I went to Maines grocery in Binghamton early this morning for Christmas dinner stuff. About a 35 mile trip, all on 2 lane country road.
Maines is a restaurant supplier for mid-atlantic to northeast, and have a few GREAT retail grocery stores. Can buy the same stuff the restaurants do. As an old restaurant cook - love the place. Had to be done this weekend.
We had ~6" early this morning.
Nothing was plowed when I left at 7:30am. Roads were nasty.
I had the 2013 Silverado in 4wd whole way, and really had some wiggles on a big hill....I'm born and raised upstate New York, all in very rural area. Not my first time driving in snow.....
On way up and back, two a$$wads were attached to my back bumper. First was a Chevy Cavalier, other was a Ford Focus.......

If I can't see your headlights over my tailgate in my rearview mirror, you're too f@cking close!!!

WTF are these people thinking?!? My 5,200lb truck, in 4wd, with good tires is going 40mph easily, but does that mean go 50?, 60?, 80?
At one point the Focus Boy was so close, he lost the tracks we were driving in. In my rearview mirror, I could see the car swerve too and fro, the hands working the steering wheel, and see his head snapping back and forth. Real classic!! You can bet your ass he was "focused" for a few seconds!! He did save it...
Anyways - I had my window down, arm hangin' out (23 degrees) enjoying the drive and drinking my coffee....
But where is common sense??!