Search results

  1. K

    B4200D Rear axle bearings

    Looks like to me that it'll take removal of cir-clip #140. now getting to it, I dunno??? sorry I haven't been into one of those but, something comes to mind that there was a thread lately about axle removal on a B6000/B7100. If you can find it the process should be similar. It might have been...
  2. K

    BX25 Work Lights

    My opinion, for what ts worth, YES lights, NO drilling. Its really not hard to make a usable bracket to mount them.
  3. K

    Mods #3&4 Forward LED light bar and Alley Lights

    Dramatic change! Nice info and as usual a really clean install. Good job Paul.
  4. K

    L2000DT equivalent

    This is just one of the reasons I love this forum so much. Members, such as two of our newest here, willing to jump in and share under a common banner of "orange friendship." Welcome aboard folks!!
  5. K

    Snow blade for my b2620

    Good start, Be sure that you have bracing further back on the frame or the plate will act as a lever and the fulcrum point will be where that notch and bolt hole in the frame is causing a fracture failure in the frame. I found out the hard way with a snow blade. The forces exerted are...
  6. K

    Changing L3400 Fuel Filter

    I keep a pair clamped on the handgrip of my B7100's rear fender. Ya just never know when...
  7. K

    Snow blade for my b2620

    <<< figured I could fix what I have for a little less or about even verus a factory blade and end up with a plasma cutter for more projects later>>> I like that kind of thinking!
  8. K

    D850 repower

    Me too!! Sure would like a set.
  9. K

    Decals for L175

    Hello, Glad your here! Murray you say, I've spent a lot of time there.(school) I'm right up the road from you in dawson springs. Sorry, I don't really have any answers for you but, there are a couple that have recently done what you purpose. Gurn, who's in Nashville, ideas??
  10. K

    For sale: New seat and suspension out of 3940 Grand

    Hey guys, this is great! We've got another skilled member to bounce questions off of!!! Welcome aboard.
  11. K


    Or, if your an opera browser kinda guy like myself,
  12. K

    Dual Clutch Alignment

    Randy, Glad your Here!I've never done a dual clutch before but, I've done a raceing setup in a street racer a few times. Short of having the correct alignment tool I have used an old input shaft, a handle from an industrial push broom cut down and sharpened to a point, a hammer handle, etc. all...
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    Outta curiosity, Whom/where is that Ky dealer? I could possibly know them or about them.
  14. K

    New owner of Z482 engine.

    From the Inj. pump to injectors then back to the tank s what you need to do.
  15. K

    Can someone answer a question about pulling tractors?

    OHH!Serious engines.
  16. K

    New owner of Z482 engine.

    I think it would be best for a genset type application being s it was a spec-ed engine for that type of constant run use. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if it would make a good candidate for tractor work.
  17. K

    D850 repower

    Well, If you decide you don't want the bracket, etc. give me a shout will ya? I'd like to assemble the necessary parts to do mine sometime.
  18. K

    I'm Bummed

    I've got a spare one at the moment with some new Batts! Hmmm....where did I put that log chain???
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    Virgin Posting!

    Glad to see your here!!!
  20. K

    bx25 front tire leaks

    Can you elaborate? You have direct experience doing this? Long-"ish" fix or emergency repair? thx