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  1. dusty-t

    My plow project...

    Couldn't plow a straight furrow if my life depended on it, and Iv'e done a pile of plowing. Very nice work by the way and nice pics. Dusty
  2. dusty-t

    B1600 hydraulic pump

    I keep joking about these girls looking like my sisters, but I am the youngest of 6 and I am 53. 30 years ago my sisters may have looked this good.:eek: Dusty
  3. dusty-t

    B1600 hydraulic pump

    I saw that you did not get any response yet, so I did a little digging. Your engine is a d950 rated at 19 - 20 hp. I couldn't find specs on the hydraulic pump. But my B8200 has the same engine it puts out 5-6 gpm at around 1700 psi. Hopes this helps.:D Dusty
  4. dusty-t

    B7200 1992HST Clutch Issues I NEED HELP!

    Hi guys. There is a shaft that runs from the engine through the clutch to the hydrostatic transmission. When the clutch is depressed that shaft should stop. If it does not stop It is almost impossible to engage the pto. If the shaft is turning you should be able to disengage easily. Now my B8200...
  5. dusty-t

    My plow project...

    Very nice job. More pics, Did I tell you we would like more pics. :D:cool: Dusty
  6. dusty-t

    B6000 seat brace

    Hi GpaG, Welcome to the forum. You are right, it shouldn't be real hard to do. I have made a couple for a little larger models. Use existing bolts top front side or rear. Everything is pretty strong on top of the rear diff so it really doesn't matter were you bolt it. Just make sure to lengthen...
  7. dusty-t

    B1600 hydraulic pump

    I don't have the answer for you but I know there are fellows on here who will. But there are some of us who only log on once or twice a week at times. So just be a little patient and you should get your answer. :D Dusty
  8. dusty-t

    Gear or Hst

    You are right on the money John.:D Dusty
  9. dusty-t

    Gear or Hst

    Hi Jim. Welcome to the forum. There is another thread on this subject if you have some time you can look for that. Hst is nice for loader work or anything where you are going back and forth a lot. No changing gears.They say that the gear drive delivers a bit more power for the HP. Best bet for...
  10. dusty-t

    B8200-Tie rod??

    No problems Traildust. The way I figure it that is what this forum is for. Every time some one gets in on the post you have a chance at learning some thing new. And handyman has helped in the past and probably will do so again in the future. If we all share our questions and knowledge we will be...
  11. dusty-t

    My Winter Project Paint Job

    That looks pretty sweet john. Great job.The grandkids will love it.:cool: Dusty
  12. dusty-t

    B7200 1992HST Clutch Issues I NEED HELP!

    Orangefox40. Push the clutch pedal all the way in and hold it there while pushing the hydrostat pedal. The tractor should not move.:D Dusty
  13. dusty-t

    B8200-Tie rod??

    Thanks Handy. I use stick for everything me & mr mig don't get along. Two passes and fixem up at the end. No I don't think it will break. Took about 30 min to weld. :D Dusty
  14. dusty-t

    B8200-Tie rod??

    I finally got around to fixing this. Went to Ideal Supply (NAPA) in town here. Tie rod end for 80s Camero. Cut and weld. Bingo done. Thanks for the towel trick Handyman. And thanks for all the other folks help too.:D Dusty
  15. dusty-t

    Novice in need of help

    sdoubledub I have seen a few tractors that have a driveshaft running all the way from the rear pto to the front to run a blower. And I know there are front pto kits for some of the older B series but but for your L4200 I don't know. Give it a bit of time some one will some one will notice this...
  16. dusty-t

    B7200 1992HST Clutch Issues I NEED HELP!

    A picture is worth a thousand words traildust. Great post:cool: Dusty
  17. dusty-t

    Going Implement CrAZy

    Hi Slim. There is at least one person on here that has a B8200 with a hoe on it. Give it time and they will find this thread.:D Dusty
  18. dusty-t

    Another great website to bookmark!

    Ain't it the truth:D Dusty
  19. dusty-t

    Westendorf Rear-ender,3point on B6100D

    Hi 2pats2. Handyman gives me too much credit. I have never had anything to do with a rear bucket and I can't find any good pictures of the lift dump mechanism online. I can think of a couple of ways it could be done. If you could post a couple of pictures it would help. Maybe some one will chime...
  20. dusty-t

    L 245 crankshaft

    I think I would like to buy the side lights separate they would look better on an orange tractor. She looks like my sister but Mom says I can't use her for a side light.:cool::cool: Dusty