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  1. airbiscuit

    New products coming in 2022

    Like the gray wheels. Steering brakes on the left - Brilliant. L02 series should have 3pt extendable links and pin type stabilizers as long as they are making improvements.
  2. airbiscuit

    Rear mount snowblowers

    Those shoes look like they are made for walk behind or lawn tractor snowblowers. I would bur the OEM version. Won't your road have a hard packed base of snow after the first snowfall?
  3. airbiscuit

    The truth about 3-point PTO rear push versus rear pull snow blowers?

    BMBlank, If you would like your blower to be a bit wider, you could fab up some wings. I did that for my push type one and they were rugged and performed well.
  4. airbiscuit

    Kubota Orange Paint

    I love the Valspar Implement paint. It is very tough.
  5. airbiscuit

    The truth about 3-point PTO rear push versus rear pull snow blowers?

    You will have to give us your assessment once winter comes. You will have the perfect opportunity to see push vs pull in action.
  6. airbiscuit

    The truth about 3-point PTO rear push versus rear pull snow blowers?

    It sounds like the OPs friend might be in the country. A lot of snow removal contractors use rear pull snowblowers because they are a quick in and out, and they are in suburban settings. It does require some operator awareness.
  7. airbiscuit

    The truth about 3-point PTO rear push versus rear pull snow blowers?

    I have had both - Both MK Martin Meteors. Both function well. If you regularly have snowfalls over 24" or have 4' snow drifts, then a push snowblower is the way to go. You can push into the drifts, but it is cumbersome to do all your blowing in reverse. The rear pull works great for...
  8. airbiscuit

    Rear mount snowblowers

    I have owned a Meteor traditional 3pt snowblower and now have a Meteor Rear Pull Snowblower. I love, love, love the rear pull.
  9. airbiscuit

    Draw bar uses if you have a 3-point or quick hitch mounted receiver?

    Ah, now I remember. It was several posts back. That said, I really like the design of the Omni hitch with receiver mounts top and bottom.
  10. airbiscuit

    Draw bar uses if you have a 3-point or quick hitch mounted receiver?

    I guess I'm trying to figure out why you run a chain back to the drawbar? Why not make something like this? No chain needed.
  11. airbiscuit

    FrankenTraktor Project

    Well done. How about a new video?
  12. airbiscuit

    Traded my L2501 HST for a Kioti DK4210SE

    I'm happy for all the people who got nice orange tractors that started with a K.
  13. airbiscuit

    New Owner of L3200 wondering about oil and maintenance and loss of power issue.

    If you have no tractor experience, get the owner/operator manual and read it from cover to cover. Then check all the fluid levels, air pressure and grease all the zerks. Familiarize yourself with all the controls. Check the air and fuel filters and change if necessary. Power Service in the...
  14. airbiscuit

    Calling all graders, water flow experts

    You have a good start. Standing out there in a heavy rain and observing what the water is doing is a good suggestion.
  15. airbiscuit

    Calling all graders, water flow experts

    I agree with RCW. Just broaden that ditch to be about an 8' wide depression (swale), maybe even a bit deeper than it is now. You can even give it a little curve for aesthetics. Seed it and mow it and it will look great and soak in and drain water.
  16. airbiscuit

    L3010 Implement advice

    I think you could handle a 60" box blade.
  17. airbiscuit

    L3010 Implement advice

    This is from my l3030 Owner's Manual
  18. airbiscuit

    Bucket leveling indicator

    I like the style where there is a little notch in the rod that gives a little hiccup when the bucket is level. Simple to make.
  19. airbiscuit

    L3010 Implement advice

    I think the Goldilocks spot for just about every thing is 5' with the exception of a rear blade which should be 6' as it gets narrower when angled.