Let it snow!


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BX25D, snowblower, PHD, Grapple, Snow blade, land Plane
Sep 1, 2014
N. Idaho
I give up. I had to go to town yesterday (CDA) and it was in the 60's. I had to run the A/C the sun was so bright, and warm. So I guess the snow blade is coming off and the FEL is going back on. I kept waiting for that snow storm that never came. Weather report shows high 50's and 60's for ten days, maybe a little rain. Not much of a winter here in N. Idaho, guess the East coast is getting all of our bad weather.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
South has been getting strange weather too. Was out of town all week. And Wednesday wife sent me some photos throughout the night. We ended up getting four inches of sleet and ice, then around 4" of snow on top of it. Got home last night and scrapped all the soft stuff off the drive and back bladed the road to get all the soft stuff there as well. So ice is about 1" deep on the road out front. But it's supposed to be 55 to 60 today. So the road will be a soupy mess tonight.
Usually I'm mowing my lawn by this week and the gardens have been planted for a couple weeks :rolleyes: By the time the gardens can get tilled, folks will miss out on the cool weather veggies.


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B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
I can't wait for fresh veggies! The stuff from the supermarket has no taste and doesn't last very long.
Still below freezing here, but it's supposed to start warming up. It's going to be a mess when all this snow melts. It's been so cold this winter that the frost has been over 4' deep and is freezing/blowing water mains. Had to let the faucet drip last month because we own the line from the house to the street, can't wait to see that water bill :eek:.


Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
There isn't gonna be much for lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower or any of the cool weather veggies here this year :mad: If they aren't planted by the end of February, they will pop up and go straight to seed. Had that happen two years ago. Was solid rain and couldn't get it planted till the middle of March. By the time they came up, it was too hot. Had some of the sweetest and juiciest watermelon and cantaloupe that year. All you had to do was score it and then pop it with a knife in and it would split. Dropped one of the melons and had it explode :eek: Took two hours to clean up the kitchen :eek::rolleyes: :)

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
OldeEnglish, I just had a fight with our water department last month over my bill. I usually check the meter once a month when I get the bill. Neglected doing it for a couple months. Started getting really high bills. Second month it came in at almost the same exact dollar amount. They are a month behind on the billing, and when I checked the meter I had used 6000 gallons less then what they had listed on the bill, which was the prior months reading :confused: Called them and they sent someone out to check the meter. Called me back and said I had used 4000 gallons more this month:confused: I asked them how I had used 10k gallons more then what my meter read????
I ended up going out and taking a picture of my meter and texting my neighbor with the pic. She does the billing for the city sewer department based off the water readings. She ended up going over to the water department with a copy of my bill and the the pic, and having a chat with the big boss. My bills are zero till the meter catches up to what they billed me for :cool: Come to find out the guy doing the readings had been estimating half the houses on each street. Dude had to look for a new job. And they have to call me or text my neighbor with the current reading when they come out and check from now on :D:D


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
It keeps up I aint gona get my taters in:mad:
Don't know if it is good news or bad news, but it is way too soon around here to do anything more than order seed. We often can't put a garden in until Memorial day. Broccoli almost always does well, but I sure can't grow melons and I've tried. Surely it will be warm by Memorial day? :rolleyes::confused:


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May 25, 2011
Don't know if it is good news or bad news, but it is way too soon around here to do anything more than order seed. We often can't put a garden in until Memorial day. Broccoli almost always does well, but I sure can't grow melons and I've tried. Surely it will be warm by Memorial day? :rolleyes::confused:
Same here, Memorial Day weekend is when I usually plant. TOO big of a chance of a frost wiping everything out before that.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
Best garden we had was planted last week of may. Split garden in half,my sister planted two weeks earlier and my veggies did better.

Snowed an inch if that last night. Gonna leave it. Plow is off and not going back on. Had enough. Let It Rain!!!


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Now why on Gods green earth would an Irishman want to buy Idaho taters?;)


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Flight Attendant I worked with was a daughter of an Idaho potato farmer. She said they would get absolutely monstrously huge "mutant" potatoes after the cull. Usually, these would end up being ground up for other food products but she said the kids liked eating them the most so the father would always grab a bunch for the family. They'd fill a whole plate. Her mom had all these great recipes for meat dishes you pour on them.

In Texas, one of my favorite BBQ dishes was a split potato with chopped brisket and sweet BBQ sauce. MMM-MMMM GOOD!:D


Active member

BX25D, snowblower, PHD, Grapple, Snow blade, land Plane
Sep 1, 2014
N. Idaho
Great reason to buy Idaho's famous Potatoes! :D
Went to Costco for our bimonthly grocery shop, and they were out of those huge Idaho spuds! I'm going thru withdrawals. Only a few left, so I'm hoarding them till I get back to town the end of the week. They are a meal by themselves. A little butter, bacon crumbles and maybe a scoop of home made chili.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Please tell me that all east coasters are not this bad, please restore my faith in... what it means to "Know how to drive"! ;)

"Less than an inch of snow fell Wednesday night in the District of Columbia, Maryland and northern Virginia, but that was enough for roads to immediately freeze over. Hundreds of accidents left drivers stuck for hours in icy gridlock after efforts to lay salt ahead of the dusting proved ineffective."

Key word is DUSTING... :rolleyes:

Hundreds of accidents...:eek:

OMG, Really, if that were the case out here, we would all be dead! :rolleyes:
We get a DUSTING from October to April. :D

What happens when you all see some real snow???:confused:

We get 1" of snow and we are calling it "bikini weather", they are calling it a "disaster area"! :p


Little Over Dramatic!
And this Winters Dumb reaction award goes too...


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Well-known member
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Sorry NIW, I lived in DC area for a couple of years, 40 yrs ago, and the Beltway always turned into a parking lot every time it snowed. Couldn't believe it. Course I'm in a p-poor spot to be critical after last week :eek:


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May 25, 2011
No Wolfman, they are REALLY THAT STUPID! When there is a dusting I stay off the roads, not because I have problems handling it but the odds of something like this happening are just to great. If I am a hundred miles north, if the vehicle will move, I go. I keep tire chains, snatch straps, shackles etc etc in the vehicles all the time. IF I get stuck on the roads I can get myself out.

Grouse Feathers

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BX2370, FEL, Snowblower-BX5455, Homebuilt Forks, LP RB1560, LP GS1548
Feb 16, 2015
Lovells, Mi
Unfortunately it's not all location related. Some of it is directly related to the Interstates. Even in Michigan where we get plenty of opportunities to drive on snow and ice, people go nuts on the Interstates. Monday there were two multiple car pileups near Grayling and Gaylord on I-75. Snow and ice covered road with zero visibility and nobody can slow down. I can drive the interstates on ice and snow but when the visibility starts going down I find another route.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Wolfman, it's not only DC!!!! It's the same here in arkansas also. We had 1/4 inch of snow the other day. County got caught with there pants down and didn't get the salt out. Roads were a tad slick, but didn't need to kick it in four wheel drive. Had three people pass me like I was standing still. I was doing 40 mph. Two of them were in the ditch a couple miles down the road :rolleyes: my wife got delayed by a 10 car pile up on the river bridge in little Rock when she was headed into work.

Supposed to get 1" of ice, plus 3 to 5" of snow tonight. It's currently 32° outside and sprinkling. Hasn't started to freeze yet. Wife just called, and there were three wrecks on the interstate with just water :p I had some bone head rear end a car in front of me about an hour ago in town :rolleyes: The state will be shut down by morning :rolleyes: If we get 8" of snow, you would think it was the end of the world. :p:p I wanna see them get 2' of snow :D:D

Wally world is out of bread, milk, frozen pizzas and hot pockets :rolleyes: