Search results

  1. Dennis.D

    My First Tractor!

    Few purchases will give you as much pleasure as a tractor. You can accomplish a lot and enjoy doing it. ItsVery kinda fun. Please remember to always tell the wife how much WORK you got done with the tractor. If you tell how much fun you had, it will make the rest of us look bad. Enjoy your tractor.
  2. Dennis.D

    My First Tractor!

    Very few purchases will give you as much pleasure as a tractor. You can accomplish a lot and enjoy doing it. Its kinda fun. Please remember to always tell the wife how much WORK you got done with the tractor. If you tell how much fun you had, it will make the rest of us look bad. Enjoy your tractor.
  3. Dennis.D

    Instument Panel has condensation on inside on 2015 BX

    Ski doo snowmobiles have had the same problem for the last few years. The clear panel that collected condensation would come off after taking out the instrument cluster. I would clean it and wax it and it would last at least a year. Not sure if the Kubota instrument cluster is sealed, sounds...
  4. Dennis.D

    Lighting laws just for Sidecarflip

    Technically they are both right. Red for rear, amber for front all motor vehicles on the road. Yellow flashing is turn or hazard can be used on both front and rear. Just like a tow truck or in this case a tractor. Hope I didn't just step in a pile of s**t. :)
  5. Dennis.D

    What made you happy you got the backhoe today?

    Like others have said it's not a mini x but it will do most jobs that I feel qualified to do. In the last week I have moved a gutter drain pipe and installed a 40' culvert in my driveway. I called the town and told them I was going to be working on my driveway entrance because of a big hump. I...
  6. Dennis.D

    quick hitch

    I have the I-match. Started on my JD and is now on my Kubota. I have modified all my impliments to hook up to the quick hitch. I just installed a hydraulic top link this winter. So all I have to get off the tractor for now is to hook up the PTO if the attachment has it. Once you get your...
  7. Dennis.D

    B2650 Woodmaxx

    I purchased a WM-8H at the end of last summer. As far as customer support goes, I got the wrong PTO shaft, because of quick hitch it was too short. I called spoke to a "real" person told them my problem and they sent me the longer shaft and I sent the short one back. Couldn't ask for any thing...
  8. Dennis.D

    Grand L6060 cat 1 or 2, 3pt hitch

    Hey All Dodge, where did you get your cylinder? On line or do you have access to them at the stores in your area?
  9. Dennis.D

    Grand L6060 cat 1 or 2, 3pt hitch

    You got a part #? The only part my dealer can find is the kit with top and tilt. The tilt won’t fit with the back hoe frame.
  10. Dennis.D

    Grand L6060 cat 1 or 2, 3pt hitch

    I just got a new cordless grinder for x-mass, I should have thought a that. Thanks guys. :D
  11. Dennis.D

    Grand L6060 cat 1 or 2, 3pt hitch

    I am trying to find a hydraulic top link for my Gr L6060. The pin is 3/4" and the ball width is 1 3/4" on my tractor. From what I have researched this is a cat 1. Most of the cat 1 hyd cylinders are too short. The cat 2 cylinders are the right length and have a lot more push and pull power but...
  12. Dennis.D

    -15 and started right up / NIW complaint thread

    Re: -15 and started right up..... Looks like today we are being chased by the wolves. :D
  13. Dennis.D

    UDT oil for ISO 32 substitute in chipper

    When I purchased my tractor I got a hydraulic snow blower with it. The dealer said they always put the same hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic attachments as the tractor requires. In my case the hydraulic tank on the snow blower was filled with the UTD hydraulic fluid (I will continue to use that...
  14. Dennis.D

    what's the temperature

    With this cold spell taking in most of the country what is the temp where you are? Here in central Maine it is 14 degrees.
  15. Dennis.D

    Tire ballast volume

    search "Liquid Tire Ballast Chart" It will take you to Messicks web page for answers.
  16. Dennis.D

    Michelin surprising remarks on tire ballast,

    I was thinking a lot more weight than that. My loaded tires are about 1100 lbs. plus the weight box or implement.
  17. Dennis.D

    Michelin surprising remarks on tire ballast,

    I was under the impression that it was better for the tractor to have the weight in the tires rather than on the axles. Would the extra wear and tear on axle bearings be worth the marginal difference in foot print.
  18. Dennis.D

    rear remotes on Grand L6060HSTC

    jajiu, Do you have enough room for the top and tilt cylinders with a the back hoe brackets?
  19. Dennis.D

    B2650 cab dome light operation

    I have a Grand L6060 cab and I don't have a door switch. I like the LED idea. I will be looking for the replacement bulb.
  20. Dennis.D

    rear remotes on Grand L6060HSTC

    Does any one have a picture of the rear remotes on a grand L6060 cab tractor? I am looking to add 2 remotes for top and tilt. Its about $2200 at dealer. I do a lot of mechanic work, but have no experience with hydraulics. If its a kit with instructions I'm sure I can put it all together. Looks...