Diesel from a 5 Gallon can



Jul 2, 2018
Bend, OR
1st time refilling the tractor today... and honestly it really was not a good experience.... Got 'er filled and only a few drops of diesel on the tractor.... But there has to be a better way!!!

I have a 5-gallon racing jug..... I unscrew the cap from the flexible spout, and go HUMMMM. How the heck am I going to get the diesel from this 5-gallon can into my tractor..... I need a "3rd hand" to aim the spout as I lift/tilt the 5-gallon can...... And I don't have a 3rd hand.

So what I did was get the 5-gallon can on the backhoe's outrigger.... and with one hand hold the can and the other hand..... get the spout in the tractor's tank.... With a kink in the flexible spout I started lowering the can till it was horizontal (with a kink in the hose)...... It flowed slowly and I got the tractors tank filled...... But there has to be a better way!!!!

Longer clear flexible hose??? - (even with a longer hose, diesel will probably come out the vent as I tip)
And I would rather not have to manhandle a can with 5 gallons in it.

What is the best way to do this??


New member

Apr 7, 2016
Owego NY
One hand on the spout, one hand on the top of the container, and my belly bracing the bottom.

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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Not to be smart but the 2 1/2 gallon jugs work well. yeah they are a PIA but they are easy to lift and pour , and get a funnel a LONG ONE, with a felt filter. Or even go to HF and see if they still have the small pumps


New member
Aug 28, 2017
Lafayette, Alabama
They make siphon hoses that work pretty good. As long as you get the can above the tank your good to do.
Look for a ‘Shaker siphon’ or a ‘Super Siphon’

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Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Funny you mention "gas" cans!

I spent a couple of hours last weekend "fixing" all my plastic "cans!"

I have a bout 5 plastic containers - all 6 some gallons, 3 red for gas and 2 yellow for diesel.

I saw on a video on youtube of the guy that used tire valve stems for venting.


I took the cans that all have the rear handle, (I hate those that do not have both) and drilled a 1/2" hole as the can was inverted. Blew all the plastic debris out. Pull the stem out of the valve and then took a piece of small stainless steel wire, ran it from big hole through the valve and pulled the valve into place - a little tug and it was placed perfectly much like a rim. Left the wire in place- crimped one end.

Then I took the cap, and drilled a small hole in it, and ran the wire through it too and crimped that end. This way I cannot loose the cap and it vents perfectly.

I placed about 20 gallons (3 full cans) in my boat the other day, took maybe 3 minutes total to empty all of it.

All together - not any money spent, and the can cannot expand in the sun due to the small hole in the cap - nor does it spill.



Active member

L6060, Erskine hydraulic snow blower, back hoe
Feb 16, 2018
Central, ME,USA
Go to the hardware store in the pex pipe department and get a 90 degree bracket and you won't need the 3rd hand to tilt the spout into the opening.



New member

B8200D 4WD........ JD 870, FWA, 300x FEL.......... JD 797, 72" Z-Trak
Jul 15, 2017


The "race jugs" like VP brand, the pour spout is so flexible, it should be very easy to bend it into the fuel opening before you even start pouring.

I use normal 5 gallon jugs with a handle on top and back. I changed out all the stupid "no spill spouts" (no spill my arse) with retro fit/repair kits.



My B8200 has the fuel fill in front of the steering wheel. i just bend the spout over until its in the hole, then lift the jug until its empty. Never an issue. The old no spill spouts, i would get diesel everywhere, what a pain in the a$$.
My new Deere has the fill at the rear of the machine, fuel fills are a breeze now.


Well-known member

L3650 GST, Landpride TL250 FEL w/ Piranha, 6' King Kutter, GM1084R Finish
Aug 1, 2017
Scranton, PA
I've just been using my empty 5gal UDT jugs with a hand siphon pump (kerosene heater style). Simple and works great.


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LX2610HSDCC, B/H, Loader, plus numerous other attachments. B7200 sold
Dec 10, 2013
Binbrook, Ontario
I have also struggled with this for years trying to safely fill my B7200 from a 5 gallon diesel jug. As previously stated these always leak. After a recent shoulder operation I decided I had to find a better way. I now tip the jug over on the ground without the spout and pour diesel into a two liter ice cream container. Any similar container can be used here. I then pour it into the tank using a funnel. Works great and I don't have to clean up all the spilled diesel.


Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Funny you mention "gas" cans!

I spent a couple of hours last weekend "fixing" all my plastic "cans!"

I have a bout 5 plastic containers - all 6 some gallons, 3 red for gas and 2 yellow for diesel.

I saw on a video on youtube of the guy that used tire valve stems for venting.


I took the cans that all have the rear handle, (I hate those that do not have both) and drilled a 1/2" hole as the can was inverted. Blew all the plastic debris out. Pull the stem out of the valve and then took a piece of small stainless steel wire, ran it from big hole through the valve and pulled the valve into place - a little tug and it was placed perfectly much like a rim. Left the wire in place- crimped one end.

Then I took the cap, and drilled a small hole in it, and ran the wire through it too and crimped that end. This way I cannot loose the cap and it vents perfectly.

I placed about 20 gallons (3 full cans) in my boat the other day, took maybe 3 minutes total to empty all of it.

All together - not any money spent, and the can cannot expand in the sun due to the small hole in the cap - nor does it spill.

I did that to all of mine about 10 years ago.

Of course such nonsense would not be necessary but for the nanny state.



Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
1st time refilling the tractor today... and honestly it really was not a good experience.... Got 'er filled and only a few drops of diesel on the tractor.... But there has to be a better way!!!

I have a 5-gallon racing jug..... I unscrew the cap from the flexible spout, and go HUMMMM. How the heck am I going to get the diesel from this 5-gallon can into my tractor..... I need a "3rd hand" to aim the spout as I lift/tilt the 5-gallon can...... And I don't have a 3rd hand.

So what I did was get the 5-gallon can on the backhoe's outrigger.... and with one hand hold the can and the other hand..... get the spout in the tractor's tank.... With a kink in the flexible spout I started lowering the can till it was horizontal (with a kink in the hose)...... It flowed slowly and I got the tractors tank filled...... But there has to be a better way!!!!

Longer clear flexible hose??? - (even with a longer hose, diesel will probably come out the vent as I tip)
And I would rather not have to manhandle a can with 5 gallons in it.

What is the best way to do this??
I, too, fill all of my tractors, both gasoline and diesel, from cans.

The gasoline powered Fords are easy, requiring only an old style tractor funnel.

The Kubotas are a different matter.

I use an old style 2 Qt. galvanized steel Plews spout container for the little ones. Works well and prevents spillage.

The L6060 has a tank mounted below the footboards and is easily filled from one of my modified diesel cans allowing rapid filling.

The M9960 ROPS is a PITA as the fill spout is mounted at the rear and is difficult to reach with a 5 gallon can, especially with something mounted on the lift. I use a plastic radiator fill can as were once common at full service gasoline stations but are now difficult to find. I bought mine about 10 years ago at NAPA but they had to order it. I can pour about 2 gallons at a time without much difficulty and with little danger of spillage (if I'm careful).

Last edited:


New member
Aug 28, 2017
Lafayette, Alabama
Funny you mention "gas" cans!

I spent a couple of hours last weekend "fixing" all my plastic "cans!"

I have a bout 5 plastic containers - all 6 some gallons, 3 red for gas and 2 yellow for diesel.

I saw on a video on youtube of the guy that used tire valve stems for venting.


I took the cans that all have the rear handle, (I hate those that do not have both) and drilled a 1/2" hole as the can was inverted. Blew all the plastic debris out. Pull the stem out of the valve and then took a piece of small stainless steel wire, ran it from big hole through the valve and pulled the valve into place - a little tug and it was placed perfectly much like a rim. Left the wire in place- crimped one end.

Then I took the cap, and drilled a small hole in it, and ran the wire through it too and crimped that end. This way I cannot loose the cap and it vents perfectly.

I placed about 20 gallons (3 full cans) in my boat the other day, took maybe 3 minutes total to empty all of it.

All together - not any money spent, and the can cannot expand in the sun due to the small hole in the cap - nor does it spill.

I did this to all mine as well. Had some of the rubber valve stems dissolve and swapped over to the bolt in style.

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L3901, LA525, RC1860, SCR0660, BB1260
May 19, 2018
Magnolia Springs, aL
Have struggled with the same thing. Have broken the gaskets on those "safety" spouts, dumping a half gallon all over before getting the can righted. Real "safe"!

Any product designer that designs something should have to use it. CARB/EPA has companies so locked up to prevent one ounce of emissions that they stopped paying attention to what people actually need to do with their products.

Anyway, saw this post, and I was actually heading over to Tractor Supply this morning to buy one of each of these two designs. I can sit the can on the cowling (L3901), so I think either should work without having wrestle the can, and try to hold 30+ lbs with one hand (contorted) while trying to get the safety do dad open.

Both are vented, both have simple levers or push buttons to let the fuel flow, and both seem to have their handles such that you can actually use them without tearing a rotator cuff.
