What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Used the Kalamazoo belt sander to quickly take material off. Took about 3/16" of material off to get the link to fit.

View attachment 84730

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Well damn... I have to grind the sleeve down too I guess, the sleeve is also too wide for the LX2610 top link bracket... Kubota really dropped the ball on this one. I should have checked the bracket width so I could have taken material off of both sides uniformly with the belt sander. I guess I'll have to use an angle grinder and a file at home tomorrow.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
As a final follow up to last weekend's flail mower ordeal here's an aerial view of my work taken yesterday afternoon :giggle:. My friend is a pilot for a very wealthy individual up here. He's also part owner of a very nice and very expensive Top Cub plane as well as being an active flight instructor. He sent me this photo last night of his property to tell me how pleased he is and that it looks great.

The lighter colored areas bordered by driveways on three sides and the river on one side are what I cut. Last year I also cut the 1+ acre along the river to the south of the houses shown at bottom center (kind of looking south in this photo). That lot was recently sold.

I would love to own this field or one like it. I would turn it into a hay field. My friend has river water rights so irrigation isn't an issue. We're trying to decide what to do with it to keep weeds down, and provide a good source of food for his bees. If it involves pulling a plow and disc harrow around I'm all in.

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Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
As a final follow up to last weekend's flail mower ordeal here's an aerial view of my work taken yesterday afternoon :giggle:. My friend is a pilot for a very wealthy individual up here. He's also part owner of a very nice and very expensive Top Cub plane as well as being an active flight instructor. He sent me this photo last night of his property to tell me how pleased he is and that it looks great.

The lighter colored areas bordered by driveways on three sides and the river on one side are what I cut. Last year I also cut the 1+ acre along the river to the south of the houses shown at bottom center (kind of looking south in this photo). That lot was recently sold.

I would love to own this field or one like it. I would turn it into a hay field. My friend has river water rights so irrigation isn't an issue. We're trying to decide what to do with it to keep weeds down, and provide a good source of food for his bees. If it involves pulling a plow and disc harrow around I'm all in.

View attachment 84754
Awesome property! I'd plant some clover, mint, or milkweed. All of those are great for bees and clover doesn't really need mowing. Milkweed is also great for Monarch butterflies.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Awesome property! I'd plant some clover, mint, or milkweed. All of those are great for bees and clover doesn't really need mowing. Milkweed is also great for Monarch butterflies.
Thanks. I'll Google those options.
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Well-known member

2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Damn thing is finally on, finished grinding the sleeve during lunch break and set it up. Didn't fully tighten one of the banjo bolts and got a surprise UDT bath.

Few more things I need to do before it's done. I need to reinstall the 3pt lift arm on the left side but the stub shaft that the c clip goes into keeps moving inward as I slide the arm back on so I'll have to mess with it a little more. I might grease the stub shaft to see if I can keep it from pushing inward as I slide the arm on.

Anyway, this thing is stout and awesome. Took 2 seconds to hook up my top link to the BB.

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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
I will add more stakes then to be safe. I actually used leftover scraps of composite deck boards to make my stakes. Wasn’t sure how they would hold up to being beaten with a BFH but they held up great.

Here’s the latest progress on the deck and the Kubota digging the post holes with the Land Pride PD10. View attachment 84679 View attachment 84680
Just noticed you're in Indiana. Better put some traction pads on that stuff anywhere you're stepping close to the edge. Composite decking is slicker than greased monkey snot with frost on it. I used it on my front stoop and wound up going down 9 steps on my keester right after I tore my right rotator cuff. It looks great, and will last a long time, but take a few extra measures to insure traction on it. You'll thank me the first time you step out on it with frost on it.
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retiree-urgency abandoned


B3350, Kub. 5" rotary cutter, LP 48" forks, Titan Aerial Platform, KK XB Dump
Dec 1, 2020
Bloomington, IN
I will add more stakes then to be safe. I actually used leftover scraps of composite deck boards to make my stakes. Wasn’t sure how they would hold up to being beaten with a BFH but they held up great.

Here’s the latest progress on the deck and the Kubota digging the post holes with the Land Pride PD10. View attachment 84679 View attachment 84680
Hi - I had to have about 7 stairs replaced - they were curved-front. Original guy I hired had some steel forms for them, but after looking at his layout, even to my untrained eyes there was no way they'd take the pressure, weight and keep the proper shape, so paid him for his time and hired another contractor. For each step, he built a square frame (I think 2 x 6's) and staked the heck out of it. Then, inside the frame, he placed the curve, supported with a generous number of 2 x 6 struts connecting the curve piece to the frame. That may be overkill for a one-step landing, but it looks like a good-sized pour.


Active member

Kubota BX2380 (previously a BX1870 and GR2100)...
Jan 2, 2022
As a final follow up to last weekend's flail mower ordeal here's an aerial view of my work taken yesterday afternoon :giggle:. My friend is a pilot for a very wealthy individual up here. He's also part owner of a very nice and very expensive Top Cub plane as well as being an active flight instructor. He sent me this photo last night of his property to tell me how pleased he is and that it looks great.

The lighter colored areas bordered by driveways on three sides and the river on one side are what I cut. Last year I also cut the 1+ acre along the river to the south of the houses shown at bottom center (kind of looking south in this photo). That lot was recently sold.

I would love to own this field or one like it. I would turn it into a hay field. My friend has river water rights so irrigation isn't an issue. We're trying to decide what to do with it to keep weeds down, and provide a good source of food for his bees. If it involves pulling a plow and disc harrow around I'm all in.

View attachment 84754
Personally, I'd do sunflowers. There's a place near us that plants quite a few acres and has it set up as a business so people can wander in the fields,take pictures, has food vendors,etc. They let people cut the heads and charge $1 each flower. They have multiple different colored varieties( place is called Sunflowers of Sanborn)....
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Kubota BX2380 (previously a BX1870 and GR2100)...
Jan 2, 2022
Finally got around to putting the R14T's on I got a few weeks ago. Quick drive around yard and to make sure they cleared deck with the 2" spacers. All good. I set the pressure to 24 psi for front and rear so it's easier for me to remember. Fronts have a max of 30 psi and rears have a 34 psi max.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Personally, I'd do sunflowers. There's a place near us that plants quite a few acres and has it set up as a business so people can wander in the fields,take pictures, has food vendors,etc. They let people cut the heads and charge $1 each flower. They have multiple different colored varieties( place is called Sunflowers of Sanborn)....
Thanks. I'll reach out to them and see if they're willing to give me some advice on ways to successfully do that. The planting and growing part that is, not the commercialization.



Jun 28, 2022
Final 2 mods added….

BX thumb and had rear tires loaded with rimguard
I am done making changes to tractor

(for now😎)
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
I used the M6060 and EA Wicked 60 this morning to lift the "new" disc harrow off the trailer. I wasn't sure how well this would go but it couldn't have gone any better. The 600lb or more of wheel weights plus ballast in the tires made the lift easy and balanced. I didn't even need to adjust the chain for the pick so guess I'd rather be lucky than good. The harrow has to be 1000lb or more. The guy I bought it from loaded it onto the trailer with a much bigger piece of equipment. Not sure how well the MX6000 would have handled this.

I'm digging Creep range on the transmission. It was perfect for this task where slow and steady were the order of the day.

I'm definitely going to order one more wheel weight per side though. I should have gone with the three per side when I ordered the ones shown but I was an idiot.

This M6060 is everything I could have hoped for and then some. After spending 16+ hours in the MX last weekend cutting fields for a friend it sure is nice to jump back in the M. There's no doubt in my mind that if I ever have to give up one tractor it'll be the MX. The MX is a great tractor, no doubt, but it's just not the beast that the M is.


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