For sale:
Kubota B7100 HST 4WD 1993 621.5 hrs 16hp tractor with front loader, mm belly mower, and boxes of new parts, new filters, fluids, etc. Price OBO. Always been garage kept, super well maintained, and it’s never seen hard labor in any of its 622 running hours. 60inch finish mower RC60-71B detached currently. Front loader model 640 attached. Machine, mower, loader all work beautifully.
This probably is one of the best maintained B7100s ever- I can’t tell you how intense he was about caring for this machine. It currently has some dust in the excess grease so I started cleaning it up so you could see the actual finish of it, not done yet in these photos.
So price is for machine, mower, loader, the extra blades and extra parts, oil, new filters, belts. Prefer for it to go at once as a unit, meaning the mower, loader, and tractor. I plan on going with the best offer I get in the near future. Preference to an easy sale and someone who will appreciate it. Location of machine is Navarre FL. $11,500 OBO.
I have plenty of videos and am happy to answer questions and take more photos and meet people to show the machine. Thanks!

More Detailed info for interested parties:
My dad purchased this shiny new in 1993 and my has babied the snot out of it. Garage kept nearly its whole life. He not only kept up with all maintenance but probably overdid it. He worked on it every weekend. We used to help him wax it regularly, he was always getting new filters and parts and fiddling with it and reading about it. As kids we weren’t even allowed on the same side of the garage with it (lol!), it was that precious to him.
This machine was so so carefully maintained… He was way overboard with things like this. I can’t even explain the care he took with it. Every weekend, doing grease or changing oil or whatever. If you need a reference you can call my sister and she’ll roll her eyes too and complain about it to you for a while. Lol. He was intense about a few things and the Kubota was #1!
I also have boxes of parts that he had lined up to use next. Filters, oil, fluid, belts. This is possibly one of the most anally cared for and best maintained version of this machine. I do have maintenance records and a ton of receipts that indicate all purchases regarding Kubota items. I also have all original fliers, manuals, books related to the machine.
It did have to be parked in a barn for a year, which is where any of the dust in the grease came from, I started wiping the dust/extra grease off so the condition of the machine and the finish were more readily viable. I’m still working on it though so these pictures show it not totally wiped off yet.
Machine has 621 hours on the gauge. It has mowed a little one acre yard one a week in summer, and moved snow once in a while in winter. It has never seen hard labor.

It has the front loader attached already, 60 inch belly mower not attached. Models 640 and RC60-71B respectively. Both purchased new same time in 1993. Both work perfectly. I believe there is also a second pair of blades for the mower, usually already sharpened (as soon as he switches them out, he usually got them sharpened right away). The bottom of the front end loader bucket has some paint worn off, but no real rust formed there or anywhere else I looked (I mention it because this is the only place on the machine or accessories that has signs of use/wear. I’d probably paint it if I could keep it.
It has a functioning 3pt hitch that successfully ran a brush mower and a grader blade and a trailer (I don’t think I have those anymore). But the hitch works well.
So I’d like the machine, loader, and mower all go together to one person if possible. So price is for all as well as every single other kubota item I have, the boxes of parts, manuals, oil, extra blades, belts. Two keys. I am sure there is much more that I’ve forgotten. If you just want the finish mower or just the machine, I guess message me and maybe I’ll split things up.
Also I am ultimately taking the best offer I get in the near future, so if you have a different number you’re thinking, send it over.
In the videos- forgive any user error… these videos are the first time I’ve ever tried to start or operate it. I am also sure I missed some important facts that are needed for tractors, if so hit me up and I’ll answer any question you have. I also can provide more videos or more photos, whatever you need.
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