Two other things:
As insurance and since you're delayed anyway, if you haven't already, I'd suggest replacing the front trans seal while its back apart. (Yeah, I know you really didn't want to hear that) It's just that it's right there and very easy while you have it back apart. Perhaps you already replaced it (fingers crossed). In that case, it would have been an excellent move and please disregard the above. Food for thought...
Finally, you might also check the clutch travel and adjustment before you disassemble things just to be sure that everything with the new pressure plate and throwout bearing is correct. Sometimes the machining on these aftermarket parts isn't up to snuff. Also, I have read of some guys assembling with the throwout bearing in backwards and not being able to properly adjust the clutch. It's worth checking now so you know everything is right before you take it apart and put it back together just in case something isn't right.
Just think, you're going to be like the karate kid - wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off...