- I had the ROPS up and hardhat and safety glasses on before popping the wire out of the tree)
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trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Edit: I forgot to post the link so it's in here now Here's a videos of the "multi pile maple take down" described in my previous posts from the weekend no footage of me or the Kubota, but I know yall like pictures and videos so here's a link. My brother is the one running things, I'm the ground guy, video is just over 9 minutes, he will appreciate the views and don't judge too harsh on the saw bogging its brand new to him and not broken in yet. Also If anyone wants a top handle saw and is into the milwakee line their top handle 18 volt saw paired with a big battery is very impressive. For in tree work

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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
Then worked on the pull behind mower. One of the bearings went out and I was trying to remove the blade mounting plate to pull the spindle out. I tried using a puller, but that didn't work. Going to ask a friend if I can bring it over and have him heat it up, I don't have a torch. Took me a little while to find a 2x6 short enough for a safety.

View attachment 111181

Did you try putting lots of pressure on with the puller and then taking a 3 lb hammer giving the head of the puller bolt a solid whack. That often does the trick.



Well-known member

L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
This probably won't make any sense to anyone reading this, except perhaps the Hams (Amateur Radio operators) among us.

I have wire antennas in trees. If the wires stay up there in one place too long, sometimes the tree will grow around a wire. Normally not a huge problem....until....the wire breaks and now it's the wrong length to be resonant on whatever frequency I intend for it to be on.

I had a wire break recently, part of it fell to the ground, so I knew from measuring that my wire is "stuck" in a tree about 40' up. THere's no way for me to reach it. I tried yanking on it by hand but no go. I'm not 20 anymore so could not seem to break the #12AWG R90 wire by hand.
Also, I have in the past had whole branches come down off the top of the tree and almost clock me, so I always try to wrestle wires with something....lawn tractor, car, truck, and now the BX2380

I was able to get the "near end" tied to the trailer hitch on the tractor and "pop" it out of the treetop by merely driving forward maybe 3'.... Judging from the insulation, I only lost 6" of actual copper. NBD.

I love this tractor.

If you really zoom in, you can see the wire roughly center of the drivers seat, right of center, off kilter to the right. It's tied to the hitch. Goes up 40-41' into the canopy "somewhere"

Did I mention I love this thing? (p.s.- I had the ROPS up and hardhat and safety glasses on before popping the wire out of the tree)
View attachment 111251
I remember the days of 80 and 40 meter dipoles strung in the trees as high as we could get around the yard by my buddy (now my BIL) and I and my father just going nuts not understanding the importance of
it all. 1960 !

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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
I had to make a run to Maine today but by the time I got home the rain had stopped and I had a chance to exercise my stump bucket.

I was able to pop 3 stumps out in less than an hour but then it started to rain. 6 more to do tomorrow. I was originally going to just cut off the stumps and leave them to rot but then I measured where the new arborvitae will go. The pines are spaced 8' apart. I'll plant an arborvitae in each of their holes and another halfway between them.

3 stumps removed 20230910_171928.jpg
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
That looks an awful lot like a variation of Salvia. We grow the black/blue variation for the hummingbirds and bumblebees. Had I known how invasive it was, I'd never have let the missus put it in the beds with the azaleas. Got a mess to dig up this fall after first frost. Next time it gets cultivated, it's gonna get a plastic border put around it to prevent spreading so quickly. A section from a 5 gallon bucket should do nicely to prevent the rhizomes from spreading.
Could be. I know the hummingbirds tend to like it.

It grows wild in places like this, along the banks of ponds, lakes, and permanent streams. This is a wider view of where this one is, albeit not taken the same day. So if it can take over, good luck to it. I’d be OK with that.


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BX2380; R4 tires; 54" MMM; FEL w Pirahna bar; Ballast Box; BXpanded skid plate.
Aug 31, 2022
Austintown, Ohio
I have 24 - 96" LEDs, and they require a mid mount support clip to avoid saging.
Uhh... We're talking about tractor headlights, but you're talking about shop lighting.


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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Did you try putting lots of pressure on with the puller and then taking a 3 lb hammer giving the head of the puller bolt a solid whack. That often does the trick.

I had a lot of pressure on it with the puller and hammered on it one the sides and on the bolt in the shaft.


Active member

B3030, LA403, BH75, York Rake, Plug Aerator, 6' Rear Mower, Forks, Weight Box
Sep 21, 2015
I have 24 - 96" LEDs, and they require a mid mount support clip to avoid saging.
Nicely done!

Tractor Lights Mount.jpg

Does the "saging" help to remove the negative energy?????
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