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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
I am not promoting anything Henro except you taking some "later in life" math courses - lol.

I have been married to a nurse for 35 years, why are half the doctors she works with not taking the vaccine? Agenda? What are they promoting? I play cards weekly with some of them, I hear a lot of stories. Are all these doctors making them up?

I had Covid 1.0. so I don't need Covid Light (thank you for your concern). I do not fear covid and I do not fear the vaccine. I could care less what anyone does. Literally I could care less what anyone does UNTIL, they feel the need to control me and our family. So really who has the agenda?

I also said I think you should get the shot once a month. What is that promoting?

YOU STATED that the unvaccinated are at higher risk of severe disease. I asked what disease are the unvaccinated are at higher risk of?

Where are your links? You just threw that completely WRONG statement out there didn't back it up with anything and then ignored the request for a follow up.

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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
Australia is off the hook. I wonder if the Australian citizens now regret giving up all their guns?
Based on the responses I've seen to that story, they're quite happy. People were celebrating this as a "good thing"


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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
I believe this statement is totally inaccurate, and that testing for the delta variant is common now. I am willing to learn though, so please do provide sources showing that the delta variant is not being tested for...
"I believe" - based on what?

Please provide sources showing that unicorns do not exist in the NC mountains. You're asking for the same thing when you want sources showing they are NOT testing for Delta.

If they ARE testing for Delta, it should be pretty easy to show evidence of that, right?
I have not seen anything to indicate they have ANY specific test for any variant.


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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
When my wifes hospital reports "We are at capacity" they have 6 patients on vents. A hospital that has beds for hundreds are leaving everyone to believe they are full when they are actually running really light.

Don't go introducing numbers and math/science into this political science discussion, it seriously confuses some of the people. - lol.
Isn't that the problem, though - that the numbers aren't actually provided? Or that the news, as it always does, uses whatever numbers sensationalizes the story more? ICU's over 90% capacity - well, they're designed to be over 90% capacity most of the time. They lose money if they're not.

Just because what they're telling you is technically accurate doesn't mean you're getting accurate information.
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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
Why does anyone need to try to keep convincing others to think one way or the other? My intention in this reply is not to do that, but rather just to state information which can be considered by others when making their decision.
Good question. I would like an answer from those trying to convince me to think a certain way.
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L3301, bucket, backhoe, grader, plow, harrow, cultivator
Nov 2, 2020
I'm posting this from a friend from another forum.

" Small stores couldn’t stay open but Walmart could. If you’re standing in a restaurant you can catch and spread Covid and so you need to wear a mask but when you’re sitting down, then you’re perfectly safe. California banning dine in and hair salons but then you have the governor ignoring his own rule and Nancy Pelosi walking about the hair salon maskless. Rules for thee, not for me. Now the latest, people who “stepped up”, did what was “patriotic” and went and got their vaccine are NOW being told once again that they must wear a mask despite being vaccinated.

But you go on and keep telling yourself it’s all for your protection, that the government loves YOU, they care about YOU, that all of this really IS about a virus and IS NOT about control. If that helps you sleep at night. I hope gullibility is more fixable than stupid."
Australia going into full lockdown again, 9pm curfew, not more than 5km from home (I think it was 5dm), one hour outside allowed for exercise, police given authority to fully lock down and quarantine entire apartment buildings. $5000 fine for violations. Army being used to help enforce.

And the people beg for more.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
Australia going into full lockdown again, 9pm curfew, not more than 5km from home (I think it was 5dm), one hour outside allowed for exercise, police given authority to fully lock down and quarantine entire apartment buildings. $5000 fine for violations. Army being used to help enforce.

And the people beg for more.
We're not far from it in the overall scheme of things. People just love to be herded.....well, many of them do.

Daren Todd

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May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
My supervisor, his wife and kids are all at home sick with Covid. My supervisor and his wife have been vaccinated. I am not sure about the kids.
They just barely started vaccinating kids over 14 if I remember correctly. So under that age it's a definite no on the vaccine. Over that age is a possibility.

Had a coworker come down with it and was pretty sick from it. He had the Pfizer vaccine about 4 to 5 months ago.. His whole family was knocked down with it for about 5 days.

Wife and I had the same symptoms and about the same sickness last year just before the first official case was reported in our area.

Makes me wonder how effective that shot really was.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
I have been married to a nurse for 35 years, why are half the doctors she works with not taking the vaccine?
Doctors, just like anything else, range from complete morons to brilliant with everything in between, but the majority are average at best. My sister is a surgeon nurse, performs surgeries in England where they figured out that nurses can do 90% of what overpaid, demigod surgeons do. She got vaccinated, as did her husband, a GP that has his own practice in England.

My brother lives in Sydney, has a PhD in Astrophysics, is a professor at the University of Sydney, has numerous papers published in Scientific American and Nature, has won numerous awards including the Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal and he got vaccinated. He's one of the world leaders in Photonics, pretty much pioneered the field, and is sending a satellite to the nearest star that will be travelling at 1/5 the speed of light.

The point is that there are many very bright individuals (not me) getting vaccinated and the idea that doctors are somehow in the know and are an authority is absolutely ridiculous.

I got vaccinated too and will get the booster shot when it's available.

By the way, there's no question that thousands of doctors killed tens of thousands of patients in the early days of COVID by drug interactions, putting patients on respirators too soon, arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, etc.
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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
By the way, there's no question that thousands of doctors killed tens of thousands of patients in the early days of COVID by drug interactions, putting patients on respirators too soon, arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, etc.
I’m not sure I get your point. It seems like you are saying we should ignore all of the medical professionals. ;)

You are saying you are getting the booster. So, help me with this … you got two shots to solve the issue, but now you are getting a booster. How many shots before it works? … rhetorical … ;)
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
I’m not sure I get your point. It seems like you are saying we should ignore all of the medical professionals. ;)

You are saying you are getting the booster. So, help me with this … you got two shots to solve the issue, but now you are getting a booster. How many shots before it works? … rhetorical … ;)
There's no consensus among medical professionals so who are you going to look to? I look to intelligent, informed individuals that read the reports, have a career in interpreting data, and are capable of independent and scientific thought.

The COVID vaccine is not a solve all solution just as the yearly flu shot isn't, but the data is very clear, the unvaccinated are at greater risk than the vaccinated. Living in MT we have more wiggle room but that's not the case for millions in this country.

It's been fascinating following the developments in Australia where they're leading the world in contact tracing. The Delta variant is way more contagious than earlier variants to the extent that passing someone in the mall can be enough to ensure infection. A single limousine driver has been found to be responsible for the infection of 10,000 + individuals.

The unfortunate thing about COVID in the US is that it's been politicized to an extent not seen anywhere else in the world. I find it amusing that some politicians have had to change their spiel because they realized that they're killing off their voters.
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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
The unfortunate thing about COVID in the US is that it's been politicized to an extent not seen anywhere else in the world. I find it amusing that some politicians have had to change their spiel because they realized that they're killing off their voters
Of course, there are lots of reason why people aren’t getting the vaccine. That’s the case no matter the party. It’s already been proven that it isn’t “one” party that isn’t getting the vaccine no matter if some wanted to spin it that way or not.

Still, as you say … there is no consensus, so what should people do? I say if you have a working brain, you make a call on whether it is for “you” or not. I know people who have no vaccine and two shots. I don’t know of anyone who plans to get the booster. I’m sure I know people who will though.

Interesting conversation at the barber a few weeks ago. A 70+ guy was saying he thought he was going to die. No, he didn’t go anywhere. I’m not sure how he was so terrified other than his choice of media outlets scared the crap out of him. He mentioned he felt much better now that he got vaccinated. Is he safer … who knows, but he felt better about it. Unclear if he feels better now knowing that his vaccine is only partly helpful now. Maybe he’ll be there next time I go, and he can tell me. NPR listener, btw.
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Mar 27, 2014
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Tetanus is part of the Tdap or Td combination vaccine. Basically you need a booster every 10 years.

However you have a live exposure so the question is not about a vaccine, it is Tetanus Ig (immunoglobulin). Totally different.
My point was if Dr's can not agree on something as simple and been around as long as it has been can not agree/know, how will they know about the current injections? I don't think they do!
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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
There are some post here that point to anecdotal evidence and / or 'someone' they know . . .
here is something you may not have considered.

Michael Ryan
Wed, August 25, 2021

Our friends in health care have seen plenty to impale the heart in this COVID-19 pandemic, but nothing more tragic than this: the sight of guilt-ridden young children who believe they’ve killed an unvaccinated parent by bringing the virus home.
“And as they’re dying, the kids are at the bedside apologizing,” a hospital nurse tells me.
“You’ve actually seen that?” I ask her.

“Multiple times,” says the nurse.
My Kansas City nurse friend, who can’t use her name because she isn’t authorized to speak to the media, occasionally shares this inconceivable, untold tragedy with dinner companions who obnoxiously insist on spouting their anti-vaccine views to her over burgers and beer.
Some of them are shamed into silence by what she tells them. But others cling stubbornly to their defiance, even after hearing of parents who’ve left their children motherless or fatherless because of it — and left them with a lifetime of self-reproach for something that clearly wasn’t their fault.
Of course it isn’t the kids’ fault they got sick and may have gotten their unvaccinated father or mother deathly ill. While Dad or Mom could’ve easily gotten vaccinated, the children could not have. “But they still just feel terrible, because they feel like they killed their parent,” she says.


Well-known member
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
There are some post here that point to anecdotal evidence and / or 'someone' they know . . .
here is something you may not have considered.

Michael Ryan
Wed, August 25, 2021

Our friends in health care have seen plenty to impale the heart in this COVID-19 pandemic, but nothing more tragic than this: the sight of guilt-ridden young children who believe they’ve killed an unvaccinated parent by bringing the virus home.
“And as they’re dying, the kids are at the bedside apologizing,” a hospital nurse tells me.
“You’ve actually seen that?” I ask her.

“Multiple times,” says the nurse.
My Kansas City nurse friend, who can’t use her name because she isn’t authorized to speak to the media, occasionally shares this inconceivable, untold tragedy with dinner companions who obnoxiously insist on spouting their anti-vaccine views to her over burgers and beer.
Some of them are shamed into silence by what she tells them. But others cling stubbornly to their defiance, even after hearing of parents who’ve left their children motherless or fatherless because of it — and left them with a lifetime of self-reproach for something that clearly wasn’t their fault.
Of course it isn’t the kids’ fault they got sick and may have gotten their unvaccinated father or mother deathly ill. While Dad or Mom could’ve easily gotten vaccinated, the children could not have. “But they still just feel terrible, because they feel like they killed their parent,” she says.
Unfortunately the fully vaccinated by this experimental gene therapy are still getting covid and passing it on as well.

Are the fully vaccinated (joke - not fully anything) that give it to others feeling bad as well or do we just ignore that elephant?
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
Doctors, just like anything else, range from complete morons to brilliant with everything in between, but the majority are average at best. My sister is a surgeon nurse, performs surgeries in England where they figured out that nurses can do 90% of what overpaid, demigod surgeons do. She got vaccinated, as did her husband, a GP that has his own practice in England.

My brother lives in Sydney, has a PhD in Astrophysics, is a professor at the University of Sydney, has numerous papers published in Scientific American and Nature, has won numerous awards including the Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal and he got vaccinated. He's one of the world leaders in Photonics, pretty much pioneered the field, and is sending a satellite to the nearest star that will be travelling at 1/5 the speed of light.

The point is that there are many very bright individuals (not me) getting vaccinated and the idea that doctors are somehow in the know and are an authority is absolutely ridiculous.

I got vaccinated too and will get the booster shot when it's available.

By the way, there's no question that thousands of doctors killed tens of thousands of patients in the early days of COVID by drug interactions, putting patients on respirators too soon, arrogance, ignorance, incompetence, etc.
You may know a bunch of doctors that are morons, I do not know a single one. I know about a dozen very well and they are all quite smart.

The doctors I know are not political policy "doctors", the ones I know work on people every day. Several of them are working with patients with covid and are quite up to date on things.

So is it your contention that doctors that don't get the vaccine are morons, and the ones that do are smart? That is how what you wrote reads.
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Well-known member
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Aug 7, 2018
Unfortunately the fully vaccinated by this experimental gene therapy are still getting covid and passing it on as well.

Are the fully vaccinated (joke - not fully anything) that give it to others feeling bad as well or do we just ignore that elephant?
My grandmother (vaccinated) lives in a home where all employees had to be vaccinated, any visitors also have to show proof of vaccine to enter. She has Covid right now. I got the call this morning to be prepared to make travel plans.
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Hi everyone!

Just stopped by to say hello!

This thread reminds me of an old movie title: Never Ending Story...

Make your decision, take your chances... ROFL

edit: Fordtech86. Sorry about your GM
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Well-known member
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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
My grandmother (vaccinated) lives in a home where all employees had to be vaccinated, any visitors also have to show proof of vaccine to enter. She has Covid right now. I got the call this morning to be prepared to make travel plans.
Praying for a good outcome.
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