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  1. FTG-05

    Quick hitch prices

    Agri-Supply's version already has the extended top hook:
  2. FTG-05

    Quick hitch prices

    Great way to spend +$200 so you don't have spend $40 on bushings.
  3. FTG-05

    KX36-3 Alternator wiring - Help!

    Don't run the engine with the alternator unconnected to the battery. It's an excellent method for destroying the alternator. As noted above, it needs to the battery feedback to produce the proper voltage.
  4. FTG-05

    Weld on backhoe bucket hook

    Great weld job! I'm jealous!
  5. FTG-05

    Kubota m9540 front end load capacity

    No! For maximum FEL lifting, unloaded tires with nothing on the 3ph will work just fine. I hope this helps! Regards, Huntsville Hospital ER and Morgue Madison Memory Gardens Funeral Home
  6. FTG-05

    Bolt on bucket chain hooks

    Ken's good people!
  7. FTG-05

    Light bar

    Read the specs: " Input Voltage: 9-30V DC " The 120 watt is most likely at the 30 vdc limit. Hence, 120/30 = 4 amps. At 13.2 vdc, it only makes 53 watts. A 10 amp circuit will more than adequate.
  8. FTG-05

    Light bar

    More than likely the light was rated at 240w with voltages from 9-32 vdc. 240/32 - 7.5 amp or so. At least this is how my Nilite 42" light bar came out. It would blow a 5 amp fuse, but not a 10 amp. The fact that they use 18 ga wires is also a clue that it's no where near 240 watts at 13.2 vdc.
  9. FTG-05

    load tires or not

    All those so-called disadvantages are completely trumped by these two words: Huntsville Hospital.
  10. FTG-05

    Kubota Sidekick Steering Wheel

    Mine is solid as a rock.
  11. FTG-05

    Making a rear ballast for my BX1870. Weight opinion?

    My two rules for 3ph weight ballast are as follows: - If the 3ph can lift it, it's not heavy enough.* - If the 3ph and tractor don't seriously grunt when lifting the weight, it's definitely not heavy enough. * Tongue in cheek for the humor-challenged.
  12. FTG-05

    Tie down points

    Tell me more about the sex straps, please!
  13. FTG-05

    3 point Log Skidder/Trailer hitch

    Used to do that with a hitch, chain and a Logrite log tongs. Then I got a grapple. I've never used the tongs since. Side note: They are the Logrite 28" version (the largest); if anyone wants them, come get it. Before: New, mo bettah way: Plus the added benefit of making bucking...
  14. FTG-05

    Make my own washer fluid for tire ballast?

    RV antifreeze, the -40 or -50 degree type. Fairly cheap (especially now) and is non-toxic. I use about 5 gallons for my 47 gallon capacity rear tires on my L4330. Good enough for SC TN.
  15. FTG-05

    Sidekick 850 Seatbelt alarm

    It's what I do.
  16. FTG-05

    Kubota RTV XG850 Sidekick Experience?

    My XG850 just came in yesterday. The throttle issue is, IMO, a safety issue. Kubota has had +3 years to fix this issue and hasn't. There is simply no excuse for the touchiness of the OEM throttle/foot feed. It's really the only complaint I have about the machine.
  17. FTG-05

    Can you buy individual plugs and connectors for Kubota tractors?

    That looks like the right connector! I looked at the Kubota on-line parts diagram, but there are no part numbers for individual connector, hence I could not search on a part number. Thanks for the help!
  18. FTG-05

    Can you buy individual plugs and connectors for Kubota tractors?

    Assuming I'm understanding you correctly, I want to leave the OEM wiring harness pigtail alone and intact.
  19. FTG-05

    Can you buy individual plugs and connectors for Kubota tractors?

    I'm currently chasing an electrical gremlin with my Kubota L4330. Somewhere between the key switch and fuse panel and the stop solenoid is an intermittent disconnect. I've checked the fuse and the seat switch - one of the many safety switches between the fuse panel and SS - and still no joy...
  20. FTG-05

    RTV-XG850 Sidekick Roof Lights

    Tagged. My new XG should be here any day now.