BX25D-Curtis Cab Install (All Steel)



BX24, Rear blade, Front blade, Snowblower, 54" MMM, Box scraper, Landscape rake
Dec 25, 2010
Kellogg, Idaho
Very nice. Me likey :D

Curtis does not list prices :( With round numbers what am I looking at to put what you have on my BX24?


Lifetime Member

L6060 cab and loader
Sep 16, 2013
Stopped by Curtis industries today and they no longer sell to the public I have to buy through a dealer. Lol I tried. I'll see what my dealer can offer.


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio

You are correct, you must go through a dealer for any part from Curtis Cab.

Final price depends on your options, expect to pay between 3-4 thousand if you fully load it up.

But like I said earlier, if you want , then get it , it doesn't matter the cost.

I did , and I have no regrets what so ever getting the all steel cab. My wife cannot keep me out of it. I find work to do now just to get out of the house.



BX24, Rear blade, Front blade, Snowblower, 54" MMM, Box scraper, Landscape rake
Dec 25, 2010
Kellogg, Idaho
Thank you kindly Sir. My lovely Wifey-Poo just about called 911 because I was drooling and speaking incoherently saying something like I want I want I want......

You Sir have a nice setup :D


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
As long as she only calls 911 and not a divorce lawyer you are all set.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
3 ta 4 grand,, bless me father, I guess I'll just put up with the cold snow and rain


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio
Kubota Man,

I feel your pain, LOL
That is why I got one , when I saw the pic in the brochure And I was hooked.

I thank Jesus, everyday for the job I have as a network engineer, so I could purchase this tractor. I have been laid off before and never spent money on anything unless I really needed it. This time I got what I wanted and have no regrets and my wife told me to do it.

I find new things all the time to add to make it useful to me.

I won't let this thread end on someone's sour grapes, that won't happen.

If you got the cash get it , it won't disappoint you.

I sorry some cannot add this feature to theirs, so I will pray that God will bless you with one if you want it.


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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Aint no sour grapes my friend, simply a statement of truth. Anyone that can do the things they want to do or are lucky enough to buy the things they want I say God bless. I have never been an envious person if you got it and you worked for it then you deserver it:D


New member

BX25D, TLB, 1860 bal. bucket, Curtis Hard Cab
Aug 31, 2013
Wooster, Ohio

Truth, sometimes is best not spoken, yes? I never tell my wife, that a dress makes her look fat, when it does. I use wisdom.

What is to be gained by your disagreement on the cost of a cab shown on this forum? shared it was to give others idea's or to let like owners see something different. You not liking the cost is truly your business and your right. No one will hold that against you. Each man on here will make his own decision if he can afford something on his own, and that is how I left it. I made my own choice even knowing that from other forums guys didn't like the cost.

If this is going to be one of those forums that guys just type out every negative thought because they can and will , then this is not the forum for me.

I left other forums because of that very same kind of response because I bought a $10.000 remote control jet. Yes, I can fly toy planes and real planes.

if this turns into something negative , I can share my future upgrades and mods that I have planned for this tractor with Paul Shorts only , aka "Wildfire" , who seams to have the right attitude when I stumbled on him. "Good job Jetman" he would always say, and he was Positive, supportive, didn't care how I spent my money or even asked or cared. He just liked the work I did and wanted to share what he does with me. God is with this man, with all the good he has done in his life, and that's the kind of people I want to be with.

So you guys make up your mind how this is going to play out from here on, because I am not looking for trouble, just trying to avoid wasted energy and time.

I just want to be happy and feel good as long as I can , and make a difference in someones life as much as I can,, when I can.

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Lifetime Member

L3400DT W/ LA463 FEL and L235DT W/ BF400 Loader
Dec 26, 2011
Rising Sun, Maryland
Jetman, that sure is sweet. I noticed that you can raise the top panel and remove the back panel. Was that designed that way for BH operation or is that just a feature of the system for ventilation? What I am most curious about, are you able to remove and replace the doors easily as the need arises?

Good luck with it and have fun.




New member

Nov 14, 2013
I have to say vary nice. I am normally not one to care for how things look as long as it gets the job done but this one is impressive both features and looks great to boot.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
My friend you wasted more energy bustin my nuts than as you say wisdom in letting it go.
I made a comment about cost, I never said it was a waste of money or time no you got it and I am happy for you. But I fear if you are this thin skinned over my comment pray some others in here don't eat you alive. If you leave that's your choice no skin off my nose or anyone else's. Something about cutting off your nose to spite your face. And 10k for a jet model , if you enjoy it that's all that matters, what do you care what other people think your the one looking at your self in the mirror in the morning no one else and at the end of the day you only have to be the one happy.
I ll say no more

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
t33jetman- I think maybe you read something extra into skeets' comment about
the price. I saw nothing derogatory in his post, in fact I had almost exactly the same thought, no way I could spend that on even a really nice accessory, but hell, I couldn't afford your tractor either. Not trying to stir things up or take sides, I'm just saying maybe a little lighter touch.... I really think it was more a comment on his ability (or willingness) to justify such an expensive purchase, much like me.
I would love to have your setup, looks great & very well thought out.
My only experience with Curtis Cab was on my '96 EZGO Turf truck- it had a Curtis Cab & it was bullet proof.


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Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Ok I got to step in here although I realize its none of my business at all but I know or at least I think I know skeets and Jetman via forums and personal emails.
Jetman I can tell you without one little doubt in my mind what so ever that skeets wasn't saying anything derogatory about your set up. I'm absolutely positive about that.
Jetman did I ever steer you in the wrong direction? I bet your answering no or I sure hope you did.

Skeets has been on here as long as I can remember. I refer to him as one of the "good guys" but then again everyone is good guys on here. He's always helping others in his posts and he just cracks me up with his wit.

I'll bet my BX and grand L he never meant anything by his post that's how certain I am about this.

Jetman take a look at Skeets avatar. Yup it's a Harley. I don't know about down there but up here they're not giving them away so take that into consideration. Skeets likes his toys like all of us lol. We all get sticker price shock from time to time. Heck even me :D

Jetman I'm sure I can speak for the majority of us in saying we really enjoy seeing what you've done with your BX 25-D. You've transformed your BX into a master piece, something to be very proud of.

To think you've done this coming from an IT background is nothing short of exceptional/ incredible and you've earned my respect in doing so. The respect I have for my friend Skeets is just as high. He's brought so much to this forum and is one of the reasons I keep coming back.

I myself have locked horns in the past with other members both here and other sites, some may have been my fault and some weren't. I've had disagreements with one member on here from time to time but I still think he's a good guy and I read his posts.

Life gets complicated and everyone has things going on in their lives that make things tough to deal with. None of us are exempt from life's troubles. Let's keep this place the great site it is and get along with one another.

William. If you want to stop your wife from asking if her dress makes her look fat just ask her, "What does the dress have to do with it" :D

Paul Short aka 4shorts/Wildfire

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Lil Foot

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Man I got to say "Love that machine" cool custom work on it as well. ;)
Thanks man, coming from you, that's a real compliment! As you can probably guess, it was the source of my forum name. It's still in the family, the wife's uncle, (my surrogate dad) has it with the proviso that I get it back if he wants to sell it & it's in his will that I get it back when the inevitable happens. It's street legal, virtually nothing is left stock, was rated @ 1000lbs payload before my mods, even has a power dump bed. It has pulled out countless vehicles of every size & type, including a Ford 9N stuck in a swamp. I'm pretty sure it's one of a kind.


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Lil Foot

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Oops, sorry for the minor hijack, I get carried away when I talk about my toys sometimes.:eek:


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Thanks man, coming from you, that's a real compliment! As you can probably guess, it was the source of my forum name. It's still in the family, the wife's uncle, (my surrogate dad) has it with the proviso that I get it back if he wants to sell it & it's in his will that I get it back when the inevitable happens. It's street legal, virtually nothing is left stock, was rated @ 1000lbs payload before my mods, even has a power dump bed. It has pulled out countless vehicles of every size & type, including a Ford 9N stuck in a swamp. I'm pretty sure it's one of a kind.
Well I just say it as I see it and that a very nice unit. Love the aluminum work, bumper and checkered plating. Your name in it, well that's just to cool for school :D
That's the stuff that catches my eye. Love the detail you put into it and best of all, it's functional. Good stuff. Really enjoyed seeing it. Thanks for posting it.

Sorry Jetman. I couldn't resist. Between you and Lil Foot there's a lot of talent on here in this thread.