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  1. ShaunRH

    Safety Police

    You can usually put a gate but it must remain open or accessible to all parties that have legal easement (Right of Way in this thread) to the road or entrance. As long as all parties with legal access are agreed in how it is handled, it is legal. Easement does not make it Public Access. The...
  2. ShaunRH

    tach drive unit question

    Don't know if it would work but tach drives are all about gears and RPM's. If the gears are the same and the engine speeds are the same, then the cable is turning at the same rate and it should be fairly accurate. Personally, I'd do a magnet tachometer off the crank shaft or flywheel myself...
  3. ShaunRH

    I know its a rerun, but...

    Wow, the Safety world is that full of oxymoron's? It's called "Common" because it implies a universal understanding of basic rational perceptions of the world. For such a skewed view to exist in a "Safety" environment is frankly... dangerous! I know the Safety Czars went off the rails years...
  4. ShaunRH

    Grading with Bucket is hard. Any tips?

    Backdragging with the fronts off the ground is common, you steer with the brakes. You are looking for max weight on the loader bucket.
  5. ShaunRH

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    One Version... Different version, same concept using something similar to Armstrong's mixture: Just shock sensitive explosives here.
  6. ShaunRH

    Leaking hydraulic line and silver brazing

    That is the proper fix Nickelplated. (It's strange to think that drilling a hole into something that holds pressure is ever a desired thing to do though... :eek: )
  7. ShaunRH

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    I said as much but I feel we do need to reflect on how we treat animals. We created the Feral Hog problem ourselves and we're smart enough to fix it in a humane way. I get the video and the approach, but it's not something we should be proud of as people. There was suffering there that didn't...
  8. ShaunRH

    Leaking hydraulic line and silver brazing

    It's not about it holding the pressure immediately. I have seen this kind of repair done and last for a year and a half on a hydraulic system. The steel is what gives as the crack continues down the steel and when it gets near the edge of the braze it fails. The braze is more flexible than...
  9. ShaunRH

    Oil Spews out of Gasket after oil change- Mechanics fault?

    Boy, it seems that everyone has their stories like this. I'm no different. I used to have Jiffy lube do my oil changes back in the 1990's. I had a Dodge/Shelby Intercooled VNT Shadow. It was a monster for such a small car. Drawback was it had to have it's air filter changed like clockwork...
  10. ShaunRH

    B6000 - Hydraulics

    I agree that could be very deep pitting and the cylinder would need to be skimmed and re-chromed. For the price of that operation on smaller cylinders, it's usually cheaper to buy a new rod or an entire new cylinder. If you are a decent machinist and have access to a lathe capable of handling...
  11. ShaunRH

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    Texas is being overrun in several areas with feral hogs. It's quite the problem. I can see the attempt at a creative solution here but unless it dropped all those hogs instantly with no follow up suffering, it is not what I would condone at all.
  12. ShaunRH

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    Well, I don't think we've 'fallen' to this level, I think it is always there. When you don't see something as 'anything' it's easy to fall prey to this stuff. So I can't quite call them not human, it's an entirely human thing to do. It is not HUMANE which to your point would be killing them...
  13. ShaunRH


    I think he's really talented, really nuts, and REALLY hard on shoes! :D
  14. ShaunRH

    Camper pics

    T@B's are not cheap. Ours has the Queen bed inside, AC and the full extension tent (more than doubles the space of the RV and attaches to the side). It was $12K for the whole set up, 1 year used. Would have been $13.5K new. Not a cheap option. They are built super light and super tight...
  15. ShaunRH

    Tannerite feral hog control...

    Sorry, doesn't seem very humane way to deal with them. I know they are pests and very destructive, but that wasn't really a clean way to kill them. Perhaps more humane than poisoning them. I think the area traps and shooting them is about the most humane way I've heard of.
  16. ShaunRH

    Any other leather crafters here?

    I used to do Leatherworking as a teenager but got out of it. Oddly, last week I bought some leather, lacing needles and I still have some old tooling stuff. I need to make a neck pouch for my ID badge and I'd like to add my challenge coin. So, I'm slightly back into it, but I don't sew, I...
  17. ShaunRH

    the making of erehwon

    Mud is normally fine if you can keep the axles above it. If the mud hits the axles, you're usually done. Mud doesn't plow very well unless you have mad traction! I don't like running in it due to the ruts is leaves and you have to repair them! UGH! Nice work Tempforce, I'm in a similar...
  18. ShaunRH

    Leaking hydraulic line and silver brazing

    Brazing will likely not hold significant pressure over the long haul. It certainly is a viable field fix but the flexing of the base metal against the braze material might create paths and weaknesses in the repair. I don't know what the loads it's carrying are but you might want to save up...
  19. ShaunRH

    Surprised by how fast temp rises on MX

    Yup, you can go from normal to overheat in less than 3 minutes. Don't ask how I know...
  20. ShaunRH

    California screamin...

    AZ and TX are quite similar in their statutes. I know in TX you can actually defend your property with lethal force while on your property. Just walking on your property is not protected but if they try to steal or damage your property, yup, it's self-defense. I think you might have an issue...