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    Coffee Anyone??

    One cup a day all be it a 1-pint mug, we use a French Coffee press with Folger's original. The mix is 50/50 coffee to milk and now I drink 0% fat. I used to be a full milk man and always said I would not drink milk I could see through, times have changed and I don't miss the fat. Honest!!!
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    Do You Buy Your Grease From Your Kubota Dealer ?

    Project Farm did a comparative test on grease from Walmart and red n tacky.
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    cylinder rebuild

    Good outcome, you have given me hope and I hope a good source of information when I potentially need to do the same. I have yet to cycle my cylinder to see if the leak stops. Did your cylinder leak before it was connected or like mine only after connection? Thanks
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    cylinder rebuild

    You probably looked that this video shows the seals and says which way they are to be orientated. I might be following in your footsteps with a rebuild on my cylinder but I intend to ask Kubota Canada why they are failing. This seems premature.
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    leaking cylinder

    Excellent suggestion GeoHorn, I think well researched with regards to the appropriate song and dance moves. It is not surprising that the comments are from the northern areas but seems strange that the same issue should be related to the 3rd season, no conspiracy here but just saying. This...
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    leaking cylinder

    Strange. What did the seal kit cost if you don't mind saying?
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    leaking cylinder

    It was stored in the same orientation as it is used, attached to the subframe. The consensus seems to cycle it a good few times and all will be OK, I hope so. Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
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    leaking cylinder

    Thanks for that suggestion, I did a couple of cycles when I mounted it then it leaked, and will exercise it tomorrow, hope for the same outcome as you.
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    leaking cylinder

    Thanks, fully retracted in storage and misted with tool saver anti-rust. No visible rust on any part and the piston is clean and polished. If you disconnect the hoses it stops leaking.
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    leaking cylinder

    I wondered if anyone else has experienced this problem. I own a front blower for my B2301 and the quick attach mounting has a cylinder for the lift operation. So, this unit is starting its 3rd winter season, it has had little use as in the number of lift and drop cycles compared to front loader...
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    Snowblower gravel deflector mod

    No doubt some of you have experienced the same issues the last few winters with the freeze-thaw cycle and if you have a gravel drive the skids digging in and the blower collecting and redistributing gravel where you don't want it. So looking over YouTube I noticed some videos where people added...
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    Where to buy drawbar for b2150 (for trailer hitch)

    I don't know if you mean this sort of attachment. I used the bar that was supplied with my B2301 then added a 2x2 section drilled for a pin, added a stop so it did not ride up and then drilled for a standard receiver. I have a selection of bits that fit.
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    Snowblower Chute Mod-Linear Actuator

    If I was you I would modify the attachment of the actuator from the long bolt with a spacer to something more robust. The unit takes quite the beating when in the up position and any drag on the actuator through snow or ice build up will cause the actuator to torque. Thes units are cast aluminum...
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    B2789 Snowblower Issue

    As well as checking the shear pins make sure the 1st stage is feeding into the 2 nd stage, I have seen blowers where the 1st stage was turning in and out from the 2nd stage. With regards the 2nd stage impeller and the gap, I have on my previous Allied 72 inch rear mounted blower added combine...
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    Poor Mans 3pt salt spreader

    Just "Skookum". Can I suggest a small waterproof hat for the salt/sand bin? If the mix is the slightest wet/damp it is a son of a diddly. I bought a cheap 80lb tow behind spreader last year and tried standard tires, tires from a snowblower and they all skidded and gave no rotatory drive -...
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    how to wire linear actuator and 3 wire switch

    I was originally going to wire my actuator and rotator through 2 switches but in the end, liked the idea of a single joystick control. It is a little more complex as each contact has to be wired through a switching relay, that makes 4 relays with a split feed via 2 fuses. As only 1 position can...
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    $5 snow compactor and styler

    Well, after having the same issue as many with a gravel drive - that of setting a well-compacted base I decided to McGyver something to allow me to do this more efficiently than driving up and down flattening the snow with my tyres. Last year we had some serious ice and I made a ripper using a...
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    block heater

    I have a block heater installed on my B series and having tested the power consumption at approx 300 watts I wondered how long it should run. These things are related to ambient temp as previously noted and also coolant volume. I can across this interesting article and post a link. It shows...
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    Test the stability of your tractor with this!

    Thanks for the positive comments. Works well fro me. I have also added a chain lift capability to the higher crane, I sometimes use the chain as belt and braces with the winch line. As for using the HF unit, the slightly more expensive one with the longer base would be easier to mount. I have...
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    How to install horse mat snow edge?

    Where I am I do get snow and to add a nice base before blowing I use a section of a blue plastic barrel to flatten down the snow. I drag it - don't push. I have a gravel drive and the stones do not leave any noticeable wear marks on this plastic. For your situation you could mount a section...