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  1. Butch

    Welp! Its beeen a while!

    K-Bee, I believe you honed your cylinder. Can you share with us how long the cylinder was and what kind of hone did you use? I have a hone but it is for automotive cylinders.... not long enough to do a loader cylinder even if honed from both ends... Have a great day! Butch
  2. Butch

    Perventative maintenance tips

    Guys, Tractor specific for the use of the Kubota Husco control valve:rolleyes:... gotta say yes to some extent. Kubota had a propriitary agreement:mad: with Husco for the B series and most of the L series tractors where the control valves were mounted independently of the tractor itself. They...
  3. Butch

    Perventative maintenance tips

    There are just some things that are not covered in a WSM or operator's manual that we stumble upon that make good sense in prolonging the life of our tractors. Now there may already be a thread that I have not uncovered yet that covers this.... so if there is please feel free to redirect me...
  4. Butch

    Bazinga!!!! I got it fixed!

    Ahhhh..... it ain't quite dumpster diving. What I did was approach the produce manager and asked him what he did with the fruit pulled from the shelves the night before. That's when he said it went to the dumpster. Right now I save him a trip to the dumpster. I pick up the fruit at 7:30 AM and...
  5. Butch

    Bazinga!!!! I got it fixed!

    All is fine guys... just been busy running here and there trying to put together applejack mash. Got hooked up at a local supermarket to scarf up the daily throwaways and much to my amazement... the apples were still in perfect condition. I looked in to it a bit farther and they throw a butt...
  6. Butch

    Bazinga!!!! I got it fixed!

    I am back just been tied up.... will explain later.... Butch
  7. Butch

    front tire locking up

    My neighbor experienced a similar encounter with his 4WD L35. We put it in my shop up on jack stands and ran it. We found the wheel was being stopped when it binded (rubbed) against the subframe at full turn. Further inspection showed the stop that was bolted to the axle housing had broken off...
  8. Butch

    Hello all, new to site and quick question

    Dear Digg71... Just like the guys said... you can't get all the fluid out and what you ended up with is just about right. Trust your dipstick Jimmy! (remenber the Castrol oil commercial) With me and my "orange mistress" :pI don't start sweating until I work on it and find I have a few nuts and...
  9. Butch

    Bazinga!!!! I got it fixed!

    This is worth a new thread... The Husco valve that has been giving me fits is fixed....once and for all. We x-rayed the monoblock stripped down to just the block.... no cracks, broken pieces, or blocked internal honey comb. So we took the spool and chucked it in a lathe and analyzed its...
  10. Butch

    Anyone Know What This Thing Is?

    Me... not a clue. But when skeets brought it up I knew my brother would know for sure if that was what it was... Not holding out on this one.... I had Nooooo clue.
  11. Butch

    ROPS and what can happen

    I had a B2150 4WD w/FEL. I had a raised bucket FILLED with rock ready to roll the bucket to dump. I was on reasonably level ground on the back 40 along an old fence row. That's when all hell broke lose. I was dead nuts sitting still... not moving an inch when the right front wheel abruptly...
  12. Butch

    Husco/Kubota Loader/Front Blade Valves

    Seeing as there is not much info out there on the Husco control valve that Kubota used extensively on their equipment I thought it may be a good idea to post this link to the Husco International site. The link has the shop drawings of the monoblock 9210 valve Kubota used. Hope someone may find...
  13. Butch

    Anyone Know What This Thing Is?

    Bingo! Skeets is 100% correct as it was positively identified as a variable weight conveyor belt tensioning pully weight box. I ran skeets idea past my brother who worked his way up in the industrial rubber/belting industry and he confirmed he had worked with many of these in the coal fields of...
  14. Butch

    One more shot at a possible resolution fix...

    It is funny that you posted a picture of Forrest hot footing it.... I told my crew if I ever heard "oh-oh" or "oops" on the com from within the containment structure after a munition is popped:(.... I am going to scope out :rolleyes:the wind sock and the next thing they will see is my tail...
  15. Butch

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    Tailrotor... where in Pa are ya? I I am dead south of Lancaster 4 miles into MD.
  16. Butch

    What part of PA ya from... I am 4 miles off the PA line south of Lancaster...

    What part of PA ya from... I am 4 miles off the PA line south of Lancaster...
  17. Butch

    One more shot at a possible resolution fix...

    Scott,,, the x-ray cannot tell you what the actual liquid is...just that it is present. Given the stuff we were working with anytime we saw the presence of liquid the pucker factor went up by several orders of magnitude. And yes... whe the films are taken we were a Looooong way removed from the...
  18. Butch

    My Winter Project Paint Job

    Wow that brings back memories:).... my first Kubota was a well used B7100. I pretty much rebuilt the whole thing. It had some pretty rough treatment but we brought it back to life to the point it made a nice down payment of my next one. It was the B7100 that hooked me on Kubota.... much to my...
  19. Butch

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    Scott... two ways of proofing "shine". Pawpaw used to shake it in a jar and observe the size of the bubbles against the glass and to see if it had what he called "legs" as the liquid drained from the side of the jar after shaking. He got it within +/- 10 proof by doing that. Me I am not that...
  20. Butch

    One more shot at a possible resolution fix...

    Hay bailing wire and duct tape (a.k.a. West Virginia chrome) are staples in my tool box. Scott your suggestion could be my plan B:). A couple of the guys I worked with have access to a really powerful X-ray.... no kidding. We used it to peer inside of cannisters that held old WWII munitions to...