BX25D-Curtis Cab Install (All Steel)


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Last year I built a cab and was surprised by the amount of noise inside. After looking it over I'm convinced the only way to substantially reduce noise is through vibration isolation in the form of rubber mounts to separate the cab from the tractor. I devised but didn't implement a plan for mine that should be relatively simple since the whole cab is fastened to the tractor with four bolts.

Noise from the engine and transmission is carried through all the bolted-together metal and glass parts.

Former USMC

New member
Dec 8, 2011
Central Wisconsin
Enjoyed your cab install immensely Jetman.
Could not find a hard side cab for my JD 4110. After being spoiled by the wives 1100 RTV I decided I need a cab for the winter months of snow and cold in the mid west. I read Chims cab build and decided to get welding on my surplus steel. So far the structure and doors are taking shape. I am building it slightly longer behind the seat so my four leg friend can be a passenger. If I get as far as a heater , wiper , and radio it should make a nice home away from home. I enjoy metal fabrication. This cab should test ones skills competing with the Cadillacs of pre built units. Looking forward to some posts on wiring and wiper installs.
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New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Let me know what you want on wiring or wipers because I have thousands of pictures of everything.

Good luck on your build, you will love it when finished.

I spent hours on making the wiring look nice and right.

I would say when you get started, keep going till finished. I went hard for a month and got alot done. Now it's just small add on's, but my tractor is never down .
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New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Sorry for no more updates this weekend on the foam tape.

I did not like the way it turned out because the foam did not hold up to having the levers moved back and fourth multiple times. I have to figure out somthing better so when I show it to you, i have proven it works.

I wish I could have found that brush fibers glued onto metal I use to work with, but it was used as a static guard.


New member

BX25D, Cab, BXPanded Plow, B2789 Rr PTO Blower, Brotek Thumb, spacers
Dec 9, 2013
Hey Jetman, 4shorts in the other forum directed me over here. nice work on your Kubota cab! I also liked to see your zero turn in the shed. I have some questions for you...

I am looking to trade my BX24 into a new 25D and I would lean toward the hard cab. still leaves me with a couple potential issues.

1) Operating Rear PTO Snowblower with manual chute rotation: the rear cab would need to be removed and this defeats the purpose of the cab.
I have read some briefings on guys fabricating window motors, etc. for the chute rotation. Honestly, I'm not that handy and not that I'm made of money but would assume just buy a bolt on hydraulic or electric rotation device....provided of course it could be wired into the cab. thoughts?

2) Heat Loss: I saw that you've dedicated a good amount of effort to 'insulating' areas from the foot pedals to the operating shifters, etc... is this really necessary? how much heat loss are we talking about? I plan on getting a heater with the Curtis cab and would imagine that a little heat loss from these areas is no big deal? I appreciate going the extra mile, just curious if you found the heat loss significant.

3) Noise: This is a big one. I operate my mower all the time (4 acres of grass cutting on a BX is a 2+ hour chore). I also run a Cyclone Rake and that puppy puts out some noise. Snowblower, etc so I'm a noise maker. Can I get some more detail on noise levels and sound deadening that folks do in the Curtis cab? I saw one photo above of another tractor that showed that someone turned their BX cab into a Bentley interior... nicely done...but again I'm not one to tackle a custom interior.... any snap on easy solutions here, is it really necessary? I always wear ear protection anyway. Chim notes that rubber mounts on the bolt on areas is the culprit, moreso than the engine hood, etc. I imagine Curtis Cab themselves would seek to rectify this if the issue were significant?

really appreciate the insight guys.


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Thanks for the kind words and your questions.

1. Snow Blower,I have seen the mods on the snow shoot, so if electric , drill and seal, run wires through lower cab wall with quick disconnects to blower so you could take back wall off when needed, and to your control console or dashboard switch and go for it. Use good installation techniques to make it look factory and not to offer problems for you down the road. There are area's on the back of cab, not on the removable wall that you can pass through on either side of the back window to do this with no issues. Use good grommets so not to cut wires or hoses.

2. Heat loss, is no problem, I just went way over board because I wanted something to do at night instead of watching t.v. , so I am out of control on this because as the cab goes, it holds heat and is just fine the way it is. You don't need to do what I am doing.

"WildFire" just gave me too much inspiration to have fun and make changes to make it reflect my personality, because I am an artist at what I do.

3.Noise, with or without a cab, always where ear protection, on prolong usage on the tractor, that is just the way it is. Adding sound deadening material may help,and is easy because you get the cut and sticky back stuff, no problem to install. The picture, with the dressed up cab is even easier, just get material , cut, use "3M spray on adhesive". I use to customize vans all the time that way. The cab comes with rubber seals on bottom to seal the cab, but you will have to do more if you want to cut down on vibration noise. Add foam rubber seal all the way around bottom before installation of cab. Curtis Cab makes nothing for the cab to help you in this effort. I going to keep trying different things till it makes since to just stop and enjoy the tractor the way it is.

I will download a noise db app. and take some readings for you so we can have some stat. readings and observe to see if changes are worth it.

I purchased the cab, so I could use the tractor all year round in comfort, in any kind of weather without dressing up in heavy snow suit or getting wet in the spring or having the sun beat down on my head.

But it's just plain cool factor for me and I like working with my hands and brains

These are MY REASONS, and it works for ME. Your reasons will be different on what and how far you will go on this tractor, but if I can be of any help I will do all I can for you.

My zero turn mower, from TSC, is called a"Bad Boy Mowers" 60in. cut, look it up , 5yrs old and cuts 5 acres of our back yard no problem. This is my wifes tractor.

I hope I answered your questions, if not I can get more pictures if you like.


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New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
North Idaho Wolfman,

Thanks for the heads up on the door sweep.

That is just what I was looking for. Now just have to find the right size, color, and price so I can test them.

I have already taken my grab bar handles off from both sides of the seat and am going to install the brush from the bottom side to make it look neat and factory for me.

Of course pictures to follow when done.


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
pics of the wiper are
The over head dome light is not standard. I got it at TSC , $5 , much better than the one that came with the console with only works if you hold your finger on it. This one is much brighter. I have it wired to a switch on the dash on the left side of the cab, so when I get in at night I flip the switch so I can see the starter key hole.


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New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Here are some pictures that I wished I had when I started this project.
I did shorten up the wires a lot ! So once you know where you want to go cut it and make it look neat.
Curtis gives you plenty of wire to run anywhere.


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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
That's not a tractor cab!
That's the new BX space shuttle cockpit!
Any more "Add on parts" and that BX is going to decide that it wants to put it's wheels up in the air!;)


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
North Idaho Wolfman,

Thanks, but I have been running around in my head what it would look like if I put a turbo on it

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Yea a turbo will add about $2k to your BX build and about 2 HP if your lucky.

But hey it's your toy go for it!;)


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Well my wife left me alone today, so I finished the project of filling in the holes for the control levers.

I used a door sweep brush, hot glue gun, dremel cutoff wheel to slice the plastic to slide the brush into.


Jeff H

New member
Mar 19, 2014
South Jersey
Any out there see any reason why this would not fit on a 2008 BX25?

They show a different part number cab for the BX25 and the BX25D but I like this new one better.

I think the only difference in the tractors is the top half of the ROPS angles different but that shouldn't stop it from working.


New member

BX25D, Cab, BXPanded Plow, B2789 Rr PTO Blower, Brotek Thumb, spacers
Dec 9, 2013
I just took delivery on a new BX25D with the same cab from Curtis. I think a call to them directly would be helpful to answer your questions about a fit on your 24.

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