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  1. drygulch

    FAB Tools

    I've had an Evolution on my list for a long time. Would (er, will) be a nice addition for sure. Hard to say what is favorite or most indispensable, but my belt grinder is way up the list.
  2. drygulch

    FAB Tools

    Mine uses a similar concept. Was recommended by some old timer on Len's Auto Body Forum. (decades gone now I believe). Until now, I had never seen it used again. Pictures aren't great, but basically copper was plumbed into switchbacks, behind the fan/pulley, that drain back into the tank. I...
  3. drygulch

    FAB Tools

    You can never have too many ways to cut metal.
  4. drygulch

    ROP Bar - Light Mounts

    I do agree with you Chim. I find my own ROPS mounted lighting isn't ideal (glare, bugs, etc). While working, I often ponder a forward location where they wouldn't be blocked by the loader or be in physical peril. And if I took the loader off, I might as well sell the tractor. On the JD...
  5. drygulch

    ROP Bar - Light Mounts

    Gotcha (y) Will be curious about your light distribution. Would have preferred a little more even lighting on mine, but tolerable. I had ordered a smallish light bar for forward, but found the two smaller lights were illuminating enough, so I returned. Greg
  6. drygulch

    ROP Bar - Light Mounts

    I did something similar on mine. Got these when they were on sale for $23. They have bright spots, but not horrible. FWIW, yours look similar in wattage and I have found mine to be bright enough for my taste. And I do a fair amount of work after dark. I mounted using nylon washers and nylon...
  7. drygulch

    Diesel Transfer Tank Build

    I'm with you. I'd be willing to see how it played out just to have that fuel on hand. Ends up taking me 45 minutes to get 5 gallons of off-road, which I'm needing quite often at the moment. Good stuff, thanks for sharing.
  8. drygulch

    Yet another tool box fabrication project

    Thanks. Once I thought about making them removable, it seemed to design itself.
  9. drygulch

    Scored at the Metal Recyclers today

    Nice investment in your future. With steel prices where they are my radar is always up. Oddball one I couldn't pass up recently was five 4 x 12 x 1/8" nipples for $5 total.
  10. drygulch

    Handy spanner wrench for top link adjustment

    Handy storage solution :-) I found that I needed leverage on both the top link and jam nut to keep the jam nut from coming loose during operation, more than just hand tightening on one of them. Only needed to happen a couple times for me to want to work on a better solution. The ability you...
  11. drygulch

    Handy spanner wrench for top link adjustment

    If not triple! 💰
  12. drygulch

    Yet another tool box fabrication project

    I’ve seen some nice fabrication projects here for toolboxes. Thought I’d share mine. I did this a couple years back. Heavy duty and plenty of space. Ammo boxes can be swapped out by project. The boxes are from Harbor Freight. I used 2 different sizes to fully use the available space. Each box...
  13. drygulch

    Handy spanner wrench for top link adjustment

    Thank you for your endorsement Tractor Gal. I hope it serves you well! Def lots of ways to skin a cat, especially on a farm. And there is a cost/benefit for every person's situation. But this tool is made for the job, and does it well. Greg
  14. drygulch

    Top link/side link wrench for 3 point hitch adjustment

    This wrench is for adjusting the top link or side link on a Kubota 3 point hitch. It's made from 1045 tool steel and has been hardened and tempered. I made one of these for adjusting implements on my Kubota L3901, and since the tool worked so well, I wanted to see if others would find it...