I just put the finishing touch on the winter paint job project on my B7100 and thought I'd post some pics of the results. I started by soaking the old girl down with Awesome cleaner /degreaser and pressure washing. I then removed all the sheet metal panels and did the Awesome treatment to the individual parts to make sure I got all the grease and dirt off then scuff sanded with 220 grit paper using scotchbrite pads in hard to reach areas. I picked up a quart of Valspar Kubota orange & hardener at Tractor Supply. I had originally planned to do a rattle can job but figured it was going to cost a lot more. I couldn't find the original Kubota Blue for the frame in the Valspar or any other brand so I bit the bullet and shelled out the cash for the OEM Kubota Paint. I later found out the hard way that the OEM paint won't thin with naptha which is what the Valspar is thinned with, and must be thinned with acrylic enamel reducer. I didn't have any, and decided to try to spray the blue without thinning!
. On a positive note it did minimize overspray! On a negative note the finnish wasn't the greatest with some orange peel on areas such as foot rests. I wasn't too concerned because I wasn't trying to make a museum piece out of it anyway! After all it was my first attempt at spray gun painting
. and I hadn't exactly invested in quality equipment. My spray gun was a cheap (less than $20) gravity gun from Harbor Freight. The orange proved to be much easier to spray since I had the proper thinner and hardener and I was very pleased with the results!
I finished it off with a complete set of new decals and emblems, new headlights, and a new seat!
First I will post a before pic and follow it with a couple of afters! Hope it works!!
Oh by the way don't try this at home unless your an Orange Addict because everything in my garage that wasn't tarped got a Kubota Orange dusting!
Fortunately I was forewarned and had placed tarps and drop cloths over most everything! I even accidentally dusted my grandsons John Deere pedal tractor and considered finishing it off in Kubota Orange but decided he might not like Papaw messing with "his Tactor "!
So I wiped it down with thinner instead!

Oh by the way don't try this at home unless your an Orange Addict because everything in my garage that wasn't tarped got a Kubota Orange dusting!