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  1. ShaunRH

    a winter project?

    Ooooo, that's really close to my picnic table zipline concept! I was really into the idea of really fast food.... :D
  2. ShaunRH

    BX fuel tank cleaning surprise

    If you've got cash to burn, you can get a brushless motor vacuum... There are less...
  3. ShaunRH

    Help me design a bridge for my Kubota.

    This was also my understanding of jurisdictions, which is why I mentioned putting the footings (abutments, but technically those are on the banks) 2' back from the banks. If the waterway is not touched at all (if it's a natural course to start with) then the ACE can't do anything. If it's an...
  4. ShaunRH

    BX fuel tank cleaning surprise

    Diesel shouldn't ignite with a spark but you still don't want to test that theory. You can actually put it into a mason jar with a lit match touching it and it will just put out the match. It needs a little heat before it can ignite with spark or flame, which the vacuum may provide so I...
  5. ShaunRH

    Help me design a bridge for my Kubota.

    Put galvanized flashing over the top of ALL of the stringers before you put on the 2x6's. Screw the 2x6's down through the flashing. You can just use the inexpensive aluminized tape but for the weight you are carrying, flashing would be tougher. This will prevent water from rain seeping in...
  6. ShaunRH

    Can you straighten a bent FEL bucket?

    Lotsa different ways to fix that. Pull the ball and run a chain through the hole, put the tractor up against a sturdy tree trunk (say 18" or so) and loop the chain up through the saddle of the tree. Then push down on the FEL stick and the weight of the tractor should bend it back. Try not to...
  7. ShaunRH

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I'd normally call that a beach... :D
  8. ShaunRH

    The Witch of November

    And today is the 40th anniversary of the Mighty Fitz going down... ... to that same witch.
  9. ShaunRH

    M6950DT Broken PTO Shaft

    I don't know how new the unit is, but the PTO shaft shouldn't sheer off, the pins on PTO devices should give or the clutches should slip. Shearing the PTO is a sign something is really wrong with your PTO drive setup. Check your shear pins and make sure they are not more than Grade 2. If you...
  10. ShaunRH

    Bh 77

    You could have junk in the spools or in the lines that do the work. Inspect both and maybe swap the lines to see if the problem follows the swap.
  11. ShaunRH

    Buddy seat in a 105s

    Have your buddy sit in the cab where you think it might go and see if they fit. Also make certain the seat has some good grab bars.
  12. ShaunRH

    Dream come true - and 1st Tractor!

    It looks to me like you are going to have to terrace that hill off if you want to get the most of it. I wouldn't try climbing it in any mode other than straight up or down it. Any side action and you'll likely roll it. So, that's some loader work from what I'm seeing and then the box blade to...
  13. ShaunRH

    How's your students doing...

    Stupid and educated/motivated aren't the same things. You can be intellectually smart but dumb as a box of rocks at the same time. This is a very different world from the one that most of us grew up in. We are having a hard time relating to our children, let alone pass on common sense and...
  14. ShaunRH

    Dream come true - and 1st Tractor!

    Boosted- You aren't alone. I'm in the same boat as you and my L3200 was purchased new and is working my Texas 6 acre ranchette before I even have a house on the place. It has an OLD 5th wheel RV on it that we sleep in when we are there and the Kubota lives in a shipping container. I agree...
  15. ShaunRH

    b7100 only 800 hours and rebuilt - why?

    Yeah, the kid was literally doing the worst thing to the engine you could. The HST pedal is not a throttle pedal. He was forcing it way above the 'gearing' it should have had for running a tiller. I'm surprised that motor didn't overheat and seize, or it came darned close a lot of times and...
  16. ShaunRH

    How's your students doing...

    Just be happy the author got the letters down right. It means someone in K-1 was doing their job properly.
  17. ShaunRH

    Tool Boxes

    Home Depot gets a very large Husky setup around Xmas time for about $500-ish bucks. It's the largest decent system I've seen for that money and that includes Harbor Freight.
  18. ShaunRH

    How much rear ballast is enough for BX with FEL?

    You are correct sir. I was being extremely generic (call it playing fast and loose) with the math to both keep it simple and realizing it's only a ballpark figure. As the illustration shows, most tractors are designed with the CG about 2/3rds of the way between the axles, biased to the rear...
  19. ShaunRH

    I guess it had to happen

    Well, it did almost hit freezing last night... However it's a balmy 70° outside right now. Don't think we'll be seeing any of that whitish stuff this year, maybe a ton of rain... (I hope!)
  20. ShaunRH

    Sky Hooks?

    I've been wracking my brains all morning trying to recall it. As I recall the show wasn't about the road feat itself but about the site... I'm thinking it was an observatory that was built up on the mountain, so I'll keep wracking my brain and working on it. Still can't find it but found a...