Let it snow!

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Well said skeets :D growing up in vermont, school was canceled for an ice storm, or snow over 12" :D At 8" there was a two hour delay. I always liked them snow days, to stay home and ski, or sledding :D when my wife and I got together, they canceled school for 2" here in arkansas :confused: For three days!!!! I point blank asked my wife if the school district bumped there heads. It absolutely floored me.

Wife and I were commenting on the news reports the past couple days. There were several WTF moments. One lady saying she couldn't get out of her flat driveway. She had a 4wd sport utility :confused:

Apparently the idea of a snow bank, on the side of the road that was around 1' tall was a big sense of wonder for the news reporter. It was a 3 minute segment on how it was the tallest snow bank he had seen :p We had winters where we couldn't see the school bus till it turned the corner into the driveway :rolleyes:

There was another segment where a reporter did a ride along with a landscaper who was plowing a parking lot. Apparently that was a new concept as well :p

And not to mention, it's the end of the world. These folks in a neighbor hood in little Rock are gonna be stranded for a week because of there steep road at the entrance. Apparently the street department can't be bothered to plow it like they do the main roads, and put a little salt and sand down :confused: It did show that some folks on the street had four wheelers with winches. But not a one, had thought, oh, I can mount a small plow on this and clear the road, so I'm not stranded. With the snow off from it, the first time the sun comes out, the road would thaw and be clear :rolleyes:


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I saw a weather reporter standing at the entrance to the domed salt storage area. About 5' inside the opening with the salt coming out that opening. He was exclaiming the necessity and virtues of this product and how it helped people get around!!

I wonder if he ever got all the salt out of his shoes (or boots if he owned a pair)!

They scrape their toe on the snow and show how "deep" it is.

I lived in Minnesota for a couple of years when I was 10,11 years old. Don't remember ever missing a snow day at school.

When Winter finally arrived it stayed until Spring came. You just lived life as it was dealt. Playing outside was like playing on asphalt with white on it!!

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I am soooo glad to hear form others that I'm not alone in thinking that some people have "bumped" their heads way too many times! :rolleyes: :p ;) :D

I think I just about as much snow today as they did back east... Just another normal winter day here! :cool:


New member

L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
Had 2' here, by noon, I guess. Took the ASV RC30 and the 6' front blade, and spent an hour and a half, clearing between the house, garage, barn and avian hacienda. Lull stopped, snow started again, went back to the garage, threw a couple more logs on the wood stove, and a couple shots of southern comfort in me. 5:15, went back up to the house, and there was 6" more on the ground... To hell with it till tomorrow!!!:D:D


Active member

BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
I grew up in upstate NY, we would hardly ever have a snow day. Once in a while a 2 hour delay. And we would get 12 inches of snow - three days later 12 inches of snow and so forth all winter long. The full time road crews really knew how to clear the roads up there too. No contractors, all full time employees with good equipment.

Here in NJ - not so much

I have to say todays blizzard was a good one. Snowed all night. Cleared my driveways this monring around 8-9am. Around 15" of snow. Cleared them again at 4 with another 8 inches. Looks like its still snowing slightly. Gonna have to do the last clearing in the morning before I head off to work. Maybe 4 more inches.

Now with 2'+ of snow coming down in one day - I can say yeah things need to be closed to a bit until it can be all cleaned up.


New member

BX25D+Scraper blade+front snow blower+box blade
Nov 6, 2013
Sorry. I was talking about your rubber edge on your snow blade. Are you still happy with the mod?

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L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Well said, skeets and others.. It just amazes me that we have a generation that expects someone else to do everything for them. I watched the story of the Donner party several weeks ago. The only thing people know about that name is some of them ate part of the people that died. The real story is how they survived and walked thru that snow over the mountain in early spring in their weaknd condition. I "think " I'm tough but I'm not sure I could have done what they did. My hat's off to REAL Americans.


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B2620, fel, RB1560, Piranha Tooth Bar
Jan 2, 2015
Newport, WA
Getting old "ain't for sissies"
I can still work the butts off some 1/2 my age...and the under 20, put them on the ground before noon. Put me in the books as just and old carpenter with one fine tractor.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Wife had asked me last year about all the snow in the northeast. She asked me what I would do, and what we did in vermont in general. I replied that you dig yourself out and move on :D She happened to bring up the same question last night with a what if we got 34" of snow here and what we would do. I replied that we would have to go out a couple times during the storm and plow in order to keep up. She brought up a pretty good point about the mindset for this area. There would be folks here that would call 911 because they couldn't leave there house :rolleyes: Actually she said 911 would be swamped with calls, because folks wouldn't think to dig themselves out :eek:


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Wife had asked me last year about all the snow in the northeast. She asked me what I would do, and what we did in vermont in general. I replied that you dig yourself out and move on :D She happened to bring up the same question last night with a what if we got 34" of snow here and what we would do. I replied that we would have to go out a couple times during the storm and plow in order to keep up. She brought up a pretty good point about the mindset for this area. There would be folks here that would call 911 because they couldn't leave there house :rolleyes: Actually she said 911 would be swamped with calls, because folks wouldn't think to dig themselves out :eek:
If you were in VT this year you wouldn't have to worry about it! I think you guys down there got more in 1 storm than we got all year :D. I think we are under 10" for the whole year so far. Farther up north in VT I believe they have gotten more snow when we were getting rain.

It's tough for regions that don't deal with snow well in any amount, never mind 2 ft in one shot. The press makes it sound like the end of the world. Don't worry folks.....life will go on and will melt! :p


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
You know like you said about calling 911 because they cant get out and not thinking about digging them selves,, I don;t know maybe 5 or 6 years back, we had a big storm here in the coal country. I was plowing snow waist deep with lil orange, was my first winder with it, I was impressed!! Anyways everybody lost power for like days, we were off line of 13 day, the little gen set worked its arse off. After wards I was talking to my oldest daughter and i asked how they faired, cause phone were out too. She said not bad just hunkerd down and the kids played in the snow and her hubby worked his self to death on emergency calls ( fireman). And she said how many of her friend lost all the stuff in their freezers and refrigerators, and she asked them why did you loose all that stuff,, Well the power was off we had no way of keeping anything cold or frozen. She tole me that she asked them well why didnt you just put stuff onthe porch to stay cold, or bury it in the snow after all there was like 90 feet or the stuff in your yards. She said people looked at her with really stupid looks and said you cant do that!!!
I asked her where their half a beef was, she said out on the porch in cardboard boxes filled with snow.
Some young people are going to really be in bad shape if they have to think out side the little box they live in

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
That's so true skeets. My oldest is good about coming up with solutions. Middle and youngest would have to call and ask what they should do. Grandparents had there freezers in a unheated room between the garage and house. At dads, the freezer was on the front porch, which was more of a covered mud room.

OldeEnglish, they only plow and clear the main roads and highways. All the side roads, and neighborhoods are left untouched. And actually, they only started plowing some of the main roads a couple years ago. Before that, they would only sand intersections. I plow our street in the winter. With the tree coverage we have, the road takes a week for the snow to melt off. And refreezes at night leaving a nice skating rink. By clearing it, it's clear gravel the next day :D


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Well it's that time of year to resurrect this thread! Yesterday it was 72F here and today it has been snowing off and on. The transition was marked by high winds, it brings to mind the song "Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and the "Gales of November" :eek:

Here is the current long range forecast: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/long_range/seasonal.php?lead=2

In the latest version they dialed back how cold it was going to be in Michigan (and North Idaho) and upped the precipitation. Either way it sounds like lots of snow!

I'm almost ready for it, here is the new baby, still need to put back blade on 3560, and am hoping to get snow bars installed on one of the barns to slow down the avalanches.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Sweet ride you got yourself there sheepfarmer! :D ;)

Today is the first day of snow for us too, not really sticking but it's coming down.
It's been super wet up here and I know with the temps being what they are (warm) it's going to get real interesting when it does really start snowing! :eek:


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
You going to blow snow and rake what you miss?:D

Just the other day you mentioned getting rid of that wild eyed Ram and not being a sheepfarmer. Must have been at a bad moment! You can't give up farming yet, you have too much equipment to just take care of the place.

How's your recovering horse doing?

You do have nice equipment.


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
D2 the rake is on so I can break the little guy in by raking horse manure in the pasture. And it did occur to me if I use the snowblower to clear gates I had better be careful, I can imagine trying to snow blow frozen horse manure might result in breaking shear bolts. :eek::eek:

I have to confess that playing with my new toys errr tools is fun, and my theory is that when I have to move into the old folks home I can finance a few months by selling these nice bits if I take good care of them. :)

The big horse is doing well, he is bundled up in waterproof blanket today what with the weather shift, and salt on his feed to make him drink lots of water. I think he is on borrowed time but he looks terrific, glossy coat and reasonable weight. We are grateful for every day.
Last edited:


Active member

BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
Well it's that time of year to resurrect this thread! Yesterday it was 72F here and today it has been snowing off and on. The transition was marked by high winds, it brings to mind the song "Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and the "Gales of November" :eek:
Where did you get those sides on the edges of the snowblower? from kubota? or aftermarket? I see my blower has holes for it, just not sure where to by the blower edges from

it was 70 here today. Felt like summer almost. Last year we only got one snowfall. but it was 27 inches so one hell of a snowstorm. Past that my kubota just sits in the garage all lonely. I put her in winter snow mode mid october. And since then its been high 60's low 70's. Global warming is real it seems


Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Forceten, they are drift cutters and they are a Kubota option. Idea thanks to NIW, I didn't know what they were, and the dealer didn't know what to expect either. They just expand the area cleaned to match the rear wheel width with spacers.