Search results

  1. BadDog

    Have 3pt backhoe, need a 'bota to fit it

    That hoe bears a passing resemblance to one that fits my B2150, though much nicer. I would be happy to test that out for you, and even have the back hoe subframe. When you find a tractor to mount the hoe to, I'll see what I can do to get the hoe back to you, eventually... As NIWM said, good...
  2. BadDog

    Computer virus

    Give them basic minimal sustenance. No spices, no variety, no concern for taste or "presentation", just basic sustenance. Same for environment. No TV, no books, no basketball and weight rooms. Open yard so they can make their own exercise at will, you know like us of the older generation...
  3. BadDog

    How Much Rear Weight on B2620 with Loader???

    Looks to me like hauling around that big blade back there would be a real pain real quick. Particularly the first time you just barely slip past something hand have to turn away (or not) and hang an end. I haven't done it yet, but I'm still planning on filling my rear tires. Then you have it...
  4. BadDog

    Computer virus

    On the Android, a full reset. She doesn't have much on it, and most of that (contacts and such) is managed by a few logins (Google, Facebook), so a reset was a no-brainer. I think the only other option would be to root it to gain access to needed tools, and I'm not interested enough to manage...
  5. BadDog

    warranty coverage, constant speed engine?

    I believe you will find they are talking about things like generators and pump motors, not tractors.
  6. BadDog

    Computer virus

    Short answer, no. Safe enough for your purposes, maybe. My wife actually managed to get a virus on her Android, and another relative got one on her iPhone (to be technically correct, both were mal/adware). Nobody is safe regardless of choice, it's more about mitigating the risk and cost of...
  7. BadDog

    Computer virus

    I access the internet from a dedicated virtual machine. There are several alternatives for low cost or even free. That "Internet" dedicated VM is very simple. It has a basic install of the OS, and the internet browser of choice. Any browsing support apps like PDF views, Flash, whatever are...
  8. BadDog

    SURVEY: Chattering 3 Point (going up)

    It may be different source locations, but it could just as easily be lack of QA. If a critical tolerance is met on 99% of the valves, and they do not properly QA that the tolerance is met (often save cost by spot checking one in a shipment, getting a good one and missing the 15 out of 3000 that...
  9. BadDog

    Built a quick attach front lifting plate this week

    I'm interested in what turns up here as well. My B7100 bucket is well used but in great shape. But my B2150 was sorely abused. Buckled top obviously from looping chains on the open channel upper support. Bowed bottom, likely from clamp on fork used for lifting at capacity. And torn...
  10. BadDog

    Air Compressor Noise ID

    Most every compressor of that style has slots under the motor, and the motor slides to adjust tension. Just make sure to keep the motor square and the pulleys sharing a common plane so the belt(s) runs straight.
  11. BadDog

    Air Compressor Noise ID

    Yeah, easy cheap stuff first, and in this case that's belts. You can and should check tension, but you likely already know that over tension will be very bad for lifespan. Given the history, it almost certainly needs belts anyway. But on the up side, Quincy is fairly reasonable on rebuild...
  12. BadDog

    looking for a sprocket for my front PTO

    Sounds like you should be able to manage the splines with either the lathe or the mill. Maybe easiest on the mill with the rotary table to handle spline indexing, or rig the lathe spindle for indexing the required number of steps. You basically make a cutter by reverse engineering the profile...
  13. BadDog

    What should I do with these dang R4's

    As said, siping is for hard relatively flat surfaces. Can make a HUGE difference if driving up a smooth rock face (think granite boulders and sandstone mounds like Moab), paved road, and ice. Grooving is similar, but able to bite on more irregular surfaces. Both work by presenting more edges...
  14. BadDog

    looking for a sprocket for my front PTO

    I think what he's talking about is more like a timing or primary chain that functions somewhat like a lovejoy joint for drive misalignment. Basically a double row chain sized to match the sprocket, one roller per tooth valley. The drive shaft sprocket fits in one row, the driven sprocket is...
  15. BadDog

    Essential tools in the internal toolbox?

    Truth... That little box isn't big enough to hold more than a motorcycle kit. I would suggest a rag, adjustable wrench (10" if it will fit, 8"?), channel locks (again, good size if possible). Those are the type things you usually need. Maybe the biggest flat head screw driver you can fit...
  16. BadDog


    That's what I have, and why.
  17. BadDog


    If that's for the L3200 in your profile, and assuming it's mild steel (usually safe if not otherwise specified), I suspect it wouldn't last long at all if used for the normal purpose. 3/8" mild steel isn't really hard to bend. It might work on a BX or a small B, but 1/2 AR400 or better would...
  18. BadDog

    Help needed! BF400G Loader Bolt off a L2250. Drawing wanted!

    I believe those wedge bolts are heat treated forgings. I have a fully equipped machine and fabrication shop, and I don't think I would tackle those for that money. The only good approach I see is to use a good tool steel to machine it from solid, then have it heat treated, probably induction...
  19. BadDog

    So you believe bigger is better...

    You know what they say, if you have to ask... I'm guessing it's that or a Bentley, and the Bentley might be cheaper...
  20. BadDog

    Binder chain question

    When I was hauling my rock crawler buggy all over the SW US, I used over center "boomers" to quickly take up chains on the rear axle. Not going for locked down load with a extra lever and straining for that last little bit, just take out the slack. Each had a piece of wire twisted through the...