hydraulics work, but still leaking cylinders
unbelieveable, the 2 cylinders you fully sealed are leaking,
but the 2 cylinders that defeated you are not leaking
wrap your head around that narrative while you go change the shape of your realm
machine fully stuck in the dirt, hydraulics doing same thing, work when its cold, then nothing when it get hot, add some more fluid
add you 5 gallon hydraulic fluid, there are about 10 gallons of fluid total inside
describe what happens: turn on your engine, hydraulics work, 5 minutes later, hydraulics lock up
there are zero visible leaks, and you can see ton of fluid inside transmission, not bubbly
there is whining when hydraulics work, zero whining when they dont work
3 point hitch works fine when hydraulics work, does not work when hydraulics lock up
some dinosaur probably know the problem, go take off your hydraulic filter and see whats inside
take of cover of filter, let it spill out, work for 15 minute, hydraulic lock up
take you out your filter, boom, your hillbilly instinct was right
filter fully clogged, the fluid dirty
clean it surgically, put it in, run it for time, take it out do it again
probably good to do a complete fluid flush
surgically clean you everything, zero fluid was able to go through it
proof that the answer is usually way simpler than you think
send them message that you are out the office changing the shape of your reality
Gosling crane and a gander rod
A humped backed mule and ground up sod