Search results

  1. Dennis.D

    How do you deal with snow?

    PTO pump and tank hang off the 3PH. These tractors don't have the volume or pressure needed for hydraulic blowers. Erskine made this one.
  2. Dennis.D

    How do you deal with snow?

    12" to 22" forecast on news tonight for Sunday. I can't wait to try out the Kubota and the new hydro snow blower.
  3. Dennis.D

    First time using my front (FEL) mount snow blade

    I run into this type of snow conditions often with my plow truck. I have found if I drive the truck with the plow UP back and forth a few times it will pack the wet snow down and give my plow a harder surface to ride on and not dig up the gravel.
  4. Dennis.D

    Fuel consumption

    For comparison I have a Gr L 6060. Uses about 1 GPH at 2000 RPM up to PTO540 RPM doing light work. Mowing, chipping Back Hoe type work. With the front mount hydraulic snow blower it looks like it will be 1.5 to 2 GPM.
  5. Dennis.D

    Glock G40 10mm

    I have a Glock 17. It's a 9MM not a10MM. While not the prettiest or the most comfortable gun I have. It will fire every time no matter what kind of shell I put in it. I like the gun now that I am comfortable with the safety or lack of. I do appreciate the gun for what it is. Durable, dependable...
  6. Dennis.D

    Engine Oil

    I can't find Rotella T6 15w40. 15w40 T5 but when I search T6 can only find 5W40.
  7. Dennis.D

    LED lights fade out radio

    NoJacket I thought I might have to replace the cheep LEDs. I have used them before with no issues but there was no radio involved. Thanks for the reply.
  8. Dennis.D

    LED lights fade out radio

    I installed LED lights on my L6060 cab. 2 on the top front corners of the cab. (replaced the factory lights) and 2 on the side hooked into the rear canopy lights. When I turn on the LEDs the radio fades out. I have tried putting ferrite magnets on the LED light wires and the radio antenna wire...
  9. Dennis.D

    New kubota orange paint (very close).

    Tractor supply has Rust-oleum Kubota orange for $7.99.
  10. Dennis.D

    chain storage tube

    This is a small tool box, but holds the tools to take off the 3 point arms to install the backhoe.
  11. Dennis.D

    Trailer Tie downs

    This is how I tie it down. 4 straps one on each wheel. Low range 4X4 and lock the brake.
  12. Dennis.D

    R4 or Turf for snow?...and damage to Hydro using single brake?

    I have had both, brake on the same side as hydro peddle and brake on left, hydro peddle on right. When back dragging with bucket the brakes will steer you where you want to go. Same in snow when weight gets lifted off the front tires using bucket. I personally wouldn't purchase a tractor with...
  13. Dennis.D

    Diesel from a 5 Gallon can

    I looked at these, but the reviews were not very good. How was your experience with it?
  14. Dennis.D

    Diesel from a 5 Gallon can

    Go to the hardware store in the pex pipe department and get a 90 degree bracket and you won't need the 3rd hand to tilt the spout into the opening.
  15. Dennis.D

    Where is Your Tractor Kept?

    Its a hydraulic snowblower. It has its own pump and hydraulic tank that mount to the rear. The pump uses the rear PTO. It mounts to the loader arms (SSQH). Made by Erskine. It was a little more $ than a front mount mid PTO w/drive shaft, but I can still switch out for bucket easily and no lift...
  16. Dennis.D

    Where is Your Tractor Kept?

    The first picture is the spot in the toy box waiting for the new Kubota to come home. The second picture is the Gr son backing it in.
  17. Dennis.D

    Top-n-tilt on a Grand L60 with backhoe subframe?

    Did the rear remote come as a kit and did you have to purchase anything after that to have a working top and tilt? Does a person need knowledge in hydraulics to install it? If you don't mind me asking what was the kit price?
  18. Dennis.D

    Idle or Restart

    Sheepfarmer, That makes sense. Even with the old JD 4310 when I did leave it idling it was at 1200 to 1500 rpm. I don't like leaving it at dead idle. I think I will do the same as you suggested. My L6060 is the same as yours, it gains the most with a cold start to warm up. After that real slow...
  19. Dennis.D

    Idle or Restart

    The new DPF systems seem to want it all. I just purchased a new L6060. My old tractor was a JD 4310. The turbo requires a 3 to 5 minute cool down but they say don't let the new DPF systems idle. I also have the same jobs that require me to get off the tractor for 2 minutes to whatever. If I know...
  20. Dennis.D

    Fuel for new tractor

    I would burn that old fuel in my boiler at home and use new ultra low sulfur diesel in my new tractor.