Thank you for the idea. I forgot this is how my BX alternator works the tach.
I'm doing the same thing as you for my G1800. I programmed up a little HMI with
-Wheel RPM - Feet/Sec - MPH selectable by touch screen
-Battery volts (so I can monitor, as the sprayer and fuel pump are power suckers)
-Fuel PSI (I had problems before and I may turn on/off the fuel pump to save power
-outside air temp (just because I can)
I used a "CYD" (google Arduino and CYD and you'll have it) and a acquisition MCU to pass it data. I'm 3d printing a little "console" to sit beside the speed lever.
For the speed, I CAD modeled discs with magnets and brackets to hold the sensors, and I have them on the axle. Actually looks pretty pro.
For the Engine RPM, I'll try your idea! I was going to affix a magnet on the flywheel and a bracket, but that is cleaner.
I'll share the project on GITHUB when I get it complete. I have the HMI finished, just working on the acquisition MCU to feed it the data.