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  1. D

    New to me - 90 B7100

    Sounds like its time for a set of these: Or maybe these: Or buy a cheap wrench of the right size, and...
  2. D

    L245 DT Steering Repair

    Bruce, Some pics would help...:D:D
  3. D

    Daily Chuckle

    This one is a little risque, so click on the video, at your own risque... :D:D
  4. D

    Nuts on Land Pride rotary cutter were absurdly tight

    Its a common problem. I always paint the bolts and nuts, with anti-sieze compound, whenever I get another Bush hog, they only need to be torqued down enough to squash the lock washer, under the nut. When I put them back together, I only use the length of the wrench, as the torque limiter. I...
  5. D

    Another day at the auction...

    Went to an auction, today and bought a fender (only 1) for a box trailer, that had lost part of the original, due to an axle failure. I didn't take any measurements, and the fender was aluminum, not FG, like the original, but I only paid $25 for it. Didn't have any measurements of the...
  6. D

    Gear heads,,,help

    I have an air right angle die grinder that I made a drill chuck fit onto, sometimes that will work in tight places. Snap on also has an air right angle drill, that is tiny, and has screw on drill bits, that really save space, I once drilled out a couple snapped off exhaust manifold studs, with...
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    Daily Chuckle

    whilst on the subject of dogs... :D:D
  8. D

    Tough On The Camshaft...

    I wonder if mexican cars make that thing burp?:D:D
  9. D

    Daily Chuckle

    This one may be a repeat... Yesterday I was buying 2 large bags of dog food at Wal-Mart. I was about to check out when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had an elephant? Since I had little else to do, on impulse, I told her that no I didn't have a dog, and that I...
  10. D

    l185 oil in coolant/coolant in oil

    Sounds like you have coolant leaking into the oil gallery, somewhere. You might try some Blue Devil block sealant, its available through most good parts stores, and a few discounters, too. I used it on my L185, and it seems to be working, 5 months later. I know my block froze, cause it popped...
  11. D

    BX1870 what tiller?

    On one that small, I'd get a 42", but be sure it has the side shift feature. That allows you to set it to cover one tire track, and then line up the next pass, with your previous wheel track. Also, the next year, you can slide it to the other side, and till the garden, in the other direction...
  12. D

    Well, if you're gonna put that

    P*##y motor on it, ya might as well paint it lavender... :D:D
  13. D

    Early birds...

    Or, last one up gets rump roast... :D:D
  14. D

    Race YA

    That chainsaw bike reminds me of this ole country classic... :D:D
  15. D

    Dearborn plow doesn't fit

    judging by cousin booger's welds, on that right most share, that plow may be a better mailbox holder than plow. I wouldn't chop it up, but if i were trying to sell it, I would take a chain, hook it low on the plow, and pull it forward to get a big hunk of mud, to cover up that mess...:D:D
  16. D

    Something for 85Hokie's students ......

    Here's another one, car, this time: :D:D
  17. D

    Race YA

    There was a guy up at one of the tractor shows, up in PA, hadda tractor powered by like 6 or 9, or 13 maytag 1 lunger washing machine engines, Hadda walk around kick starting each one, IIRR...:D:D
  18. D

    L185/L1801 Box Blade size

    Back when I was working at the turf farm, all them kubotas was new L-185's, with turf tires, and 5' wide grader boxes...:D:D
  19. D

    Something for 85Hokie's students ......

    It wooden work, its knot practical goes against the grain He'll have to branch out Oak I'll stop now:D:D
  20. D

    Sweet Corn Picker

    Remember to stagger the plantings of corn, and use different varieties of corn, to keep the corn from maturing all at the same time. THere are sweet corn pickers out there, but as others have said, unless you have more acreage, and a contract with someone to buy your corn, a picker won't pay...