COVID-19 Stuff

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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I see on KC TV stations there are handouts for food (for folks without work from the virus shutdown). There are lines of cars zig zaging through a parking lot. Nearly all the cars/trucks are nice, new shinny vehicles. Not old junker/clunkers, and they don't have food? But they have a TV that tells them where to go to get free food!

If one is a first time home buyer and don't have enough money for the down payment, you can get another loan for the down payment (from the same place!)! How does that make sense?

A couple of generations ago people had to work all day, every day to provide a basic existence. There wasn't money for four wheelers, tents or time off! Yep, we're just spoiled!

Same scenario here. Free food lines all populated with high buck SUV's and newer (than I own) cars.

I was taken back (a long way) with the supplemental unemployment that was given out by the government. One of my renters was laid off and between the unemployment benefit and the government assistance, they were bringing home over 25 bucks an hour and their regular job pays under 20. Why work when you can freeload for more.

Needless to say I didn't cut them any slack on the rent. They did better not working than working. In fact the rent is going up on all my rentals, I incurred another tax increase so it goes up.

Bottom line is, guess who pays in the end for all the 'free stuff'? One guess only.


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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
The thing that I don't hear much about is the tax money. Counties and states depend on tax money for their daily operations. If the business are not doing business and collecting taxes, how is the local and state governments going to deal with 50% less income. Are all our property, sales, business,insurance, tax etc going to go up????
The same place they get it from now - the taxpayer. In this case it was part of the trillion+ dollar federal covid stimulus, the states got billions.


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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
I forget exactly what the Maine DOT(dept of transporation) said the toll numbers were , but its like minus -$80. million in tolls alone. The school depts. ect also get millions from the state and feds to run thoses. But a lot of businesses hurting.
I see the restaurants are packed now. Two folks eating out is $50. easily now. And every 4th car or truck on the road has a new paper plate. So folks are spending wither they have it or not.
I went shopping this afternoon with mother. I hadn't been in a grocery store in some time. We went to a larger one about 15 miles away. Still many many shelfs were empty. Every isle there were empty shelfs. I guess the closed factory have not cought up yet with demand.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Neither my wife nor I have been in a grocery store in months and last time we went. we went duting 'old people's' hour, 7am in the morning and most everything was on the shelves but selection was limited.

My wife has become a devoted 'click-list shopper at Kroger. She orders online, the give her a pickup time and she goes to the store and calls on her cell phone and they bring the stuff out and put it in the back of the van.

problem is, you don't always get what you order so grocery day is always a surprise and not always a good one either. One time we got diet Pepsi, neither of us can drink that stuff. The artifical sweetner does bad things to us. Another time my wife requested Kogel hot dogs and we got Dearborn and the Dearborn are actually better, so it's kind of mystery shopping.

Just started taking deposit cans and bottle again and we have about 8 big plastic garbage bags full. I pick up empty beer cans every time I walk the pup and I always get 5 or 6, everyday. Thats 50 or 60 cents here.

Bud light is the most popular. Kids around here have no taste in good beer.

Had to go to TSC a while ago for some ag stuff and bird suet and suprisingly, 99% of the customers had masks on and those that didn't were respectful of the 6 foot spacing. Even the younger ones were masked up, I'm thinking that the news about young adults getting it must have made an impact here.

If people just followed the recommendations and did the mask thing and distancing, we'd all be better off and that would negate any legislation to make mask wearing mandatory (like is happening in Texas) right now. If they continue to ignore the recommendation's, at some point masks will become mandatory, just like seatbelts are and non compliance will result in a civil infraction and fine.

An East Lansing (Michigan) bar is credited for 85 Covid cases through contact tracing, all younger folks. Sure wound not want to be that bar owner. I'd say he's done.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Sometimes I wonder where all the lottery money goes... Lottery proceeds were supposed to be for schools but every election, I see schools needing more millages because they are broke.

Someone (politician) lied.


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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
I used to buy $20. to $40. bucks a week in Megabucks and Powerball tickets a week.
But not going into the quickieMart , I pay at the pump for my fuel. I guess my gambling was more of habit then addication.


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L345DT with Lp mower, forks and grapple thumb, Bobcat 337 Midi Ex
May 4, 2018
I forget exactly what the Maine DOT(dept of transporation) said the toll numbers were , but its like minus -$80. million in tolls alone. The school depts. ect also get millions from the state and feds to run thoses. But a lot of businesses hurting.
I see the restaurants are packed now. Two folks eating out is $50. easily now. And every 4th car or truck on the road has a new paper plate. So folks are spending wither they have it or not.
I went shopping this afternoon with mother. I hadn't been in a grocery store in some time. We went to a larger one about 15 miles away. Still many many shelfs were empty. Every isle there were empty shelfs. I guess the closed factory have not cought up yet with demand.
Maine construction is booming just like since Trump got elected. Lot of once vacationers are now building or improving their cottages to stay. One of the swimming pool companies here i work for is booked into fall 2021 and a Landscape architect I do work for is booking projects into 2022.
Those workers who lost jobs in the vacation industry will have a job if they are willing to change and do some hard work like construction, there is a labor shortage in this field.

Real estate isnt staying on the shelf for long here either. I was on a job recently for 4 days and in that time a real estate rep came out looked at the house on my day1 and by day 4 they were rushing me off because of 4 house showings.


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Here's the latest Covid19 SCAM to take money...
My lawyer wants $250 for a Covid19 fee cause it takes longer at the bank to deposit my cheque !!!
Really, I couldn't make this up !!
Anyone else know of similar 'fees' or 'charges' ??



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Here's the latest Covid19 SCAM to take money...
My lawyer wants $250 for a Covid19 fee cause it takes longer at the bank to deposit my cheque !!!
Really, I couldn't make this up !!
Anyone else know of similar 'fees' or 'charges' ??
If that was my lawyer, I'd report him to the local bar association and I don't mean booze bar either.......



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I used to buy $20. to $40. bucks a week in Megabucks and Powerball tickets a week.
But not going into the quickieMart , I pay at the pump for my fuel. I guess my gambling was more of habit then addication.
I have to ask... did you ever win anything?


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
IMO business isn't down as much as the media wants you to think it is. Drive by a wal-mark parking lot. In my case, the little tiny shop I work for had a million dollar month April, May, and on track for June as well. April was the first ever million dollar sales, and they've been in business for a long time. I know I've been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest for sure. In that sense, sales tax revenues can't be down all that much, but I don't know about the rest of the taxed (property, franchise, real, etc). I can't comment on that because I know nothing about them.

Business has been so good the last 3 months that my bonuses have been nice, BUT that also means I get taxed more. Income taxes, and everything else that comes out as a percentage. On that note, I need to invest in something but have no clue where to start. I'm real conservative in investing, if it's not a sure thing, I won't touch it. I screwed up and let a house & land go that I wanted, perfect location, nice house, fully furnished. They were asking $48k for everything, move-in ready. I have about $60K equity in my place I own now, and combined with some savings money I could have just bough the other place outright, retired from what I do (at 45 yr old), and move/work up there for some kind of insurance until I get tired of it. House would have been paid for. Place is 1/4 mile from the best fishing in these parts, and there is a confluence of the river and a pair of creeks; both creeks are well-known around here for crystal clear waters and perfect for smallmouth. Or I coulda rented it, and after spending the week up there looking at various VRBO, Homeaway, and airbnb rentals, I'm pretty sure I could have done really well with it. :(



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
We own 47 acres of prime hardwood forest in northern Michigan and like you didn't do, we bought it cheap and will never sell it. Great hunting, great camping and the big Muskegon River is a half mile away bit I don't fish. Hunt yes. Stays in the family forever.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
The thing that I don't hear much about is the tax money. Counties and states depend on tax money for their daily operations. If the business are not doing business and collecting taxes, how is the local and state governments going to deal with 50% less income. Are all our property, sales, business,insurance, tax etc going to go up????

No. There's a very simple solution for that, evidently. They're all just planning on de-funding the police. Haven't you heard? ;)



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
No. There's a very simple solution for that, evidently. They're all just planning on de-funding the police. Haven't you heard? ;)
Sounds like a wonderful plan......(n)

I suspect they will go to the Fed and get the funds which will, of course increase the National Debt which is already umungus.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Well well....last day of my vacation, nice this morning so I went to the lake, alone. Wore out some crappie, caught 2 catfish one was 7 1/2 lbs and the other 9.0. GF came over and we ate fish for dinner. Worst part was cleaning 30 crappie, then prepping them to cook.

Social distancing? Oh yeah. Saw ONE other boat on that end of the lake, didn't hear any off in the distance, no wake up til about 0930, then the one boat went by, then about 10 the wind started picking up. Radar said storm rolling in and in my little 15 flat bottom, I don't do storms, so I headed in. I got back to the ramp, docked the boat, and there was an older gentleman with what looked to be a 5 or 6 year old probably granddaughter, she was holding her hello kitty pink fishing rod. She had it cast out about 10' or so from the ramp and I asked them if they'd caught any, she said no before the man could get a word out. I asked what they were using for bait and he said they were using plastic worm (under a bobber). So I grabbed my cooler and walked over there and asked them if they needed some minnows, and the guy said that he'd never used minnows to fish with. She asked what minnows are, so I took one out and showed it to her. "That's a little fish not a minnow!"--I laughed, then explained that they are good for fish bait to catch bigger fish. I showed her how to hook a minnow and she cast it back out, I walked up to the truck and I hear all sorts of racket behind me, and here she is pulling with all her might, and a fish on the other end trying to get itself off the hook. By time I got the truck backed up, he's pulling out about a 5 lb bass! Thing was about as big as the little girl is. So he grabbed it by the lip and then gave it to her to hold it, she could hardly hold it as I snapped a picture & texted it to his cellphone.

2 people (well 3) is all I saw for the first half of the day, now that's what I call social distancing.
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Well well....last day of my vacation, nice this morning so I went to the lake, alone. Wore out some crappie, caught 2 catfish one was 7 1/2 lbs and the other 9.0. GF came over and we ate fish for dinner. Worst part was cleaning 30 crappie, then prepping them to cook.

Social distancing? Oh yeah. Saw ONE other boat on that end of the lake, didn't hear any off in the distance, no wake up til about 0930, then the one boat went by, then about 10 the wind started picking up. Radar said storm rolling in and in my little 15 flat bottom, I don't do storms, so I headed in. I got back to the ramp, docked the boat, and there was an older gentleman with what looked to be a 5 or 6 year old probably granddaughter, she was holding her hello kitty pink fishing rod. She had it cast out about 10' or so from the ramp and I asked them if they'd caught any, she said no before the man could get a word out. I asked what they were using for bait and he said they were using plastic worm (under a bobber). So I grabbed my cooler and walked over there and asked them if they needed some minnows, and the guy said that he'd never used minnows to fish with. She asked what minnows are, so I took one out and showed it to her. "That's a little fish not a minnow!"--I laughed, then explained that they are good for fish bait to catch bigger fish. I showed her how to hook a minnow and she cast it back out, I walked up to the truck and I hear all sorts of racket behind me, and here she is pulling with all her might, and a fish on the other end trying to get itself off the hook. By time I got the truck backed up, he's pulling out about a 5 lb bass! Thing was about as big as the little girl is. So he grabbed it by the lip and then gave it to her to hold it, she could hardly hold it as I snapped a picture & texted it to his cellphone.

2 people (well 3) is all I saw for the first half of the day, now that's what I call social distancing.

bird dogger

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Kubota B2650 and lots of other equipment
Feb 24, 2019
North Dakota
Well well....last day of my vacation, nice this morning so I went to the lake, alone. Wore out some crappie, caught 2 catfish one was 7 1/2 lbs and the other 9.0. GF came over and we ate fish for dinner. Worst part was cleaning 30 crappie, then prepping them to cook.

Social distancing? Oh yeah. Saw ONE other boat on that end of the lake, didn't hear any off in the distance, no wake up til about 0930, then the one boat went by, then about 10 the wind started picking up. Radar said storm rolling in and in my little 15 flat bottom, I don't do storms, so I headed in. I got back to the ramp, docked the boat, and there was an older gentleman with what looked to be a 5 or 6 year old probably granddaughter, she was holding her hello kitty pink fishing rod. She had it cast out about 10' or so from the ramp and I asked them if they'd caught any, she said no before the man could get a word out. I asked what they were using for bait and he said they were using plastic worm (under a bobber). So I grabbed my cooler and walked over there and asked them if they needed some minnows, and the guy said that he'd never used minnows to fish with. She asked what minnows are, so I took one out and showed it to her. "That's a little fish not a minnow!"--I laughed, then explained that they are good for fish bait to catch bigger fish. I showed her how to hook a minnow and she cast it back out, I walked up to the truck and I hear all sorts of racket behind me, and here she is pulling with all her might, and a fish on the other end trying to get itself off the hook. By time I got the truck backed up, he's pulling out about a 5 lb bass! Thing was about as big as the little girl is. So he grabbed it by the lip and then gave it to her to hold it, she could hardly hold it as I snapped a picture & texted it to his cellphone.

2 people (well 3) is all I saw for the first half of the day, now that's what I call social distancing.
Mighty nice, Lugbolt! That little girl will remember the day for the rest of her life !! I agree with Sheepfarmer......PERFECT!


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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
No surprise to me why Covid is spreading like wildfire in some locations.
Why American IN For A Long Covid Pandemic.jpg
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