What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
I grew up helping my dad, doing it all by hand.

Cut it, throw it, stand it, chop it, pick it up, toss it in the truck, get in the truck, grab it, stack it, load the tools, go home, toss it in the wheelbarrow, wheel it, pick it up, stack it.

Clean up the mess.

I do not miss it.
Now I make sure the tank is full and turn up the propane thermostat.
They say it “heats twice”, but sometimes it’s more like four or five times!

I’ve gotten things fairly mechanized for just being a homeowner burning a few cords per year.

I order log length.
Grab logs with the grapple to move them.
Lift the logs the backhoe to cut with the chainsaw.
Pick up the rounds (by hand) to put through the hydraulic splitter.
Stack directly in to IBC cages.
Move cages with pallet forks for storage.
Move cages with forks directly to the front door to unload on to rack on porch.
Use a little wheeled cart to move firewood in to house wood goes directly off cart in to woodstove).

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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
They say it “heats twice”, but sometimes it’s more like four or five times!

I’ve gotten things fairly mechanized for just being a homeowner burning a few cords per year.

I order log length.
Grab logs with the grapple to move them.
Lift the logs the backhoe to cut with the chainsaw.
Pick up the rounds (by hand) to put through the hydraulic splitter.
Stack directly in to IBC cages.
Move cages with pallet forks for storage.
Move cages with forks directly to the front door to unload on to rack on porch.
Use a little wheeled cart to move firewood in to house wood goes directly off cart in to woodstove).
I try to only let my firewood heat me once. I wait till winter to cut my firewood and the temps are around 32°. Plus I don't have to worry about snakes (I don't like Copper Heads) and bugs.
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L3560, LA805 loader, BH77 backhoe, rock bucket, box blade, pallet forks
Jun 11, 2018
Mesquite, NV
Bruce, why were the post set so shallow, installer didn't know better or unable to dig deeper? What are you doing to fix it?
The installer was the previous property Owner. Most things he did he did himself and were half-a##sd like this. The posts are doug fir untreated and about 1 ft deep. No reason that he couldn't dig deeper other than lazy. So I'm just stacking the pieces as they fall down and will decide later whether to put them back up with new posts or go to a woven wire fence.
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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Greased the grapple and put the heavy hitch and weights on the three point. Need to do a bit of rooting in the hedge and move a stack of fence posts.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
This is more of a case of what I plan to do with the tractor, but talking of firewood, yesterday afternoon I went out to a site where I have a small logging project in late September, early October. I have to cut down close to 100 trees, limb them, stack up the limbs into one or two slash piles and haul away the bulk of the wood. It'll produce a lot of cords of firewood for next year and beyond. Fortunately the property is essentially flat with easy access.

I'll be using the M6060 with the EA grapple, a logging winch out back and a couple of trailers. It should be a good project and will take around four days to complete.

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Aug 7, 2018
Hot out today, so we are out playing in the woods!



They wanted to make some more bike/go cart trails.
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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
We dug our first batch of potatos. Added some weight to the implement this year. Works better.
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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Drug the driveway back up the hill again. We had hard rains this morning. One of my culvert pipe got clogged up again. I want to know who keeps putting leaves in the pipe. Clean the ditch out and the leaves seem to come back.

I have at least 5 trees down from some straight line winds we had the other day. I'll have to put the grapple on the tractor and clean one of them up soon, it is right next to the neighbor's driveway.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
We dug our first batch of potatos. Added some weight to the implement this year. Works better.
View attachment 108665 View attachment 108666
That 'buster' shouldn't take much weight at all. It's usually angled to dig deep, and will pull itself down with little or no weight. If it isn't digging without extra weight, shorten the top link to turn the point downward a bit more. Middle busters and sub-soilers both will dig DEEP if you have the top link set right. Most times, you'll find yourself holding it up with the lift to keep it from going too deep. I use a sub-soiler to break roots and pull out small stumps all the time. I've never even thought about putting more weight on it. In a foot of travel, it's usually buried at least a foot deep. I've been wanting to get a plow for the same frame and just remove the chisel and put the plow on for trenching. May have to settle for a turning plow setup.
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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
That 'buster' shouldn't take much weight at all. It's usually angled to dig deep, and will pull itself down with little or no weight. If it isn't digging without extra weight, shorten the top link to turn the point downward a bit more. Middle busters and sub-soilers both will dig DEEP if you have the top link set right. Most times, you'll find yourself holding it up with the lift to keep it from going too deep. I use a sub-soiler to break roots and pull out small stumps all the time. I've never even thought about putting more weight on it. In a foot of travel, it's usually buried at least a foot deep. I've been wanting to get a plow for the same frame and just remove the chisel and put the plow on for trenching. May have to settle for a turning plow setup.
The top link is set to its shortest length. The TSC middle buster attack angle isn't that good with my 3 point links. A shorter link for that implement would help, but the weight is free.


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
The top link is set to its shortest length. The TSC middle buster attack angle isn't that good with my 3 point links. A shorter link for that implement would help, but the weight is free.
I have the County Line sub-soiler. Never compared the frame to the buster frame that closely, so I’ll take your word for it. I’m surprised that hiller/middle buster shares haven’t been made for that frame. I wish I knew some good fabricators that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg to make some bolt-on tricks for the ripper frame. One would think plow shares and wings would be easy to get at TSC. The angle is very similar to what I remember about the angle of the shanks on a Farmall Cub plow set. That was one sweet gardening tractor. I spent a lot of my youth on one. Before I was allowed on the tractor, though, I had to learn the meaning of “GEE” and “HAW” and “HUP” behind a quarter horse mixed mare with hooves as big as dinner plates that thought every row should be aimed at the house where she’d be relieved of the gear. The handles on the plow frame were nearly shoulder high to me the first time I tried. And the “exhaust” from a big horse that filled up on persimmons the night before is NOT NICE.
I can’t imagine asking kids to do what was completely normal everyday work when I was a kid. I got shown once how to do something, and was expected to learn it the first time. “I don’t know how” was not an option and certainly not an excuse unless it was something I’d never done. That list gets short really quick on a farm, and the amount of instructions gets less even quicker. If that came out of my mouth, the most common reply was “It’s high time you did.”
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Went out to the farm on Saturday. Mowed and cleaned up a down tree from the storm. Had to cut it up into 8 foot chunks for the tractor to haul off. Yet, most of the branches broke off when the tree hit the ground during the storm.



You can see why the tree was on our list to come down this fall, but the storm did it for us.

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L3901 RCR1260
Apr 14, 2021
I have the County Line sub-soiler. Never compared the frame to the buster frame that closely, so I’ll take your word for it. I’m surprised that hiller/middle buster shares haven’t been made for that frame. I wish I knew some good fabricators that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg to make some bolt-on tricks for the ripper frame. One would think plow shares and wings would be easy to get at TSC. The angle is very similar to what I remember about the angle of the shanks on a Farmall Cub plow set. That was one sweet gardening tractor. I spent a lot of my youth on one. Before I was allowed on the tractor, though, I had to learn the meaning of “GEE” and “HAW” and “HUP” behind a quarter horse mixed mare with hooves as big as dinner plates that thought every row should be aimed at the house where she’d be relieved of the gear. The handles on the plow frame were nearly shoulder high to me the first time I tried. And the “exhaust” from a big horse that filled up on persimmons the night before is NOT NICE.
I can’t imagine asking kids to do what was completely normal everyday work when I was a kid. I got shown once how to do something, and was expected to learn it the first time. “I don’t know how” was not an option and certainly not an excuse unless it was something I’d never done. That list gets short really quick on a farm, and the amount of instructions gets less even quicker. If that came out of my mouth, the most common reply was “It’s high time you did.”
I remember telling my Dad that "I don't know how". His reply was that I will never learn any younger.


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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I have the County Line sub-soiler. Never compared the frame to the buster frame that closely, so I’ll take your word for it. I’m surprised that hiller/middle buster shares haven’t been made for that frame. I wish I knew some good fabricators that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg to make some bolt-on tricks for the ripper frame. One would think plow shares and wings would be easy to get at TSC. The angle is very similar to what I remember about the angle of the shanks on a Farmall Cub plow set. That was one sweet gardening tractor. I spent a lot of my youth on one. Before I was allowed on the tractor, though, I had to learn the meaning of “GEE” and “HAW” and “HUP” behind a quarter horse mixed mare with hooves as big as dinner plates that thought every row should be aimed at the house where she’d be relieved of the gear. The handles on the plow frame were nearly shoulder high to me the first time I tried. And the “exhaust” from a big horse that filled up on persimmons the night before is NOT NICE.
I can’t imagine asking kids to do what was completely normal everyday work when I was a kid. I got shown once how to do something, and was expected to learn it the first time. “I don’t know how” was not an option and certainly not an excuse unless it was something I’d never done. That list gets short really quick on a farm, and the amount of instructions gets less even quicker. If that came out of my mouth, the most common reply was “It’s high time you did.”
Today's world is a very different place.
It is all about the internet.
Few have experienced the world of outhouses, hand pumps, kerosene lamps, and anthracite coal heat.
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May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Went out to the farm on Saturday. Mowed and cleaned up a down tree from the storm. Had to cut it up into 8 foot chunks for the tractor to haul off. Yet, most of the branches broke off when the tree hit the ground during the storm.

View attachment 108704
View attachment 108705

You can see why the tree was on our list to come down this fall, but the storm did it for us.

View attachment 108706
Is that a locust tree, mine are being destroyed by carpenter ants. You think that there is a stand of good firewood for years to come, but much of it is rendered useless.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Is that a locust tree, mine are being destroyed by carpenter ants. You think that there is a stand of good firewood for years to come, but much of it is rendered useless.
Don't know where "Red Lion" is, but you could come here, and cut all of that invasive locust weed (tree) that you might want.


Well-known member

May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Don't know where "Red Lion" is, but you could come here, and cut all of that invasive locust weed (tree) that you might want.
Locust make excellent firewood if the ants didn't get there first. Click on Red Lion to see my approximate location.