What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
100° in the shade and about to lose the shade. Been cutting firewood in the morning and staying inside after it gets too hot. Done for the day. 🍺 View attachment 83917 View attachment 83918
What grappel is that? I see you have the LA435 FEL on your B. I've got the LA535 on my LX, which give me another 100KG (220lbs) lift, but I'm still pretty limited at a total of roughly 1200 lbs. I'm currently shopping for a grapple because I have TONS of deadfall and rotten logs to handle. I don't use firewood at all unless I'm camping and using it for bucking/cutting firewood is not in the plan, so I'm thinking the single hinge lid/claw would be good enough for my purposes. The Titan Econo-Grappel looks like all I really need. I see the advantage of the dual lids, but not sure I need that advantage. There's always making a few more cuts to get stuff small enough to handle. Yours looks like plenty grapple for what I need. Did you have to make any mods or strengthen it anywhere after you got it? What's the width on that one, 60"?


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B2601, LA435, BH70, LP SGC0554 Grapple, LP RB1672 Rear Blade, King Kutter 60" BB
Sep 23, 2021
St. Clair, MO.
What grappel is that?
It's a stock Land Pride SGC0554. It's 54" and does fine. Have already bent one of the lower tines, but it still works fine. I bought it because it's light weight, but don't remember the exact weight.


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L3901HST, LA525 FEL, RGA1258 tiller, RCR1860 rotary cutter
Nov 2, 2021
What grappel is that? I see you have the LA435 FEL on your B. I've got the LA535 on my LX, which give me another 100KG (220lbs) lift, but I'm still pretty limited at a total of roughly 1200 lbs. I'm currently shopping for a grapple because I have TONS of deadfall and rotten logs to handle. I don't use firewood at all unless I'm camping and using it for bucking/cutting firewood is not in the plan, so I'm thinking the single hinge lid/claw would be good enough for my purposes. The Titan Econo-Grappel looks like all I really need. I see the advantage of the dual lids, but not sure I need that advantage. There's always making a few more cuts to get stuff small enough to handle. Yours looks like plenty grapple for what I need. Did you have to make any mods or strengthen it anywhere after you got it? What's the width on that one, 60"?
Look at the EA Wicked 55" I got mine about a month ago and have beat it up pretty good and it hasn't bent or broke. The lower tines are now laminated and I really don't see how you could bend them. Not saying it can't be done though. It weighs around 240lbs.

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b2650 tlb
Aug 16, 2018
Knoxville, TN
6 years ago - ground nest- ER doctor and a couple of nurses worked to keep my airway open.
3 years ago - elec. panel box- Urgent care and a IV with a scared spouse pacing the floor.
This year - nest behind garbage can - different urgent care - steroids and antihistamine.

To get rid of nests I send the wife out with a sprayer and hose or I pay the exterminator 350 bucks !
Sounds like you should have an epi-pen or two in several places on your property. Open airways are one of those things we tend to take for granted.



Jun 28, 2022
I have has a EA wicked 55” grapple for about 3 years, weight is good for compact tractor and been thru the mill. Nothing bent (yet)


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Jul 9, 2020
100° in the shade and about to lose the shade. Been cutting firewood in the morning and staying inside after it gets too hot. Done for the day. 🍺 View attachment 83917 View attachment 83918
Am I missing a log splitter or are you giving the ole axe more of a workout than your tractor?

Outside of my tractor, a chainsaw and log splitter were some of the best purchases I've made. Had a sweetgum come down recently. I would not have bothered splitting it for firewood (fire pit) had I not had a splitter.

Drink up my friend, you earned it!



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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
Nothing too exciting. Time to put some new 'skins' on the front of my L2350DT.

So I made a trip to town and took care of that.
Front Tires4.jpg
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Am I missing a log splitter or are you giving the ole axe more of a workout than your tractor?

Outside of my tractor, a chainsaw and log splitter were some of the best purchases I've made. Had a sweetgum come down recently. I would not have bothered splitting it for firewood (fire pit) had I not had a splitter.

Drink up my friend, you earned it!

Sweetgum doesn't split. You just sort of tear it apart, LOL.
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Jul 9, 2020
Sweetgum doesn't split. You just sort of tear it apart, LOL.
I was impressed that 99% of it split (tore) apart completely. The remaining 1% I used my axe to finish splitting it. I will say for the 1 tree, I did get a 7 cu ft dump cart full of chips and shreds which should be nice tinder when dried. It was wrapped up in poison oak when it fell., but the deer ate almost every leave from it in 2 days. Apparently, poison oak/ivy leaves are nutritious for deer.



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Kubota BX2380 (previously a BX1870 and GR2100)...
Jan 2, 2022
Stopped by dealer today and picked up the full set of R14T tires that came in. Traded my R4 tires toward them, paid just over $213 for the set. Too hot to put them on, probably on my next day off...


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
I was impressed that 99% of it split (tore) apart completely. The remaining 1% I used my axe to finish splitting it. I will say for the 1 tree, I did get a 7 cu ft dump cart full of chips and shreds which should be nice tinder when dried. It was wrapped up in poison oak when it fell., but the deer ate almost every leave from it in 2 days. Apparently, poison oak/ivy leaves are nutritious for deer.

I've been cutting poison ivy for the last 17 years on this property. Some of the vines are at least 6" in diameter and run to the top of 80-foot-tall trees. Fortunately for me, I'm not allergic to the stuff. I just cut a chunk out of the vine with a machete and wait for it to fall out of the tree.

Deer are not much different from goats. Very hard to poison a deer. They don't seem to be much interested in all the PI undergrowth in my yard. But why would they be with all the tasty grass to eat in the neighborhood and the pasture across the street with salt licks and a giant lake?


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Stopped by dealer today and picked up the full set of R14T tires that came in. Traded my R4 tires toward them, paid just over $213 for the set. Too hot to put them on, probably on my next day off...
Think you're gonna like the R14T's. They're VERY bitey and don't seem to fill up with mud too much. Not hard on the yard unless you forget you're in 4WD or steer too sharply.
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
I've been cutting poison ivy for the last 17 years on this property. Some of the vines are at least 6" in diameter and run to the top of 80-foot-tall trees. Fortunately for me, I'm not allergic to the stuff. I just cut a chunk out of the vine with a machete and wait for it to fall out of the tree.
Prior to moving in this house, I'd never had more than a few blisters from PI. Apparently, the builder had cut the vines growing up in the trees in the back yard and it was dripping resin. Both I and my (ex)wife ended up getting steroid shots.

If you want to keep it from coming back, put a little triclopyr (I recommend Crossbow, promise I don't own stock) on the cut ends ASAP.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Prior to moving in this house, I'd never had more than a few blisters from PI. Apparently, the builder had cut the vines growing up in the trees in the back yard and it was dripping resin. Both I and my (ex)wife ended up getting steroid shots.

If you want to keep it from coming back, put a little triclopyr (I recommend Crossbow, promise I don't own stock) on the cut ends ASAP.
It's so widespread in my yard, it would take a LOT of that stuff to spray the entire property. Most of the ground cover in the back 3rd of the lot is PI, about waist deep. Mix of that and briars and blackberry vines. Certain times of year, it's impossible to move back there. I have a Swisher 24" brush mower, but it's like wrestling a bear to use it. It's pretty brutal, and probably 4X my weight. But, it'll chew up anything I can push over with it. I've learned that simply cutting PI enough will kill it off. It has to reproduce from seed as much as it does from the roots. I wait for it to bud back out at the stumps, then wrap some 3/8 nylon rope on it, and give it a good tug to pull up the stumps by the roots. The middle 3rd of my yard is relatively free of PI now, and all I've used is blunt force and persistence. I'm slowly clearing away the undergrowth and thinning out the less healthy trees to get more light to the ground and replanting with indigenous flowering plants and shrubs for a low maintenance 'wooded' lot that happens to be pretty in the spring. Correcting and controlling the erosion from 50 years of negligence is the hard part, and the primary reason I bought the LX. It's something to do in my retirement.
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M4900 Utility Special 4WD e/w FEL & 1530 John Deere "Traveling Man"
Oct 8, 2019
Brookhaven, MS

Today's customer handling Cypress lumber with his M5400.

EDIT: It is an M5700.
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
You have your ways, and I have several of my own to deal with jackets. I'm no tree hugger or bunny kisser, but I do try to do what I can to avoid significant impact on the environment. I assure you, there are a LOT of things far worse in my soil already than that little teacup full of gasoline that I might use if I don't have a can of that wonderful biodegradable and pet-safe non-toxic (to humans) RAID). I prefer the RAID, because I can shoot 'em on the fly with that and get wasp nests with it I'd otherwise have to get a ladder to reach (very obvious risks doing that).

I'm pretty sure my home was built on a retired land-fill which used to be an open pit strip mine dating back before the Civil War, though the house was just built in 1975. There are a lot of things are buried here, and they wash to the surface after every rain. We've probably picked up at least a ton of glass shards since 2004. I've found old oil cans, boot heels, bicycle pedals, BB guns, toy cars, plastic limbs of dolls, etc, etc. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I found a piece of the medieval treasure from Oak Island. I'd certainly let Rick and Marty know if I did. I'm relatively certain the Knights Templar used my yard for a dumping ground, albeit I've yet to find anything of value. My yard is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll find. On top of all that, it's also at the lowest elevation of about 30 acres (fortunately hilly) meaning all the run-off from 3 streets (oil/fuel leakage from cars) and approximately 20 houses on that 30 acres (fertilizer, insecticides, etc, etc) come across my yard. When the ditches slow to a trickle, there is ALWAYS an oil slick on the water standing in them, some of which will be leaching from the layer of coal that isn't very deep here. In those same ditches, there are crayfish the size of small lobsters while it's still wet, night crawler earthworms that look like small snakes when it sort of dries out, and cicadas the size of footballs. Moving out from those ditches, I have huckleberry bushes nearly 30 feet tall, dogwoods about the same, pines that are nearly 3 feet in diameter as well as a few oaks that big, poison ivy vines that are 6 inches in diameter, rattle snakes, foxes, chipmunks, squirrels, red-tail and broad-tail hawks, you name it. Even deer walking through my little suburban lot, and I caught and relocated a racoon from my back deck . Somehow, I don't think I've hurt the environment very much at all.
With all that chemical stuff on your ground it’s surprising they live there at all.. Maybe they’re IMMUNE to chemicals. 🤪


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L3901HST, LA525 FEL, RGA1258 tiller, RCR1860 rotary cutter
Nov 2, 2021
Scooped a bucket of sand from down by the creek to fill some holes in the yard and then the wife wanted to learn how to use the grapple so I had her pull up a few dead shrubs from in front of the house that we need to replace. on a side note, I may never get to use the tractor/grapple again she had so much fun and pulled up 4 or 5 shrubs quickly.

CCKX4606[1].JPG IMG_6154[1].JPG
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Jul 5, 2022
Neighbor helped me out and welded on some hooks on the bucket. I gave welding a try, a good way of summarizing it is that I have a lot of room for improvement :p. Also helped me out welding up the draw bar and steel for the inside frame of a ballast barrel, just need to paint and fill with concrete now! For the hooks, TC didnt have any rattle can kubota orange, but they did have allis chalmers orange in stock, it looks to be an exact match, at least to my eyes. Did a couple coats of primer before putting the color on it, its a bucket though, so I gotta accept its gonna get scratched up. Gonna help him out leveling an area with the box blade tomorrow.


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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
I drove the M6060 about 3 miles yesterday from my house to the dealer to have the wheel weights (two per side) installed. I had a friend drop me off at the dealership this evening on the way home from dinner. I asked the service manager to put the key in the loader torque tube since I would be picking it up long after they closed. I haven't paid for the weights yet, or the installation.

Here are a couple of photos from the drive back home this evening around 8pm. The M drives so well and is markedly smoother than the MX on this section of paved and gravel road. I got up to around 19mph which is about top speed for this beast.

The wheel weights look good and add 650lb or so to the back end, which in combination with the liquid ballast should work well.

Smith Lake Rd 1.jpg

Smith Lake Rd 2.jpg

M6060 wheel weights.jpg
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