After all that July rain some of the higher places are dry enough to work in. This weekend I started a new stud wood pile.
I set my camera out while I worked on this up-rooted blow down lying across a tractor road. It is not a big tree by any means but it is big enough to make three stud wood saw logs. Took these photos off the video.
I wish I had thought to put a chunk of wood under the butt to keep it up off the ground before I cut it off of the up-rooted stump. Usually a good idea. I had to make a couple more cuts to remove the butt rot with the tree on the ground. Can be hard on the chain. It's been so long since I ran the saw it seemed a little out of tune.
Winched in the two bottom logs like this.
The top log I winched in small end first using the first two logs as an anchor and their sliders as a snatch block. If your not careful this is a good way to put a curlicue kink in your cable. It happens if there is a lot of tension in the cable going around the sharp bend. Just like when a Christmas ribbon is drawn over a scissors blade under your thumb to make a fancy curlicue bow. But with a light log and a movable anchor that will not happen.
My camera timed out (memory full) just as I started to winch in. But the log came in as planned and completed the three log hitch.
Here is the 15 minute video - just doing the job, not exciting