Didn't know they sold marble chips. I've seen granite but never marble. Looks good!As one of the last parts of my landscaping project I had 8 yards of 3/4 marble chips delivered. I wanted to spread them in the beds in front of the house.
The 1st few loads I used the L3800 to bring full buckets there. Unfortunately that meant crossing my new front lawn several times. I did not like the look of what the nearly 4000lb machine was doing to it.
So I opted to get a 1200lb rated yard dumping wagon. Used the fel to load it up and then pulled it to the beds by hand:
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When the front was finished I decided to make a small bed to protect my survivor Azalea plant. The poor bastard has been pulled out of the ground twice (once to remediate the oil tank near it and again when the electrical wires had to be dug up). It has also been hit by my former snow plower (2x) and more recently run partially over by the oil delivery truck.
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Not much left of it but I don't have the heart to pull it out. So decided to 'protect it' from further abuse. First find a protector:
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And put it on guard duty
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I figured out a bulletproof way to hang my hydraulic top link. Used two eye nuts and a threaded rod through the top link factory mount. Also extended and used the factory toolbox bolt holes and some eye nuts to run chain from the top link to the light bar. Right now, I'm running straps in place of chain until I can get some larger threaded chain links to show up.