Guns...Times have changed...


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Sadly, to add to my point that criminals will be criminals this is in the news today:

NARA, Japan (AP) — Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation’s most powerful and influential figures, has died after being shot during a campaign speech Friday in western Japan, hospital officials said.

Abe, 67, was shot from behind minutes after he started his speech in Nara. He was airlifted to a hospital for emergency treatment but was not breathing and his heart had stopped. He was later pronounced dead despite emergency treatment that included massive blood transfusions, hospital officials said.

Police arrested the suspected gunman at the scene of an attack that shocked many in Japan, which is one of the world’s safest nations and has some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere.


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Just out, the former PM of Japan has been shot. It's been 90 years since a Japanese PM has been shot and the gun laws in Japan are as strict as anyplace in the world.

So if gun laws are effective how does this happen? Here's an overview from someone in Japan.


6 hours ago

I'm writing this here because the information doesn't seem to have been compiled.
・Perpetrator arrested at scene, no other injuries, weapon recovered by police.
・The weapon looked a homemade shotgun (probably a horizontal double-barreled shotgun with two pipes attached to a wooden base with duct tape).Police say it was a homemade handgun.
・The sound of the shots and the white smoke when fired suggest that the ammunition was not the same as that distributed in Japan.
・The first shot missed and the second hit him in the left chest.
・He was conscious at the time of transport, but went into cardiopulmonary arrest on the way to the hospital.He was given first aid on the spot by volunteer nurses and taken to hospital by helicopter.
・It has been reported that the perpetrators are former members of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force.
I just posted the same thing. It is sad thing, but evil will be evil and one must always be vigilant against it.
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May 3, 2021
Red Lion
Police arrested the suspected gunman at the scene of an attack that shocked many in Japan, which is one of the world’s safest nations and has some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere.

He used a crude homemade shotgun, how would a law control that?
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Aug 7, 2018
It's not to blame today's kids, it actually those kids parents or grandparents.

It's the kids parents that didn't parent. The parents never learned what separation of church and state was really about and let the news casters educate them. Went through life never doubting much that was presented by (the then) black box. Don't want the pledge of allegiance or prayer at the school to influence values, but let games, toys and gangs be the parents. A couple of generations of that and we've got a mess.

One of the best ways to see through one's character is to be around their pet. You'll discover real quick if that person knows how to be a leader, respectful of self and others by how their dog acts!!!!
i tend to forget the /s quite often.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
In Japan, since guns are outlawed, attacks on others is usually by knife.

Now if knives are outlawed (they don't really need them since they eat with chop sticks :) ) will they go to baseball bats?


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MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
BMeyers, I agree completely with your lengthy post. Powerful leaders have no problem implementing laws that would remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens because they know that they will still have armed personal security. I guarantee if these leaders were told the laws they were implementing would mean they would not have armed security, they would not pass the laws.
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2022 Kubota L4060 Polaris Rangerxp800 Ford 3400
Feb 16, 2022
I grew up in a much different generation than most here I believe. But I’m starting to wonder if we’re seeing the long term trials of Ritalin…hell everyone was on it when I was growing up. You could even make some money with it too.

View attachment 83151
You could be right. It was way overprescribed so parents could keep kids subdued.


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Does any of us, (only for yourself, not how you think others should be forced or coerced or punished - don’t hide behind others) feel represented by elected officials today…I mean you feel good about your tax expenditure and how it is used…it represents you and your beliefs? Really? What’s your favorite part? Do you think banning guns or more laws that don’t deal with the assholes doing the bad shit or the endoctrinators and grifters will help you be better represented? I don’t think I am represented today, I am not sure how those wanting to ban my freedoms today plan to represent me more fairly afterward…I wonder what other shitty things they might do after confiscation? Or would they treat us better? 🤔Funny when we think in that way since they work for us and we seem to tip toe around that fact. The negotiation by people who don’t pay my bills or care for me does not start with negotiating my rights away. That’s a B-No…as in there will BE NOne of that, Period.
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Does any of us, (only for yourself, not how you think others should be forced or coerced or punished - don’t hide behind others) feel represented by elected officials today…I mean you feel good about your tax expenditure and how it is used…it represents you and your beliefs? Really? What’s your favorite part? Do you think banning guns or more laws that don’t deal with the assholes doing the bad shit or the endoctrinators and grifters will help you be better represented? I don’t think I am represented today, I am not sure how those wanting to ban my freedoms today plan to represent me more fairly afterward…I wonder what other shitty things they might do after confiscation? Or would they treat us better? 🤔Funny when we think in that way since they work for us and we seem to tip toe around that fact. The negotiation by people who don’t pay my bills or care for me does not start with negotiating my rights away. That’s a B-No…as in there will BE NOne of that, Period.
I think, many feel that they are not being represented well by those that they have elected. I would support this theory by recent elections, President Trump, AOC, just to name two very polarizing individuals that went against the mainstream political flow. I think many feel the government no longer represents them, but instead rules them.

Does it mean that these two are without their faults? No and they do not represent everyone. Yet, I do believe this shows people on all sides are not happy with our current politicians and I believe many polls support this thought process.

As I posted earlier, this topic could easily be its own thread and really dig into the topic. Yet, I'm reminded that limited political topic discussion has been allowed and I don't want to do anything to get tossed and I feel that digging into the overall political system could be a bridge to far.

Please understand, I'm not saying it doesn't need to be discussed, it truly does. I'm just not sure this is the correct forum for it (mods please correct me if I'm wrong).

Yet, you do bring up a very good point.
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Kubota F 2690 72" rear discharge deck, Deere 955
Jul 1, 2022
Central IL
What I've seen happen is police will do nothing until a problem exist. Mental health folks, social services, etc. can be aware of something not right but nothing happens. All departments consider their hands tied until something OBVIOUS happens.... Then it's after the fact and someone is injured by the one "everyone" knew about.
I agree and this is much like the famous quote from Supreme Court Justice Stewart in a landmark pornography case when he stated, "I know it when I see it". The line between odd and disturbed enough to deny gun ownership is often blurry much like the line between art and porn. Extreme cases are fairly easy to identify but most of the actualized problems come from the gray area between the clearly defined lines.
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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
BMeyers, I agree completely with your lengthy post. Powerful leaders have no problem implementing laws that would remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens because they know that they will still have armed personal security. I guarantee if these leaders were told the laws they were implementing would mean they would not have armed security, they would not pass the laws.
Powerful 'leaders' that want gun confiscation want it because they plan on doing things we would shoot them for. It's NOT 'for the children'.
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MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Some people will heavily criticize me for this, but I would rather have a gun in the hands of a psycho than have laws that keep guns from the millions of law abiding citizens.


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Just a couple thoughts after reading the latest posts.

A 30 day delay in buying a gun would not have prevented anything that occured recently, it would likely only have just delayed horrible events.

If you think parents are entirely responsible for how their kids turn out, you should have more kids of your own and you may then think differently. Before I had mine, which both turned out great, I used to think you could mold your kids into what you thought they should be...LOL...reality set in after the fact. Granted the home environment is VERY important. But not the cure all.

Guns in Japan are not banned. Handguns are prohibited. I believe only shot guns and air rifles are permitted. Obtaining a shotgun is not impossible, but the process is very involved and time consuming, from what I have read.


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L4400HST, Bush Hog 276, RDTH60, Speeco PHD, etc
Oct 9, 2019
Snowdoun, AL
Illinois has Red flag law, which if you follow the news they are wanting to take our red flag law national, but once again-this failed.
The red flag law will be struck down on the first challenge.

To pass strict scrutiny, the legislature must have passed the law to further a "compelling governmental interest," and must have narrowly tailored the law to achieve that interest. A general statement about mental health is not narrowly tailored. Any one of us here could be put into that category regardless of our past.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
We’re getting rid of a bunch of stuff.

My son’s toys are some of it. He’s 23 now.

Didn’t figure it was politically correct to put these out with the free stuff.



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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
We’re getting rid of a bunch of stuff.

My son’s toys are some of it. He’s 23 now.

Didn’t figure it was politically correct to put these out with the free stuff.
So....who cares about being 'politically correct'?

It has nearly ruined the Nation.

Unless you live right next door to some 'spooky' neighbor don't worry about it.

Or....put them up in the attic someplace. He (your Son) might want to show them to his Son someday.
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2022 Kubota L4060 Polaris Rangerxp800 Ford 3400
Feb 16, 2022


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May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
Isaac Heath Charged With Murder Of Eileen Schnitker In Missouri | Crime News (

I wish this lady had a gun to defend herself. Also this is another example of its not the weapon its the person wielding the weapon.
Unlikely at 76 yrs old (and female) that she would have had a firearm on Her person at the time of the attack which took place on her front porch....BUT there were witnesses to the attack. I wish the witnesses had been armed and intervened.

The lady murdered was a retired nurse and elderly. She was stabbed and beaten to death with a baseball bat by a lunatic neighbor.

It may have been one of those unavoidable circumstances (happened quickly, disparity of force, no help available to intervene). But Missouri is a Permit-Less Carry State and considered 'gun friendly' I would recommend as many people as feel comfortable doing so, arm themselves.

The sad fact is....YOU are responsible for your own personal safety (at all levels).

Law enforcement can't be everywhere and they will be quick to tell you that in far too many cases, they can only show up and take a report afterward. Acts of violence that result in severe bodily harm or death take place and are over with in SECONDS. Even if LEO were just 'minutes' is too late.

Situational awareness (something most are sadly lacking these days) will go a long way towards keeping you out of trouble or at least see it coming.

Even so, sometimes trouble finds you....and you must be able (and willing) to deal with it as best you can. The use of deadly force should be the last resort and only then IF justified. But in these days and times.....don't be naive and think that the Police will always be there to save the day.
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2022 Kubota L4060 Polaris Rangerxp800 Ford 3400
Feb 16, 2022
Unlikely at 76 yrs old (and female) that she would have had a firearm on Her person at the time of the attack which took place on her front porch....BUT there were witnesses to the attack. I wish the witnesses had been armed and intervened.

The lady murdered was a retired nurse and elderly. She was stabbed and beaten to death with a baseball bat by a lunatic neighbor.

It may have been one of those unavoidable circumstances (happened quickly, disparity of force, no help available to intervene). But Missouri is a Permit-Less Carry State and considered 'gun friendly' I would recommend as many people as feel comfortable doing so, arm themselves.

The sad fact is....YOU are responsible for your own personal safety (at all levels).

Law enforcement can't be everywhere and they will be quick to tell you that in far too many cases, they can only show up and take a report afterward. Acts of violence that result in severe bodily harm or death take place and are over with in SECONDS. Even if LEO were just 'minutes' is too late.

Situational awareness (something most are sadly lacking these days) will go a long way towards keeping you out of trouble or at least see it coming.

Even so, sometimes trouble finds you....and you must be able (and willing) to deal with it as best you can. The use of deadly force should be the last resort and only then IF justified. But in these days and times.....don't be naive and think that the Police will always be there to save the day.
I get that about her owning a gun. Yeah witnesses.....i dont think i would have just watched.
I also am reminded of my opinion about mental health. There is much more of an attitude that life is nothing. I could spend a lot of time agreeing with the rest of your post with examples from experience. My prior post was to point out its not just a gun.
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