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  1. S

    Let it snow!

    :cool: Because Cromwell and his bunch take all of ours except the ones with blight, the bastids!
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    Dialing 911 on Cell Phone

    :D Not a little .4 -- .44mag! "Oh, Ah'm so sorry, sherrif! Ah thot dey musta been drug deelerz!" <hee hee hee>
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    Yenibiz -Anybody Bought From Them?

    Sorry, I missed this (and no, I haven't). Have you made the purchase? I can't find the manual; how did you find it? If you haven't already purchased it, teaming up with Daren Todd and getting a manual from his source may be your best option.
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    Tiller size question

    That will work. That is the best approach! The B-series tractors' tillers (I tend to focus on B6100s) I've read about are as wide as or wider than the tread width -- 60" or more. I believe some have a little trouble at 72", but they make it work. Load the tires, and get lots of weight on the...
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    First Oil Change - Now or Later?

    dxhound, lots of very good advice (both ways), so you're still gonna hafta make the choice you were hoping to off-load onto these bums. But they did give you some valuable factors to consider! I'd like to suggest that, if you lean toward an 'early' service, that you wait until spring (after the...
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    Wanted WSM for Kubota B6000

    I got a very good set from Messick's
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    new member says hello

    Hi, gsganzer, welcome and thanks for joining us on the forum! I grew up in Lake Charles, so you can imagine that my 'welcome' is tinged with a bit of hostility, yet your long participation in TBN and your experience with multiple tractors does temper that.:p If you lurk here (and everyone...
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    Confused again

    dotty, it sounds like that's what you need to do. However, I have a nagging thought that I've read that there is not enough power/pressure from that hydraulic pump for running a FEL. I must confess that my memory hasn't been very good since Noah wouldn't let me on his arc and I had to fend for...
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    b9200, b20, bx25d

    I've never been faced with what you're looking at, so please believe that I understand your hesitation -- I'm intimidated by all the issues that are developing in my old gal. I do have the advantage of having worked on my own vehicles, including total engine overhauls and several clutch...
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    b9200, b20, bx25d

    Redpine, replacing a clutch is a lot of work, but selling it with a bad clutch will really hurt your resale price. Discounted parts can be found, and information on how to perform the repair is readily available. Do yourself a favor and research fixing the clutch before selling it! Oh, and...
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    What Size Disc?

    My B6100's 3PH lift capacity is 300lbs; I expect yours is close since the HP in our machines is the same. If you don't hear from someone who can tell you the necessary weight, size, and disc arrangement, I'd suggest building one wider than your widest tread and maybe max 6' wide. Limit the...
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    Need to find a new or used Instrument Panel LCD readout for my M108S Tractor

    Have you tried Kubota? I like Messick's and Coleman Equipment And I've heard good things about West Kentucky Good luck! PS: What happened to your display?
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    It was over too quick. Heard the tree break about the time it hit my shoulder. Got distracted from a proper fright because I was worried it had crinkled the hood! After I got down to see the damage to the hood I saw the stump and realized what had happened. In retrospect, shoulda soiled my...
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Thanks, D2; I am lucky -- but not *that* lucky; it was standing and tipped over on me, so it wasn't bad at all (though a little "road rash"did appear on my arm later. Shoulder hurt enough to think it would be sore, but nope. (Must be cuz it's so close to my head, iz pretty hard, eh?) Guess it...
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    Powered Top and Leveling links

    Oh, wow! What a memory! Hope mine is that good when I get to be your age! (I'm stuck at 14 cuz mama snapped at me, "Shaun, act your age!" ... and she never updated her demand.) :D
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    Bucket position

    Boy, that would be a bummer -- come out in the morning ready to work and find out your pistons had rusted all up! :eek:
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    Silencer forward or upward?

    Shucks! Sorry I din't post this last night! :o Of course, you don't have to worry about things like this! But as for me, I sure am glad I hadn't decided to turn it up! :D
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Hate to post this amid all the snow moving. ;) Finally got some decent weather, started to do a little cleaning up in the back yard, moving some downed trees, abandoned firewood, and uprooting a standing dead tree. Oops...
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    New Member

    Oh, very nice! And as someone far more adept with woodworking tools than a welder, I admire the finished product having the additional challenge/feature of wood construction. I particularly like the "Florida room" inside the ROPS, but seeing that prompts the question: "Why not make it a pop-out...
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    Free Trailer Plans ?

    "That sounds like a plan!" Please keep us updated on what you find, and what you do to reinforce and upgrade. I'm particularly interested since I bought a homemade trailer cobbled together and rather haphazardly cobbled together. Though it worked, it wasn't safe and I'm having to do some...