L2900 3pt Lift Problem


New member

Apr 2, 2019
This is my first tractor so I am very green with hydraulics and stuff. I've tried researching this but haven't found anything that seems quite like my problem.

I bought this tractor a couple months ago and it came with a Woods 650 3pt backhoe on it with its own PTO pump. There are no external rear hydraulics. The previous owner bolted a little plate in front of the 3pt lift handle so it couldn't be moved since it had the backhoe on it. I think the backhoe has probably been on it a long time, likely was never removed much if at all. I've mostly just used the loader and finally would like to use some 3pt implements. So I dropped the backhoe and removed the little plate in front of the handle.

The problem is that the handle for the 3pt lift will not move at all. It is in the lowered position and it feels frozen there. The 3pt arms are hanging all the way down and I can lift them easily by hand and they fall back down with no resistance regardless of what position the adjuster under the seat is in.

I tried turning the block off screw by the filter and that stopped the loader from working. Opened it again and the loader worked fine, no difference in the 3pt.

Is there some sort of external hydraulic line that I can check that should work the rear hydraulics? I'm a competent mechanic but new to hydraulics so any help is appreciated.
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Dec 5, 2010
Dahlonega, GA
This is my first tractor so I am very green with hydraulics and stuff..., ...The problem is that the handle for the 3pt lift will not move at all...
Welcome to the forum Grant2K! You have certainly come to the right site for help. Not from me, unless it is battery or electrical related, but these guys know their tractors inside out, upside down and backwards! I would bet that since the 3pt controller has not been moved since the plate was installed (?) it will need to be disassembled and gone through. I would wait to get some intelligent input before starting into that though. From some of your statements it sounds like you are not easily intimidated so you will be able to proceed with more confidence than I would have. First order of business, if you have not already done so is to go to KubotaUSA and bookmark/favor it for easy access, select view illustrated parts list, agree to terms, enter your model no. in the search box then open the PDF; I guess it's a PDF. Once in there, if you click the little + sign to the left of the hydraulics, or whatever, it will expand your drop-down menu of drawings/diagrams. Indispensable! You are gonna love it. Also buy a digital work shop manual as they are fairly cheap, and it is a good thing too because they are not much help IMHO unless you are already VERY familiar not only with what you are doing, but also where it is located and you already know how to fix it.
Again, welcome. Jim@MilkyWay
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
It sounds like your main issue is the lever will not move... That's probably because something in the linkage has rusted a frozen up, check all of the connection point and lube with something like PB blaster to break up the rust and get the lever moving again.

What you are explaining with being able to lift the three point arm up and they just fall is perfectly normal, it's a floating system, only up pressure, no down pressure.

Also if you do get the lever to move, and the three point rises, then won't drop or drops very slow, check the Knob under the seat to adjust that speed.


New member

Apr 2, 2019
It sounds like your main issue is the lever will not move... That's probably because something in the linkage has rusted a frozen up, check all of the connection point and lube with something like PB blaster to break up the rust and get the lever moving again.

What you are explaining with being able to lift the three point arm up and they just fall is perfectly normal, it's a floating system, only up pressure, no down pressure.

Also if you do get the lever to move, and the three point rises, then won't drop or drops very slow, check the Knob under the seat to adjust that speed.
There really isn't any linkage, the lever goes right into the side of the housing. But I will shoot some PB Blaster on there anyway. It was my first thought that it's just stiff from not moving in who knows how long.

I realize the system has no down pressure, but the thing that concerned me was that the arms fell just as easily despite how I adjusted the knob under the seat. But I guess since no fluid filled the cylinder to lift it there's no fluid to give it resistance to drop more slowly with the knob turned it at this point. Hopefully I can loosen it up with some penetrating oil.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
There really isn't any linkage, the lever goes right into the side of the housing. But I will shoot some PB Blaster on there anyway. It was my first thought that it's just stiff from not moving in who knows how long.

I realize the system has no down pressure, but the thing that concerned me was that the arms fell just as easily despite how I adjusted the knob under the seat. But I guess since no fluid filled the cylinder to lift it there's no fluid to give it resistance to drop more slowly with the knob turned it at this point. Hopefully I can loosen it up with some penetrating oil.
Lifting the arms does not move the hydraulic piston, the hydraulic piston is not physically attached to the push rod for the rock shaft. ;)

The Lever does not just go into side of the housing, it goes through a series of spring washers that hold tension on the lever, they are more than likely just rusted to get her, if it doesn't move after lubing, loosen the tension nuts on the end of the valve linkage to free it up.



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Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Spray penetrating oil where the shaft enters the case of the tractor.

Is there feedback linkage near the seat that attaches (sort of) to the short upper arms?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Dec 5, 2010
Dahlonega, GA
This is my first tractor so I am very green with hydraulics and stuff... ...The previous owner bolted a little plate in front of the 3pt lift handle so it couldn't be moved since it had the backhoe on it...
I guess I am confused; where/what is the "3pt lift handle" to which you are referring? I'm so naive I thought you were referring to the control lever.

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I guess I am confused; where/what is the "3pt lift handle" to which you are referring? I'm so naive I thought you were referring to the control lever.
He is talking about the control lever... :D


New member

Apr 2, 2019
I guess I am confused; where/what is the "3pt lift handle" to which you are referring? I'm so naive I thought you were referring to the control lever.
Sorry, I guess I don't have the nomenclature down quite right...

Well it looks like some PB Blaster may have solved it. I sprayed some on, came back a few hours later and can move the lever easily. I can't believe how firmly it was rusted on there! I felt like I was going to bend the lever if I pushed any harder. I haven't had a chance to run it yet and see it work but I think I'm in good shape. Thanks for everyone's help, I'm glad it was an easy fix this time (fingers crossed)!


New member

May 22, 2023
Just bumping this to the top because I was having this issue. I managing to lift the brush hog was getting to the point where I could only lift it about an inch off the ground. I used some PB on the linkage as shown above and let it sit for about 4 hours while I was working. Went out at lunch and it was a huge difference! Also, there is a plate with 4 bolts in front and below the seat which when removed provides direct access to where the PB needs to be sprayed. This forum saved the day again!