Search results

  1. M

    Orange 'Do Not Adjust' Cap

    I am not sure where you found it; on your tractor, in the engine or what! I do not however think it is related to your tractor. The only time I have ever noticed one of those caps, it was on a bottle jack; I think it is a 'dust cap' or similar. BTW, anybody out there got a 5mm, 0.8 pitch, left...
  2. M

    L2250 Motor Swap Question?

    WOW! you're not easily intimidated are you!? If youse guys don't want to get distracted don't go here...
  3. M

    B6000 Front End Questions

    Try it again. It didn't work when I clicked on it a few hours ago either but it loads now.
  4. M

    L2900 3pt Lift Problem

    I guess I am confused; where/what is the "3pt lift handle" to which you are referring? I'm so naive I thought you were referring to the control lever.
  5. M

    L5450 hydraulic pump coupler shaft

    Thanks PackMan, and Dick (also for the PDF, Dick) and all who read me, responders or not; I really do appreciate you all. It does not seem possible, but Sis, and I were in different OR's, in different hospitals on the same day, as was my wife***8217;s cousin out in Fort Smith; actually she is...
  6. M

    v1505 over revs

    Not short or rude if you axe me. Perhaps Mr. lostintime is a master Kubota mechanic like you and has lots of credentials to stand on. Dude; you may not have intended to come across as strongly as your wording seemed, but it seemed pretty strong to me. Welcome to the forum. That is sincere...
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    1998 B7300 Axle pivot leak...

    Welcome to the forum! Sometimes it takes a little longer for the right guy to respond, but not to worry. Help will be forthcoming; 'promise.
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    L2900 3pt Lift Problem

    Welcome to the forum Grant2K! You have certainly come to the right site for help. Not from me, unless it is battery or electrical related, but these guys know their tractors inside out, upside down and backwards! I would bet that since the 3pt controller has not been moved since the plate was...
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    L5450 hydraulic pump coupler shaft

    Now that is helpful! Thanks Mr. King. I would have neither thought of the flange holes wearing nor inspected them for same if you had not covered/suggested it. What I think is that I got off very lite. It obviously has been like that for YEARS! I am probably lucky my hydro pump seal and gears...
  10. M

    L5450 hydraulic pump coupler shaft

    Thanks Mr. NIWm! Question; I have a side pump!? Well, who would know. Front pump; T10401 on the IPL. And thanks again.
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    L5450 hydraulic pump coupler shaft

    Dudes and other If it ain't one blasted thing it's another! While I had my tractor taken apart to repair a cracked banjo brase, I pressure washed all and did a general inspection. And of course I found something that don't look right. There is no chance that the hydro pump coupler shaft has an...
  12. M

    Anyone using Pallet Forks with a Man Cage?

    My preference is to put a six foot step ladder in the bucket, raise the bucket to full height, then just before climbing to the top of the ladder with my running chain saw, yell " Hey guys, Watch this!!"
  13. M

    Won’t start

    Welcome to the forum Mikey662! You will get some exceptional assistance here if you will help us narrow things down by clearly detailing your observations. BUT,,, and don't get me started on my personal pet peeve, when the comment is made ' I know the battery is good because I checked the...
  14. M

    L5450 Steering Controller Banjo Torque

    BINGO!! And the winner is 200MPH! What do you call it when you divide the SUN'S circumference by it's diameter? Pi in the sky; Man, us science geeks sure are a barrel of laughs! The drawing is T11102 Hydraulic pipe (delivery) 1, under Hydraulic System, under L5450.
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    L5450 Steering Controller Banjo Torque

    Perfect N I Wolfman. As always, you-da-man, the Wolfman that is. Thanks
  16. M

    Front axle locked up

    Spot on Jim! I know if I flipped my sidecar I'd be a little cranky too! Wargle I can not help with your axle issue, but since this is your first post I will extend a warm welcome to you. Stay away from "experts" with an abundance of sarcasm. D2Cat has a quote that I like, something to the...
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    L5450 Steering Controller Banjo Torque

    Touche! But I don't know the answer. I am not a pro-mechanic but I keep things on the farm and on the road going, so just to get a "feel" for it, I torqued it to 90ft-lbs and it SEEMED like it might be a little light; meaning I don't know if vibration will back the bolt out, blow all my fluid...
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    L5450 Steering Controller Banjo Torque

    Not to be too rude D2, but wrong on both answers. Question #2 answer is 4 words (hint hint). As for the banjo, no copper washers, faucet o-ringsX2; which probably makes no difference in how tight to pull/torque them. Thanks for your prompt response, and you are dead right on one count; I do like...
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    L5450 Steering Controller Banjo Torque

    Hi youse guys! I hope everyone did something special on Pi day. 'Been out of pocket for a while. Last time I was active my L 5450 was down because of a cracked banjo braze on the lower, steering controller supply pipe. I finally got it repaired and have been cleaning everything to reassemble. I...
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    Push Button Start on L3450?

    Did you guys hear in the news recently that US scientists have launched a rocket with instruments to investigate the sun! I guess they are going to go at night. Maybe they are going to go when the sun is not at "full" phase.