Lil Foot
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Lifetime Member
1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
Thanks Bulldog, I was pretty pleased with how it turned out my self. I left out the 5 biggest rocks, and about one full bucket of smaller rocks. I covered the conduit with about two full buckets of decent fill, (I.E. no rocks) then made lots of passes, back dragging with the bucket & using the tractor to compact it.Lil Foot, concidering the ammount of rocks in the pics the finished product looked really nice.
Used my 2150 for more-or-less the same thing today! Also finished rebuilding the may gear drive for the Ford 905 Auger today. Finally assembly should happen tomorrow. Would have finished a LONG time ago if I didn't have to work out bearing preload using gaskets as shims, what a stupid design (compared to what I'm used to)...Turned over the compost pile since I had her running.
We are anticipating a good amount of snow here this year. I cant wait to use my new bota with fel and box blade on the snow this year. It sure will beat my old quad with 48" plow....I spent 3 hours moving snow, The L3450 kicked butt with the new studded front tires, was able to blade snow up our 10% grade driveway with no problem.
Soon I'll be able to throw the snow blower on and give that a try, so looking forward to that!![]()
Congrats on the new blower. just traded my rear mount in for a front mount. I'm sure it won't be long before I have a chance to try it out. Unlike you folks we've had only rain so far. Enjoy and be safe.tried out my new blower, sure is sweet. Here's a before and after pic.