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    Gravel rake and ice ripper

    Well, after a winter of sheet ice and the issue associated with tearing into that hard surface I decided to make a ripper using a heavy steel grating that I previously used to rake my gravel drive. I ran the unit with great success doing the ice and now the weather has warmed I managed to get...
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    Driveway grading scrapers

    Here is a bit of info that gives setting angles, it might help try to set the tractor link. .
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    Home made tank sprayer

    Thanks for the like on the carry all. I made that one so it hooks over a standard drawbar and then has a top link. It means that it is on the ground when you install it - no lifting and acts like a forklift. I have made a few add-on items, a ballast box again made using a cut down blue barrel...
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    small lifting crane

    Mike, this is just a light weight portable unit, don't jump the gun, I have another in the pipeline, but I am just letting things settle down first. I do not want to cause any cardiac events by posting more stuff too close. I don't have an FEL and my purpose for this although somewhat...
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    small lifting crane

    Sir, you make way too many assumptions on my lack of knowledge and your superior knowledge. I operate from a standpoint based on risk assessment, I evaluate what I want to do, how I want to achieve it and what potential risk is involved to both me, my equipment and my surroundings. This seems...
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    Home made tank sprayer

    The bracket is the removable drop to hold the single sprayer head. I was unsure as to what height was best for spraying so I gave myself room to either lower the carrier or raise the spray location. The drop is not fixed to the drum - obviously but slots into 2 spring button units at the top. I...
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    small lifting crane

    Thanks, at last, a constructive suggestion. Not one trying to tell you how dangerous it is to tie your tractor to an immovable object and try to pull it.
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    Home made tank sprayer

    After making my carry all and thinking that a water tank for watering distant plants and spraying fertilizer would be handy, but, not worth the several hundreds of dollar needed to buy one, I set forth on this contraption. Basically, it is a 55-gallon plastic drum, this one had water soluble RV...
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    small lifting crane

    Well, after all, the debate about wheel stands and the like I decided to do a static lift test. I noticed on the wheelstand thread that it was mostly as a result of the object that was being pulled in fact still being fixed, tree not fully cut through and the like. I only had a 12-foot length of...
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    Homemade 3pt cultivator

    That is a thing of beauty. Looks as if you will fulfill the project brief.
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    small lifting crane

    I think you are confusing a small lifting action to hauling out a complete tree. I see no difference in this attachment to that of lifting the dead weight of any 3 point hitch implement, it is all down to sense and responsible action. You could no doubt cause the tractor to wheel stand but then...
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    small lifting crane

    I am a little lost with the wheelie idea. I didn't just by a Dodge Demon. The 3 point hitch lifts a reasonable load. As I can lower the 3 point and drawbar down to its lowest point and then have just a little ground clearance, not to mention I am dragging a cut log not lifting the entire...
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    small lifting crane

    Well, the lure of some scrap steel was too much and I put together this little lifting rig. It mounts onto a drawbar and is located with a section of C-section, bolted through the drawbar with a 3/4 inch bolt. The top link allows for forward and back adjustment and I just fitted the small...
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    B series front receiver hitch

    Here are the other inserts that I have for this setup. Before someone gets all wound up:) - I have changed over the winch rope to 5000lb synthetic line.
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    Power outlet for sprayer

    I have just finished my 50-gallon tank sprayer that loads onto my home made lift all. I intend to connect the pump to a dash switch through a relay and from the battery and an Anderson connector. That wayI have control of the spray pump and an additional heavy duty connector for my2500 lb winch...
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    B series front receiver hitch

    I made my own for tehB series, I wanted it lower so I could attach the accessories I already had. I have as well as a standard ball mount a drop unit for my utility trailer, a hook and a winch mount plate. I made an extension for the rear so they could be used there too. I have 2 holes in the...
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    My take on BX tie down hooks

    85Hokie, can I ask where you got these d-rings?
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    My take on BX tie down hooks

    These are tidy, simple in design, and look very functional. Nice work.
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    B2650 mid mount mower deck.

    I appreciate that my MMM relates to a B2301 but the deck is a RCK60-32 and it is a suspended, drive over deck , it has the metal ramps. I have not used it yet so as for quality of cut I am just hoping it is good. It was called a "finish deck" by the dealer, was he correct? I have 2 acres of...
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    Brand new B2301 Starting Problems

    I bought a B2301 in November and it starts at idle no bother. 13 hours on the clock. It does push some wet soot out initially but that is normal. I don't know if you are in a winter mix state, or if you have run through a tank of fuel, but just in case the dealer filled it prior to winter mix...