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    Daytona 500

    I agree, NASCAR is not what it was, we went to the Daytona 500 in2010, visited race teams in North Carolina and went to the Nascar Hall of Fame in Charlotte, did the over the wall experience at Charlotte Motor Speedway. I would have said I was a fan. Then came the team orders, drafting, phantom...
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    boom crane

    Well flushed with success using my short 3 point mounted small crane using my 2500 lb HF winch I decided to use my previously fabricated rear fork set and make a boom crane for the same winch. As you can imagine using a small winch is a limit but it is only for lifting theMMM, front snowblower...
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    It is 50 feet long, 5600 lb line from Amazon. I needed 3/16 line for this small winch. Link
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    Recommend me a new grease gun

    Many thanks, I did not know that. I learned something new today -- what a great day.
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    first impression: my new 2601

    I have a B 2301 and it has a float and it is Canadian -I know that because before it starts it says - Eh-Eh-Eh then fires. Congrats and enjoy your new ride.
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    Recommend me a new grease gun

    I got a Kubota one with my tractor in November and it works great, the only question is - it is a brute to get the thing off the grease fitting. You have to wiggle, pull, wiggle, pull, and then it releases, I have for many years used a Wanner gun and it went on and off with ease. I tried it...
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    storing your MMM

    That is the answer I was hoping for. I am in the process of making a small 3 point mounted crane to lift it to the vertical then back it in against the shop wall. Brand new so blades in - this year. Thanks
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    You are correct on the draw. When I use my small HF 2500lb winch I feed it from a 500 amp battery pack, the one you use to jump your car. It saves any cable runs and is remote from the tractor electrics. Also quick to disconnect the power if things go off the rails.
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    storing your MMM

    I was wondering if there is any reason that you cannot store your MMM vertically. I see only 1 oil seal on the gearbox the rest are greased. I ask this as I like to store it indoors and until I build my attachment shed it is in my workshop but it takes up a lot of floor space. Option?
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    I have that winch from HF, I have just rewound it with synthetic line. I have made a tow receiver for the front of my B series, that takes a receiver unit I made for the winch to mount to, which also allows it to be located on the rear with my receiver extender. Yesterday I finished a small...
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    3PTH hitch Blower vs Front snowblower

    I see a lot of badly maintained old and abused walk behind blowers. They are given no maintenance, left outside all summer and then expected to work in cold, harsh conditions, which in my experience they generally do. It is not that expensive to rebuild a front gearbox on one, the gear is...
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    3PTH hitch Blower vs Front snowblower

    The front mounted units are designed the same as a walk behind but as for the component size they is a vast difference. I took apart a 25-year-old Canadiana 28 inch walk behind snowblower last year that had the front drive gear outside the casing, it had machined its way through and the brass...
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    B2650 using SnowBlower Black Smoke!!

    Today the snow was light stuff, I was blowing that 30+ feet with a bit of wind assistance. Checked inside the engine, no snow, at that stage I checked the filter to see if the shorter intake was clear - and it was.
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    B2650 using SnowBlower Black Smoke!!

    Update to the front screens. A couple of days ago while blowing about 3 inches of wet heavy snow I noticed the temp rising, not much above mid position, I decided that I probably had too much restriction so I removed the side panel covers. Today I needed to move about 10 inches and mid-way...
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    My New Cab, LOL

    I attach a picture of my current cab, it has music, anti-fog visor and hearing protection. Works better than goggles and a tuque. Excellent helmet no longer road legal
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    3PTH hitch Blower vs Front snowblower

    I have had both and can say the front is by far the easier on your body. No turning. Throwing distance is about the same, I had paddle extensions on my previous blower but have not seen the need to fit on the new front one -- yet.
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    Bent mid PTO for snowblower

    They mustbe dumping all these bad shafts in Canada. Kidding. It is strange because it was the universal that failed on mine, dealer said that same - never seen it before. I was fortunate mine broke at the mid-point, not the engine side, that let the complete shaft spin-off with only a small...
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Re: What did you do on the Kubota today? Well, I blew snow from yesterday's dump, and according to the weather, we are under a winter storm warning of 6 - 10 inches of snow plus drifting with 20 mph winds. So I can tell you what I will be doing on Monday as well -- blowing snow. This is why I...
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    Winter intake pipe

    Well, we had another ice event last night so it was out with the ice ripper and the full intake cover set up and new pipe. Tractor ran without issue, and the temp for the first time since I got this machine lifted off C. I ran it for about 30 minutes and called it a success. I have no idea...
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    Snowblower brands worth buying?

    Another vote for Allied/ Buhler / Farmall. I ran a 72 inch rear mounted unit on a Kioti, it needed 45 Hp from the PTO. It only had 3 blades on the fans on the unit and threw a good distance. They know snow in the Canadian Prairies. That being said , I do like the front mounted units for...