Recent content by 22R

  1. 22R

    Reviving a G1900

    If possible post a pic of the way it mounts with the seat up please
  2. 22R

    Reviving a G1900

    Hugo you should open a g1900 parts store for the rest of us:cool: The craftmanship and work you are doing is amazing. I am still so bummed that my combo box got lost on the way to you. Keep posting buddy the updates are inspiring. 22R
  3. 22R

    Reviving a G1900

    Is that seat stock OEM? I have tried to find a direct replacement with armrest for my G1900 but due to the offset mount pattern I cannot locate one. Nice looking machine too btw. I do not have grandkids but my daughters Golden Doodle loves riding in the cart behind my Kubota 22R
  4. 22R

    Arctic Cat...RIP

    I wish I was wrong and you right but Evinrude is gone. BRP pulled the plug on Johnson/Evinrude about 2021. BRP makes a underboard for their Sea doo switch but is in not called a Evinrude and is a goofy looking propulsion system. I am and always was a Mercury guy but I still hate they BRP killed...
  5. 22R

    G1900 3 point hitch seekers Public Service Announcement

    Would it be too much to ask for you to post a few pics of the Hydraulics on your machine? The outlet control valve and whatever the diverter part is to control the deck or 3 point. 22R
  6. 22R

    Question oil dip stick D722 engine in G1900

    Hugo, it looks just like my dipstick. I keep mine at the blue mark line. Unsure bout tightness as mine fits snug. You could replace it or maybe try heat to swell it some for a tighter fit. It does look like a different one in manual, but I think that was just for illustration or we have the...
  7. 22R

    For Sale: GREAT CONDITION! Kubota B7100 HST 4WD 622 running hours

    My guess is it sold locally. 22R
  8. 22R

    Kubota refuses to honor my 5 Year Emissions Warranty on my B3350

    Very well laid out and thought provoking for OP to read. Situation does suck but at this point they are logical steps that may help. Best of luck to OP. 22R
  9. 22R

    Kubota refuses to honor my 5 Year Emissions Warranty on my B3350

    Although it would not be right IMO I wonder if they are saying he was the original owner? Does Kubota warranty transfer with change of ownership? I would think so. Contact your local news station and have em march into the dealer with the cameras rolling and they may decide to assist...... Do...
  10. 22R

    Kubota refuses to honor my 5 Year Emissions Warranty on my B3350

    On what grounds are they denying if it has a Lifetime Warranty? 22R
  11. 22R

    Rehashing old tach idea

    If you can make one, Make two 😊 be sure to post pics when done 22R
  12. 22R

    New addition to the stable

    Congratulations! Nice shape. Be sure to check out drive shaft U joints and make sure HST fan is not sloppy. You can research my post as I have a G1900 that I use as a backup and I did some rehabbing too but looks to be in about same shape as yours. I just got a 3 point hitch for mine but I need...
  13. 22R

    For Sale: GREAT CONDITION! Kubota B7100 HST 4WD 622 running hours

    Sorry for the loss of your Dad Kristen, He sure knew how to take care of his stuff. Does your Mom still have grass to cut? I would make a swap for a 92 G1900 Baby Bota if she is interested. It is almost as nice as your Dad's with about the same hours on the 18HP diesel engine 22R
  14. 22R

    G1700 G1800 G1900 Battery cable and fusable link position

    i agree I always thought it was a bypass till I read it was fusable link. Messicks may can tell ya if you email or call them. 22R