Beginner needs all kinds of advice


New member

shovel and wheelbarrow
Aug 13, 2013
Evenin' all.

A little background on me so you know what sort of person you're talking with:
33 years old, helping to run a little farm for the past couple of years. Grew up on a farm......technically speaking. As a kid I probably drove a Farmall Super A a total of seven times. So I can tell a belly mower from a turning plow, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.

Recently I was asked to find us a good small tractor for this small farm. I said "Sure! No problem." and when I started looking around got a bit overwhelmed.
So I figure I need to learn from people that know tractors, and this seems to be the sort of place where I'd get good advice.

Kubota is right at the top of my list, as just about everybody I know recommends them. We need something bigger than a lawn mower, but not a whole lot bigger. Three-point hitch is required. Belly mower capability is needed. I'd like to have options such as adding a loader at a later date. So far what I've seen that seems to be the right fit for us are the "B" series tractors.

I won't be the guy paying for the tractor; but I'll be the one using, maintaining, and fixing it. Needless to say I haven't been given a massive budget to work with.

Thank you in advance, for your time and advice.
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Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Food for thought, Kubota is offering no money down and no intrest for 60 monts on new units. May consider taking advantage of that and use their money and go ahead and get a loader now. Later down the line finding one will be a nightmare.


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L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
Go to the dealer and check them out. Stick with Kubota and you will be good. I got a good deal on a 14 hrs like new tractor just for stopping by the dealer for a look. :cool:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
OK lets see what you plan on doing, farming, haying, just mowing, cleaning out horse stalls mucking out a cow barn? Maybe a little more information might help, are you going to need a FEL, a back hoe? See where Im headed with this? The more info you put out the easier it will be to help,, I have a BX2360 a little tank she is,, but again it fits the things I do,, SO tell us a tad more if you please


New member

Apr 4, 2013
salisbury nc usa
Even a bit about yourself would be helpful. short, tall, thin, fat etc. I am 6'4" and pushing north of 250, and I just didn't fit any of the B series tractors. Get the front loader with the tractor, You will use it a lot.
How big a farm are you talking. I've only got 8 acres, and the L series works pretty good for my needs. (L3200 HST) . It was only a grand more than the B3200 and a whole more functional.


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Lifetime Member

John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Even a bit about yourself would be helpful. short, tall, thin, fat etc. I am 6'4" and pushing north of 250, and I just didn't fit any of the B series tractors. Get the front loader with the tractor, You will use it a lot.
How big a farm are you talking. I've only got 8 acres, and the L series works pretty good for my needs. (L3200 HST) . It was only a grand more than the B3200 and a whole more functional.
Very good points. Comfort, especially if you are going to be in the saddle for long periods, is very important.
You will hear again and again that once you decide on what tractor, buy the next size up if you can afford it. Number one, people usually plan conservatively, and number two, your needs likely will change. It's easier and cheaper to buy more tractor now than later.
Of course, not everyone can afford a more expensive tractor. In that case, you make what you can afford work for you.
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New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
For flexibility and reasonably powered and equipped, I would not go with the smallest Kubota, the BX series. I made the mistake of getting one after moving to a city lot. It works fine in all respects, except for two things. The front end loader does not go high enough for suitably loading stuff onto a pickup. And definitely it can't load into a dump body. The PTO control is very crude. It is not the type that sets the "draft" by where the handle sits. Instead it is a two way valve. Push down and it sends the arms down. Pull up and it send them up. Let go and it centers itself and the arms are stuck where they were left.

Even the B series won't load a full size dump truck with its FEL.

Otherwise, it can do a lot of stuff for its size.

Kubota BX 1860


BX 1860, oops, traded it for a BX2370
Jun 23, 2011
Raymond, ME
No money down and 60 months makes it pretty easy to buy. And, as others have said, GET THE FRONT END LOADER. It'll be the smartest someone else's money you ever spent. I thought, way in the back of my mind, that the FEL would be an extravagance, but I wanted it so I got it anyway. Handiest thing I've ever owned, bar none. Go for it. :)