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  1. K

    loss of collant in my chevy truck

    Letting it sit idling in place for a half hour should be all it takes to see coolant from the weep hole. Probably less than that if it is the pump. At least it's easy after you get every thing pulled off around if. Good luck,
  2. K

    Leaving tonight for Haiti

    I'm praying for you and the team to have a safe journey and a successful trip. My hats off to you for giving of yourself to lessen the pain and suffering of so many you don't even know. Bless you brother, Tim
  3. K

    loss of collant in my chevy truck

    2nd most popular Place to leak in a Chevy is heater core. Smell blows in cab and most but not all leave air box by drain for condensate. When it ruptures then it really leaks in can then. Tim
  4. K


    Hi and welcome. Why don't you introduce yourself in one of the other sections and show us some pics of your tractor. We like Pics!
  5. K

    How much oil

    Most capicities are avail at and are fairly accurate.
  6. K

    Kubota B7001 clutch problem.!!

    +1, yeah what they said. Also, welcome aboard!!!
  7. K

    It works! LA 211 Loader on my B6100

    Yes, pics would be great!! Tim
  8. K

    Gas is not expensive enough!

    as in Pa. we folks in west Ky are sitting on millions of tons of coal, a workforce willing to go to work to mine it just no one wants it now! EPA, acid rain, etc etc. tim
  9. K

    ROPS , question about fittments etc.

    Ooops! missed the location. But, a factory bar is a great insurance against your life. tim
  10. K

    B7100 with hydraulic spool problems, help need if possibel guys.

    I'm sore afraid that you will be disappointed with the output of the stock hyd pump if you powering a splitter. there have been many discussions about this issue and the B7100. I think it would be wise to at least review those threads. tim
  11. K

    Rear blade.....takes practice

    Yeah when you really break it badly!!!! After a few days you can have fun again putting it back together.
  12. K

    ROPS , question about fittments etc.

    just order one from the dealer. bolt on by yourself, $150. I did it about 10 months ago. I decided my life was worth more than that. You may not think as much of yours.
  13. K

    Newbie from Italy ZB 7000

    Nice!! Keep us updated. And welcome too!
  14. K

    Oil change

    I change the engine oil/filter in my B7100 each spring. it's used pretty hard each spring summer and fall but light duty only during winter. Moving trailers or the few times it snows enough to really need scraping. I figure it is better to change it then to get rid of the the slightest chance...
  15. K


    funny thing , i've bought parts from all over the country but live only an hour away from them and have never been there.
  16. K

    Oil change

    Yep, for my annual hours once a year is enough for me.
  17. K

    Post hole digger and B7100

    Eric, Well if your B6100 handled it there should be no reason a B7100 shouldnt handle it being as they are essentially the same tractor. thanks for the information, nothing beats knowledge!! tim
  18. K

    Post hole digger and B7100

    I'm very interested in this info as well. I need to drill several holes and my hands are no longer able to do it the old way as when I was a kid.
  19. K

    Starter question

    Well can you reassemble and take it to some auto parts store that has a starter machine. maybe they can tell you if it has a bad or shorted armature and or windings. It might be a reasonable next step. some auto electric shops will test for free before they rebuild one, so that may also let you...
  20. K

    Second "Kubota"?

    I don't think I did it wrong but, my second kubota is a kubota! but not a skid steer tho. HaHa kytim