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  1. ShaunRH

    L2250 - Major Oil Leak

    That pump looks rebuildable, not sure I'd replace it.
  2. ShaunRH

    top pin

    It is oddly logical. The step might require some pulling force to loosen it (we all use a twisting motion don't we?) then after the step clears the pin suddenly looses half it's holding power, pulling out easily. That's the point were it flies out and we all bang our knuckles on the sharp...
  3. ShaunRH

    3rd Function valve blowing fuse

    Well, Kennyd has a point, I too would start with a meter but I'm familiar with electronics troubleshooting. For someone that isn't familiar with electronics troubleshooting, it's usually better to isolate the condition that causes the problem first, then start troubleshooting what might or...
  4. ShaunRH

    3 Point-hitch Stuck in up position

    We're all going to be growing our own food soon enough... Glad to hear you got it back, sorry it was stolen. As for the Kubota dealer, they need to start disabling the tractors on the lot and only enable them when someone wants to test drive one.
  5. ShaunRH

    Removing hardened 19mm bolt from cast iron L2800

    Oil quench vs. Ice/Antifreeze quench are two different treatments. Oil quench is to more slowly cool the surface of the metal. It makes the surface metals less brittle. Very useful for edged items: slightly harder edge, but flexible core metal. Ice/Antifreeze is looking for a faster cooled...
  6. ShaunRH

    Are Gear shift trans more dangerious ?

    I am sorry to hear of this, a loss of this nature is a loss for the entire community. We tend to blame the equipment first, but usually, it's only one link in the accident chain. His foot may have slipped off the clutch but there are a half dozen other remedies that can be rapidly done to deal...
  7. ShaunRH

    Removing hardened 19mm bolt from cast iron L2800

    Depends on what the goal is of using Mercury. If it's an attempt to somehow 'harden' the surface casing of the EZ out then there are dozens of other methods. If it's to cool with maximum speed, ICE water with anti-freeze mixed in does a good job. That lowers the freezing temp and raises the...
  8. ShaunRH

    G1800 does not move as temp drops.

    Seal conditioner might do nothing at all. I would think with the thicker fluid (cold) it would work and then stop as it heated up with a bad seal, but maybe the seal needs to heat up to swell and start working so a conditioner might help in that case. I've never heard of a non-rebuildable...
  9. ShaunRH

    top pin

    It's probably that way to keep the pin from binding up. There are many forms of top-link pins. Any Farm or Tractor supply store should have plenty of them that would work.
  10. ShaunRH

    Phoenix T-4 Series, 40" Offset Tiller

    I can't speak to the model or the unit itself but that's a lot of money for that small of a tiller. If you are doing a large area (over an acre) then your tractor is likely underpowered for the work you are doing, or you're going to be on that critter all day. That's a premium tiller at a...
  11. ShaunRH

    3pt Post Hole Digger find

    Awesome find! I'm jealous!
  12. ShaunRH

    3rd Function valve blowing fuse

    NI Wolfman is probably referring to the ability to keep watching what he's doing with the controls and seeing if it causes the problem. It's hard to do that kind of testing with a meter. The best way to troubleshoot stuff like this is to actually run the device and see when it happens.
  13. ShaunRH

    Dutch Tractor Porn!!!

    Tons of Deutz tractors there. Love the WWI steam convoy as well. Thanks for the posts guys.
  14. ShaunRH

    The l3200 or b2650 debate is over

    When I was a little spud, my father used to take me on my Grandfather's 8 wheel CASE that looked similar to that. He'd let me drive it all over the fields with me sitting in his lap while he ran the pedals, I'd steer. I drove it through a 14' deep gully ditch and thought that was the funnest...
  15. ShaunRH

    WoooHoooo Implements... Must have Implements !!!

    You sure you're not a California Homeowner tractor operator? The techniques sounds familiar. Box Blade, Rotary cutter if you have acreage, FEL, Posthole Digger and tiller. I'm still working on the tiller and PHD, have the others.
  16. ShaunRH

    2WD L3450 in the snow?

    Bluegill, the quote is "That's the second biggest riding mower I've ever seen"... :D Yup chains and block or lower radiator heater will have it ready for snow. Nice looking tractor. I think the bent stack is a fashion statement isn't it?
  17. ShaunRH

    3 Point-hitch Stuck in up position

    You did what I would've done. If it had never been used before, the metals just 'stuck' in that position after being there for so long. It happens. Nice job breaking it loose. Glad to hear you got the unit back. I'm curious as to who stole it and their motivation... it would show up as...
  18. ShaunRH

    Removing hardened 19mm bolt from cast iron L2800

    For me it's all about patience. If I know I have a stubborn bolt, and the time, I'll PB it every day for a week. The next weekend, the bolt backs right out no matter how rusted it was. You can use heat with cast iron, but DO NOT USE COLD AFTER HEAT!! You have incredibly high odds of cracking...
  19. ShaunRH

    3rd Function valve blowing fuse

    I'd be putting a thermal reset breaker on that puppy. I think that is what NI Wolfman is also recommending. It will not 'blow' until there is enough current to cause a heating reaction and then it decouples until it cools down and then resets. These are common on big rigs and heavy equipment...
  20. ShaunRH

    Land Pride SGC1060 Welds Ripping!!

    MIG or TIG has nothing to do with penetration or quality of weld. Both are different methods/techniques for welding. Standard stick welding would work bonzos for this application as well. Lack of penetration (regardless of the method of welding) is too low of amperage vs. wire feed rate in...