Search results

  1. Shadetree03

    Bottom of my bucket has no paint

    I noticed the bottom of my bucket was rusty the other day, so your post caught my eye. I remember Dad dosing the moldboards on the old plow with used motor oil so they were easier to roll sod the next year. But I've decided that I've been neglecting to use my bucket enough this year so I'll...
  2. Shadetree03

    Roll Call

  3. Shadetree03

    RB1672 Rear Blade Tilt

    I bought a 2672 Blade for my L2501 that had been returned to the dealer- almost new, but paint faded. I had to use a breaker bar and socket to loosen the bolts a bit and the old squirt can with used oil to douse the pivot before it was workable. Like the last two posts, adjust to the tilt you...
  4. Shadetree03

    Recommendations for L2501 fuel tank pre-filter screen ?

    Yep - like Ken says the issue is the large accumulation of crud that adheres just under the cap due to splash and leakage of small amount of diesel past the cap threads. There is usually a half inch collar of dirt and crud that falls off the cap when it is unscrewed. I try to run a rag...
  5. Shadetree03

    Tipping over

    Just finished moving 130 tons of roadbase with the 525 FEL on my little L2501. I had the LP2672 rear blade hanging on back and it made a Huge difference on the stability. The front loader with 6 ft bucket was maxed out when full, and I needed FWD to back out and maneuver as the rear wheels...
  6. Shadetree03

    What do you ride, and whats the last thing you did to it?

    Pinkerton Hot Springs, N of Durango CO.. thanks
  7. Shadetree03

    l2501 sputtering

    I finally cured the sputtering problem on my L2501 that would occur at 1800 or higher RPM usually after a little work and warmed up. After changing fuel filters a couple times and pricing the lift pump #1G896-52030 online I held off the last two years. I dropped by the local dealer and...
  8. Shadetree03

    Looking for light duty 6 ft rear blade for my L2501HST

    Glad I got the LandPride 2672 , a medium duty blade rated for 25 to 60 HP tractors. I wont hurt it with my little L2501, and at 370 lbs it has enough weight to carve a little if I set the pitch right. When we get the 3/4 ground asphalt, I'll get some practice with the float on the FEL as...
  9. Shadetree03

    Confused about tractor RPMs + L, M, H (Kubota L3301)

    On my L2501 the tank has a large upper shelf that tapers down to a narrower deep section to the rear of the engine. A standard rheostat type float guage will go down slowly over the top 6 inches (about 6 gallons), and then quickly for the bottom 5 inches or so.
  10. Shadetree03

    Looking for light duty 6 ft rear blade for my L2501HST

    thanks for the reply. What brand/model blade do you have on your 3301?
  11. Shadetree03

    Looking for light duty 6 ft rear blade for my L2501HST

    I currently have a 7 ft wide landscape rake that does a good job grooming loose gravel, but I have a project to make a 1/4 mile path. The dry powdery ground here in Pueblo has few rocks and the path will involve removing about 2-3 inches of top soil to the side, then we plan to spread a layer...
  12. Shadetree03

    B2710 with bushhog questions

    The turnbuckles on my L2501 are tightened up enough yet allow them the lift arms to pass the pins one at a time when hooking up. I also slip 3-4 heavy washers over the pins to take up a couple inches of slop back or forth. Since I back in with the bush hog to clean up some tight spots it...
  13. Shadetree03

    Bill to end livestock "abuse".........

    Seems like the Oregon bill is a copy of the Colorado Initiative #16 which also sets age provisions for harvesting animals. Bill sponsors are reps from the cities of Broomfield and Boulder and supported by the group PAUSE...
  14. Shadetree03

    When oil prices go up more what are you....

    The oil price that producers got fell well below $40 per bbl when travel and demand shut down last year. Now with recovering demand and less supply due less domestic production from fewer drillers left, the prices of production, transportation as well as supply chain all mean prices at the...
  15. Shadetree03

    Rear Blade Operating Advice

    I use the landscape rake to groom the gravel on a side drive, and find that the rocking of the tractor and resultant humps can be reduced by lowering the front bucket until it touches, but with the front lip slightly raised so as not to dig too much. Makes for a longer and steadier platform to...
  16. Shadetree03

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Finally temps in the 60s and a hint of warmth to come. Since we Spring forward this weekend, I thought it was time to put some Spring Air in the tires. Brought the fronts up to 35 psi to help with loader work, and added a bit to the rears. Calling for snow again this weekend, so I...
  17. Shadetree03


    Depends on working or playing. Retired now and not as much a rush to "get er done". Was around lots of big VT-12 Cummins back in the day running at 2100 RPM for hrs at a time turning out 600 BHP and doing a good job. Liked to see them work, but happy when they got idled back down. For...
  18. Shadetree03

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Given my experiences, I have to conclude that sometimes you just get crappy drivers assigned to an area. Everyone has their own experience and mine is that the route driver for Fedex as well as the USPS relief drivers during the holidays often didnt give a hoot about getting my packages...