L295DT changing the shape of your earth, give haters a little snack
L295DT swinging around that big steel bucket with big force leveling out your reality, diesel engine purring
dip stick not showing oil, your engine eating your oil
give the haters a little something will ya?
its harder to start once she is hot because I think too much oil inside combustion chamber
please nature let it be something fixable in the head and not something where you gotta take off the loader
but you can still manage it, you can spray gasoline into intake when cranking, it helps alot
dont be mad your diesel engine eating its own oil, just be happy your diesel engine eating period
Once you get a second, go you back in the thread 15-20 page, and you can see:
@North Idaho Wolfman called it out when we saw oil coming out exhaust hole 2
then someone said it could be that seal on the head, i did not change those, they are 45 year old
go back in the log and reread what they said
She only eat oil under load, does not eat oil when idling
witness you full blown cold start
starts right up, but if hot, then more oil in combustion area putting your diesel ratio out of whack
L295DT lost her mind, trying to break a cinderblock in half,
she declare -
"why did you torture yourself for so long and I was right there waiting for you to heal me?!"
zero rebuttal from you
only once you plane out your realm do you realize how crooked it was
yes, let that purring diesel, carve out your reality, along with its little hydraulic pump,
together moving your unit, the exact fashion you imagine, with zero effort
let L295DT reveal to you the beauty of your earth while you pick the next boxcar song
(this is a paid ad against machine that need input from you at all time)
starter fluid: no, it does nothing, has zero effect on starting it when hot
only thing that works: spin you that injecton pump without engine compression, pump diesel into your combustion chamber, until the diesel wash away the oil