As a final follow up to last weekend's flail mower ordeal here's an aerial view of my work taken yesterday afternoon

. My friend is a pilot for a very wealthy individual up here. He's also part owner of a very nice and very expensive Top Cub plane as well as being an active flight instructor. He sent me this photo last night of his property to tell me how pleased he is and that it looks great.
The lighter colored areas bordered by driveways on three sides and the river on one side are what I cut. Last year I also cut the 1+ acre along the river to the south of the houses shown at bottom center (kind of looking south in this photo). That lot was recently sold.
I would love to own this field or one like it. I would turn it into a hay field. My friend has river water rights so irrigation isn't an issue. We're trying to decide what to do with it to keep weeds down, and provide a good source of food for his bees. If it involves pulling a plow and disc harrow around I'm all in.
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