Here's a true story. Actually happened really early this morning.
Pretty much every night our German Shepherd curls up between my wife and I.
Last night was no different. Except that I've been fighting a nasty head cold.
Now the only time I usually snore is when I'm flat out exhausted or I have nasty head congestion.
So last night I'm snoring away sound asleep. Well the dog starts kicking her legs. This is normal when she starts dreaming.
Usually placing your hand on her will get her settled down and the kicking stops.
Last night that didn't happen. Dogs kicking away still and I'm doing a pretty good impersonation of a chain saw.
Wife finally looked at the dog and realized she had her head lifted up off the bed looking at me while kicking the snot out of me with her hind legs

Wife couldn't help it. She busted out laughing.
So I wake up to my wife laughing her butt off and the dog kicking the snot out of me