Wolfman, it's not only DC!!!! It's the same here in arkansas also. We had 1/4 inch of snow the other day. County got caught with there pants down and didn't get the salt out. Roads were a tad slick, but didn't need to kick it in four wheel drive. Had three people pass me like I was standing still. I was doing 40 mph. Two of them were in the ditch a couple miles down the road

my wife got delayed by a 10 car pile up on the river bridge in little Rock when she was headed into work.
Supposed to get 1" of ice, plus 3 to 5" of snow tonight. It's currently 32° outside and sprinkling. Hasn't started to freeze yet. Wife just called, and there were three wrecks on the interstate with just water

I had some bone head rear end a car in front of me about an hour ago in town

The state will be shut down by morning

If we get 8" of snow, you would think it was the end of the world.

I wanna see them get 2' of snow

Wally world is out of bread, milk, frozen pizzas and hot pockets