What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
I'll say again, yellow jackets live/nest in the ground to get that little bit closer to Hell where they came from. That's a big nest. I found one nearly that big digging out a stump last year. It was early spring, so they were a little slow yet. and I managed to get away with only a couple stings. A couple was all I needed though to justify murdering that nest and every one I could find in the neighborhood. There's something about the sting that sets me off. They hurt, sure, but not very long. It's my temper they trigger more than the pain, and I don't just get mad, nor do I get EVEN. I get ahead. Glad no one was allergic and no one got hurt (running from them). Wall looks good.

Can I ask, what did you cut those with? Ties will DESTROY a chain because they're usually full of gravel chips.
Milwaukee Super Sawzall set on full orbital with a 14” wood blade.

Have used a chainsaw on RR ties and creosote phone poles in the way back past, but my experience matches yours. Frequent sharpening and kills the chain way too fast.

Sawzall cuts a little slower than chainsaw but I can get through a 7”x9” tie in about 15 to 20 seconds so not bad. There’s the option for carbide teeth if you want longer life per blade, they’re cheaper than a chain, and really easy to swap out when needed. I toasted one carbide blade on the bigger wall we did three years ago. Good bit of life left in the blade after this smaller one.


Active member

B3030, LA403, BH75, York Rake, Plug Aerator, 6' Rear Mower, Forks, Weight Box
Sep 21, 2015
Leveled a spot to put up a tractor shed. Then the wife says "hey, put up a smaller shed, move all the crap out of the garage and put the tractor in the garage". Lights, power, tools, already there and done. That why we've been together 40 years and counting!!! (between you and me I'm getting the biggest shed I can get away with anyways).

Took three weeks working by myself but it's done, just needs a shed. No backhoe on the 1880, could not have done it without the tooth bar - from striping the sod to digging the trench - priceless.

190 blocks, 60 caps, 59 tons of material (Sandy loam fill, paver stone, clean stone for drainage, crushed #2 for the driveway and shed area). The Little BX is a champ.

Here's some pics.

Sod stripped - what a PITA from all the crap left over when they built the house and garage.
View attachment 110834

Sand loam fill packed down like concrete, nice stuff. Dug the trench with the bucket and shovel.
View attachment 110835

In progress, compacted paver stove under the first course of block, fabric, drainpipe, clean stone.
View attachment 110836

Top course is done. PL500 works great, get the 28 oz. tubes, cost less per oz. than the smaller tubes and they go further.
View attachment 110837

Dry stacking the caps to see how they fit around the curve. Lots of fussing, cutting with a concrete blade in my circular saw. HF comes through again with the least expensive blade and man it cut well. Can't see it here but I went right to the top of the wall with clean #2.
View attachment 110838

Done. I laid landscape fabric over the sandy loam and under the 6" crushed stone right up to the garage. Shouldn't settle too much, if at all.
View attachment 110840

Another picture of the final product.
View attachment 110841

You can see in the last picture I over estimated (BY A LOT!!) how much paver stone I needed. Major senior moment there. 30 years as an energy engineer and I still have trouble with math. If anyone has any suggestions what to do with it - maybe Craig's list, FBMP, spread it in the driveway?

With all the seat time the BX turned 200 - WHOO-HOO! Time for a well-deserved maintenance interval.

View attachment 110845
Really nice job!!!!! Came out beautiful!
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B2650, LA534, BH77, TPD35, RCF2060, BB1566, RGA1258
Sep 24, 2009
Yelm, WA
Dug out the foundation for my neighbor over the last couple day's.

Darndest thing: Tractor started running like used dog food and then died.....fire it up and it would do it again.
So I say's to myself: "self....if someone posted on the forum that this was happenin, what would you suggest they consider the issue to be?"
Well.....I figured it must be fuel related, and starting with the easiest thing first (I considered the degree of difficulty in getting the fuel tank off first actually)....I started with the fuel filter.
Presto-whammo.....out comes a piece of rust or junk of some sort when I shake it. Reinstall and the B2650 runs like it only has 1000 hours on it again (because it does :) )

Ok....that's yesterdays adventure.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Dug out the foundation for my neighbor over the last couple day's.

Darndest thing: Tractor started running like used dog food and then died.....fire it up and it would do it again.
So I say's to myself: "self....if someone posted on the forum that this was happenin, what would you suggest they consider the issue to be?"
Well.....I figured it must be fuel related, and starting with the easiest thing first (I considered the degree of difficulty in getting the fuel tank off first actually)....I started with the fuel filter.
Presto-whammo.....out comes a piece of rust or junk of some sort when I shake it. Reinstall and the B2650 runs like it only has 1000 hours on it again (because it does :) )

Ok....that's yesterdays adventure.
Isn't it rewarding when you solve a problem like that using your own mental capacities! Good job. What you digging, sand?
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Active member

B3030, LA403, BH75, York Rake, Plug Aerator, 6' Rear Mower, Forks, Weight Box
Sep 21, 2015
Dug out the foundation for my neighbor over the last couple day's.

Darndest thing: Tractor started running like used dog food and then died.....fire it up and it would do it again.
So I say's to myself: "self....if someone posted on the forum that this was happenin, what would you suggest they consider the issue to be?"
Well.....I figured it must be fuel related, and starting with the easiest thing first (I considered the degree of difficulty in getting the fuel tank off first actually)....I started with the fuel filter.
Presto-whammo.....out comes a piece of rust or junk of some sort when I shake it. Reinstall and the B2650 runs like it only has 1000 hours on it again (because it does :) )

Ok....that's yesterdays adventure.
Gotta love those EASY fixes!!!! (y)(y)
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A bunch of cute little Kubotas
Jul 19, 2014
Wellsville, PA
Tried to get some work done don't know what I'd do without the AC it was like 96 degrees out there today.



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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Leveled a spot to put up a tractor shed. Then the wife says "hey, put up a smaller shed, move all the crap out of the garage and put the tractor in the garage". Lights, power, tools, already there and done. That why we've been together 40 years and counting!!! (between you and me I'm getting the biggest shed I can get away with anyways).

Took three weeks working by myself but it's done, just needs a shed. No backhoe on the 1880, could not have done it without the tooth bar - from striping the sod to digging the trench - priceless.

190 blocks, 60 caps, 59 tons of material (Sandy loam fill, paver stone, clean stone for drainage, crushed #2 for the driveway and shed area). The Little BX is a champ.

Here's some pics.

Sod stripped - what a PITA from all the crap left over when they built the house and garage.
View attachment 110834

Sand loam fill packed down like concrete, nice stuff. Dug the trench with the bucket and shovel.
View attachment 110835

In progress, compacted paver stove under the first course of block, fabric, drainpipe, clean stone.
View attachment 110836

Top course is done. PL500 works great, get the 28 oz. tubes, cost less per oz. than the smaller tubes and they go further.
View attachment 110837

Dry stacking the caps to see how they fit around the curve. Lots of fussing, cutting with a concrete blade in my circular saw. HF comes through again with the least expensive blade and man it cut well. Can't see it here but I went right to the top of the wall with clean #2.
View attachment 110838

Done. I laid landscape fabric over the sandy loam and under the 6" crushed stone right up to the garage. Shouldn't settle too much, if at all.
View attachment 110840

Another picture of the final product.
View attachment 110841

You can see in the last picture I over estimated (BY A LOT!!) how much paver stone I needed. Major senior moment there. 30 years as an energy engineer and I still have trouble with math. If anyone has any suggestions what to do with it - maybe Craig's list, FBMP, spread it in the driveway?

With all the seat time the BX turned 200 - WHOO-HOO! Time for a well-deserved maintenance interval.

View attachment 110845
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Nov 16, 2022
Amsterdam, NY
I would call the place you got the stone from and ask first if it’s a significant amount, it may be a long shot but you never know. Otherwise throw it on Facebook market place and I bet you’ll get some offers.
The original place only has large trucks so my little 1880 wouldn't be able reach high enough to load it. They'd have bring a loader and a truck, too costly for them. I have a couple of walkway projects to redo, spread some to help pack down the new stone in the driveway, probably put the rest on FB.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Mowed the lawn, not as much to cut grass. More to chop up leaves.

Noticed our Sugar Maples and a lot of Sugar Maples in the area are having some issues. Doesn’t seem pronounced in Red or Norway, but see it in some Silver Maples street side in town.

This is my backyard and our woods next door. Can see a Red or two behind the house are green….none of them are more than 100 years old. Sugars can go 200 years plus.

Only some were tapped for sap this year.

We were dry in May-June, when they leave out and flower. Hasn’t been dry since.

Puzzling and concerning.

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Kubota LX2610, 1951 Farmall M, 1967 John Deere 110 Rf, 2010 Arctic Cat 700
Apr 25, 2023
Brush hogged the sun flower plot, and pumpkin vines.
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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
Had a chance to make a 1st run in the woods witht the flail mower. Made a nice path loop in n out but I'm going to have to spend some time in there with the grapple. Way too many rocks. No reason to beat the crap out of the tractor or mower.

Finally moved a small load of 4X4's x 8' that I took from the old house when we moved. Just dropped them on the forks and put them in the back woods. I have to get the implements off the ground back there and temporarily these 4X4's may be the answer.
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Well-known member
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B2650, LA534, BH77, TPD35, RCF2060, BB1566, RGA1258
Sep 24, 2009
Yelm, WA
Isn't it rewarding when you solve a problem like that using your own mental capacities! Good job. What you digging, sand?
It sure is....and a heck of a lot less expensive than some of the other considerations I had:
Buy a New L2510 (i think that's the B2650 replacement)
New Fuel Pump
New Injectors

Digging in really sandy soil....with some rocks here-n-there.
This area has a lot of rocks ... job I did last Summer close by seemed to be nothing but rocks and a little dirt thrown in for looks....ugh!
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Mowed the lawn, not as much to cut grass. More to chop up leaves.

Noticed our Sugar Maples and a lot of Sugar Maples in the area are having some issues. Doesn’t seem pronounced in Red or Norway, but see it in some Silver Maples street side in town.

This is my backyard and our woods next door. Can see a Red or two behind the house are green….none of them are more than 100 years old. Sugars can go 200 years plus.

Only some were tapped for sap this year.

We were dry in May-June, when they leave out and flower. Hasn’t been dry since.

Puzzling and concerning.

View attachment 110914
I’m in Rensselaer County; all my sugar maples look kinda crappy this year.
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The Evil Twin

Well-known member

L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
Mowed the lawn, not as much to cut grass. More to chop up leaves.

Noticed our Sugar Maples and a lot of Sugar Maples in the area are having some issues. Doesn’t seem pronounced in Red or Norway, but see it in some Silver Maples street side in town.

This is my backyard and our woods next door. Can see a Red or two behind the house are green….none of them are more than 100 years old. Sugars can go 200 years plus.

Only some were tapped for sap this year.

We were dry in May-June, when they leave out and flower. Hasn’t been dry since.

Puzzling and concerning.

View attachment 110914
Silvers are finicky. They look stressed. Did it go from too dry to lots of rain? Overly wet soil can stress them just as much as drought can.
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Jul 5, 2022
The original place only has large trucks so my little 1880 wouldn't be able reach high enough to load it. They'd have bring a loader and a truck, too costly for them. I have a couple of walkway projects to redo, spread some to help pack down the new stone in the driveway, probably put the rest on FB.
I didn’t even think of that my bad. But it sounds like you got a plan for it now!


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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
The previous owner had planted about 25 pines as a 'privacy barrier' between the neighbor's property. Not a good choice. All the lower branches are dead and provide no visual blocking. So today I started cutting down 10 of them. That area is really the only place we need a fence for. Got 5 down before the Dewalt battery gave up. Good timing, I was about to bag it as the temp was 95.

Put the grapple on the tractor and moved them into the woods.

Tomorrow 5 more.

picking up pines 20230907_153408.jpg
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Well-known member
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Scored a bunch of sweet free 5x12 and 5x10 pallets. Forks came in handy. Best upsale ever (from the salesman when I bought my first tractor).

I plan to use these to stack air drying lumber coming off my chainsaw mill.



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Active member

B3030, LA403, BH75, York Rake, Plug Aerator, 6' Rear Mower, Forks, Weight Box
Sep 21, 2015
Finally installed LED headlight bulbs...what a difference!!!!!
Also installed a magnetic mount LED work light I had sitting around. When I upgraded to the 40 amp alternator, I ran a harness from the rear worklight wire under the right tail light, with a relay to a switch on the side of the dash. That thing is crazy bright. Should have done it years ago!!!

Here's the LED Bulbs I used.




Headlights with single LED spot on right side of ROPS...

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The Evil Twin

Well-known member

L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
Lady down the road knocked her heat pump off the pad driving the mower like a F1 car. She got lucky. The lines did not kink and no joints cracked. Picked it up, replaced the pad, and set it back down. I leak checked the joints and no bubbles. Spun like a top when done.
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