This is one of the fields up by the road. I normally mow it a couple of times a year. Would usually mow it a bit later but I drive by it every day and the saplings in one section were irritating me.
The front that’s supposed to drop rain on us today and tomorrow isn’t making for an ideal weekend. Thinking it will be worth it plus some if it turns Lee out to sea as predicted.
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However, that means up at 6:00 to beat the rain. Made it to the shed to pick up the bush hog about 6:30.
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Much better. This little section of field is the only area on the whole place near a neighbor’s house. Not sure if they were happy with 7am Saturday morning mowing or not. They didn’t say anything about it.

Sorry neighbor!
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While I had the bush hog on, I drove down a couple of the grassier trails just to clean them up a little. I now know it is fall here because this is blooming. I’ve always heard it called Indian Paintbrush but I’m no botanist. I just know when it shows up in the creek bottoms here: it’s fall.
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